Data Maintenance - new cave id

Expo Data Maintenance

Experts only

The cave id on discovery, e.g. 2018-dm-07 and on its very first mention in the system, which would be in one or more of:

e.g. Homecoming had to be renamed from 2018-dm-07 to 1626-356.

We do not need to go back and edit old logbooks and wallets

Logbooks and wallets are entirely managed by troggle, so a single edit to the troggle 'cave name alias list' at /cave_data/cavealiases.txt is enough.
e.g. ("1626-2018-dm-07", "1623-356"),
See Cave Aliases below for full examples.

We do need to edit the survex files and cave_data filenames

Survex: in the :loser: repo Troggle: in the :expoweb: repo

Edit the survex files

more here..

Edit the cave_data filenames

more here..

Cave Aliases

Cave alias names can be edited by any logged-in user using an online form: /cave_data/cavealiases.txt

However, if you make a formatting mistake, all of troggle will break instantly.

When a lot are being done, as Becka did in 2024 when she got the new kataster numbers 1623-303 to 1623-316, it is a good idea to cross check (or to edit with a macro) the output from git, e.g.

 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-15/2023-ASH-15.svx => 303/303.svx} (94%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-02/2023-mg-02.svx => 304/304.svx} (90%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-01/2023-mg-01.svx => 305/305.svx} (94%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-17/2023-ASH-17.svx => 306/306.svx} (94%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-05/2023-ASH-05.svx => 307/307.svx} (89%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-08/2023-ASH-08.svx => 308/308.svx} (93%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-09/2023-ASH-09.svx => 309/309.svx} (94%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-mg-04/2023-mg-04.svx => 310/310.svx} (91%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-ASH-16/2023-ASH-16.svx => 311/311.svx} (93%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-RAWDB-02/2023-RAWDB-02.svx => 312/312.svx} (92%)
 # rename caves-1623/{2023-RAWDB-01/2023-RAWDB-01.svx => 313/313.svx} (92%)
        ("2023-ASH-15",   "1623-303"),
        ("2023-mg-02",    "1623-304"),
        ("2023-mg-01",    "1623-305"),
        ("2023-ASH-17",   "1623-306"),
        ("2023-ASH-05",   "1623-307"),
        ("2023-ASH-08",   "1623-308"),
        ("2023-ASH-09",   "1623-309"),
        ("2023-mg-04",    "1623-310"),
        ("2023-ASH-16",   "1623-311"),
        ("2023-RAWDB-02", "1623-312"),
        ("2023-RAWDB-01", "1623-313"),
We also use this alias file to cope with cavers using variant spellings for cave names in wallets and logbooks, e.g.
        ("balcony", "1623-264"),
        ("balkon", "1623-264"),
        ("balconhoehle", "1623-264"),
        ("balkonhoehle", "1623-264"),
        ("balkonhohle", "1623-264"),
        ("balconhohle", "1623-264"),
        ("Balkon Hoehle", "1623-264"),

Some troggle pages will use a new alias immediately, others (most, in fact) will not take any notice until after a DatabaseReset is done.

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