Expo Systems To-Do List

How this works

Click on the solid triangle in a sub-heading to reveal the individual to-do items. Click again to hide.

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Edit this page by using the same "Edit this page" function that you may have used before.

To see the "data maintenance" and "survey data-entry" to-do lists, go to the other TO-DO list

Module to-do texts

These are extracted directly from the todo = '''Thing to do ''' string at the top of each file of troggle code:

Click here to see the programmers' to do within the code.
This list is generated directly from the troggle python code files.

Other coding To Do things

See also these long-running issues which have their own 'to do' implications:

  1. What Troggle Does Badly - Design Decisions
  2. New Menu System
  3. Troggle in 2025-2030

Process Documentation

  • Explain how to link a new cave into the other caves in troggle filesystem
  • Explain how to add photos with the correct URL format to sub-HTML files attached to New Caves
  • svx check on import/upload/edit
  • explain command line to run on newly typed survex file to check for format errors '$cavern xxxx.svx' AS WELL AS doing it online
  • Wallets extras

    Things wallets.py might do in future
  • - being more intelligent about .topo files and thus the lack of scan files,
  • Handbook

    Layout and format
  • Chase Airoa to help fix the menus for phones
  • Look at gov.uk guidelines for inspiration
  • Areas

    Areas (these are the sub-areas)
  • Downgrade the "areas" aspect of the documentation as we don't use these now
  • Remove or rename areas in the troggle code
  • Photos

    Fix the BINS package (Wookey is looking for replacement)
  • set up git on the BINS software? Fix base url sautret.org
  • set up a cron / Makefile job to run BINS
  • why is 'updatephotos' script in expofiles?
  • Document the ~expo/webphotos/ directory and how it works
  • Why does expofiles/photos/xml/ get created containing all the generated xml files? Fix this.
  • galley thumbs etc.
  • :expoweb:/galley/0.htm thumbnails not loading
  • Troggle

    CaveView fixing
  • re-enable CaveView
  • Troggle Refactoring

    MIME types and filename extensions
  • We should use standard https://docs.python.org/3/library/mimetypes.html to convert between mimetypes and filenames, not our own hacks
  • We should not be relying on filenames to accurately describe the format of the files. This is not robus and may also be a bit insecure. We should use python-magic or some other wrapper around Linux libmagic1 C library. But note that there are TWO packages called python-magic, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/436220/how-to-determine-the-encoding-of-text/16203777#16203777
  • Python documentation: Django's use of modern unobvious idioms
  • [DECORATOR] pattern used for login-required pages
  • Get all trogglistas to read https://ebookscart.com/effective-python-by-brett-slatkin-pdf-download/ - downloded to /expofiles/
  • Get all trogglistas to read https://martinfowler.com/tags/refactoring.html
  • gardening our main model files for unused things
  • get rid of 'expeditionday' as a concept everywhere ?
  • Expo Server

    document cgit installation and config
  • as per Wookey on Debian 10. Finish merging Wookey's instructions into handbook
  • MySQL configuration
  • robots.txt completely missing from /home/expo/static or troggle:/media
  • anacron and cron
  • Document "anacron" / cron system on server
  • The To Do pages

    We were working on a more capable and easier-to-use to-do system which would mimic how GitHub Issues do this sort of thing, but now we are just using standard HTML5 tags. OK, using RST could be explored: todo.rst but we don't have a renderer/editor for it yet. But you can edit this page very easily.

    See also Data maintenance to-do list
    Back to Online Systems manual