False 1623-99 Plateau Schacht 99 1623 1d 1/S + 99 1623-99

Entrance gully of 5m leads to 20m pitch at 70° over snow, heading roughly back towards Eislufthöhle. At the base is a 'snow-duck' under a rock wall beyond which a small rift-like chamber descends about 3m. Straight ahead at the same level, the rift quickly becomes an impenetrable slot through which can be seen a 2m wide passage with an ice floor running down from right to left at 5-10°. This is the source of the strong draught. Below the slot is another low hole, this leaks a vague draught and leads to a small boulder-strewn ledge with a definite blackness continuing to the left behind more boulders. Energetic but nervous removal of these gave obvious signs of a continuation, but other commitments and rain prevented a return. Note therefore it has been Left Going. 1979 logbook, 2004 logbook Grade 1 3-d sketch by Tony Malcolm, 1979

3-d sketch - 21k gif
In dataset plateau/99/99.html plateau/99/99.html