Note that this lot is based on the prospecting guide and website, and is probably way out of date already Can't get Austrian number without more work: A1 missing, unsurveyed, untagged B1 missing, unsurveyed, untagged B2 missing, unsurveyed, untagged B3 missing, unsurveyed, untagged - may be findable starting from B4 B5 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but almost certainly identical with a kataster-numbered cave B6 missing, probably numbered in invisible green paint. 8m blind. Too small to go in kataster. B10 missing, occasional sightings ? probably numbered in invisible green paint BS16 unmarked, unsurveyed, coords may or may not be any good BS17 we have no survey data, but believed relocated 2015 ? Remote and hard cave BS19 unmarked, unsurveyed, coords may or may not be any good LA11 we have LUSS data LA12 location in svx, no data LA25 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA26 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA27 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA30 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA34 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map, may be in 1626 LA35 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA37 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA38 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map LA40 missing, unsurveyed, untagged, but given a lat/long probably from the map 1987-02 Surveyed, photoed, tagged. Submitted 2016 1992-X-01 allegedly refindable, but unmarked and undescended 1996-01 needs survey - coords are pre-SA and believed hopelessly wrong 1996-WK-4 cords pre-SA. Failed to refind. 1996-WK-11 explored (digable), surveyed, tagged, photoed. Submitted 2016 1996-WK-12 needs survey, needs retag (2005-89 as no letters in tag kit) 1996-X-01 documented as under 3m long - so should not need an Austrian number 1996-05 apparently a non-CUCC discovery but no evidence of exploration - should be done ! 1997-07 needs survey 1999-MS-01 unmarked, needs survey (unexplored?) 1999-MS-02 unmarked, needs survey (unexplored?) 1999-OB-01 too insignificant to need a kataster number 1999-OB-02 PG: surveyed but data/drawing missing. svx has 3 legs refer wallet 2006#?? Can't see anything in 2006#1 to 2006#33, ie scanned stuff 1999-X-01 needs survey and tag 2000-02 needs survey and photo 2000-08 needs survey 2001-02 needs survey and tag added to spit 2001-03 needs survey 2001-06 needs survey 2001-07 needs survey and tag, exploration incomplete 2001-08 explored. needs survey (has grade2 sketch), and tag (has spit) 2001-09 needs resurvey (original missing) 2001-10 needs survey 2001-11 needs survey, or might be too short for kataster 2001-12 needs survey - may be a VfHM cave 2002-03 needs survey and entrance photo 2002-05 have svx, not in PG. ent coords in 2006#1 2002-06 surveyed, but drawing lost - may be too short for a kataster number. ent coords in 2006#1 2002-07 have svx, not in PG 2002-08 surveyed, but drawing lost. May be pushed by small chemical persuasion 2002-10 needs survey and entrance photo 2002-AD-01 needs survey and entrance photo, and tag 2002-AD-02 needs survey and entrance photo, and tag 2002-AD-03 needs survey and entrance photo, unmarked 2002-AD-04 PG: needs survey. Seem to have 2012 survey data 2002-OB-01 needs survey, tag and more push 2002-W-01 PG says needs survey, but location says "see sketch in survey notes" 2002-W-02 PG: needs survey and tag. Seem to have 2002 svx data 2002-X-09 unmarked and undescended 2002-X-09b unmarked - just a rock shelter, cannot need a kataster number 2002-X-15 unmarked, needs survey and better description if over 10m 2002-X-16 unmarked - may not be penetrable - one word description is illegible 2002-X-17 unmarked, needs survey 2002-X-18 unmarked, needs survey if over 10m 2002-XX needs tag, surveyed, but drawing lost 2003-01 not in PG, have a short svx - refer to wallet 2003#10 2003-07 unmarked, location and photo may not be the right cave, and the 2003-07 tag was on 2003-08 (now 240) 2003-X-11 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2003-X-12 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2003-X-13 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2003-X-14 needs survey and tag. See wallet 2006#12 <5m long, does not need kataster number 2003-X-15 unmarked, needs survey. 2003-X-16 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2003-X-17 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo, or may be too short for kataster 2003-X-18 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2004-01 surveyed, 2004-02 needs survey and possible boulder removal ------- "Mystery cave nearish 186" in same wallet as 2004-03 has no ID, but could be given one, and drawn up. Location ? 2004-04 undescended, no coords 2004-05 undescended, no coords, tag prepared but not placed 2004 - did this ever get done ? Does sound refindable... 2004-06 undescended, no coords, ditto 2004-07 needs survey 2004-08 PG: needs survey. 14 legs svx, refer wallet 2006#16 - sketching really not adequate for a survey 2004-09 undescended, no coords, tag prepared but not placed 2004, probably near (missing) 177 ... 2004-10 PG: needs survey - may be QMs. 8 legs of svx, refer wallet 2013# xxxxx 2004-13 needs survey and entrance photo, only marking is part-drilled spit hole 2004-14 surveyed, but drawing lost. refer wallet 2004#41 2004-15 svx, refer wallet 2004#41 2004-16 undescended, drafts in 2004-17 needs survey 2004-18 needs survey, may go further with low snow 2004-21 unmarked, needs survey, one QM 2005-01 unmarked, survey done but drawing missing, needs entrance photo 2005-02 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2005-03 unmarked, needs survey and entrance photo 2005-06 needs survey 2005-08 needs survey 2005-91 needs survey, may be undescended ? 2005-92 needs survey 2005-93 surveyed, but drawing lost 2005-94 surveyed, but drawing lost 2005-95 surveyed, but drawing lost 2005-96 surveyed, but drawing lost 2005-97 needs survey, or may just be too short to need kataster number 2005-98 needs survey - apparently not a CUCC find 2005-99 needs survey, short but will be hard work (tight) 2006-01 needs survey and marking - undescended 2006-02 needs survey and marking 2006-03 needs survey and marking 2006-05 needs survey and entrance photo 2006-06 surveyed, but drawing lost. ent coords in 2006#1 2006-07 needs survey and entrance photo 2006-08 needs survey and entrance photo - svx ? wallet 2007#31 seems to be grade 1 plan and elev but 2006#33 may be actual survey (2 legs) 2006-09 needs survey 2006-70 surveyed, but drawing lost, needs tag 2006-71 not in PG. see wallet 2006#16 2006-72 surveyed, but drawing lost 2007-01 needs survey, photo 2007-02 needs survey, photo 2007-70 surveyed, but drawing lost 2007-72 surveyed, but drawing lost 2011-01 surveyed, photoed. Katesterable. 3 QM C 2012-HW-01 needs survey or may be less than 10m and not needing kataster number 2012-HW-02 unmarked, needs survey or may be too short for kataster 2012-OK-01 unexplored, unmarked 2012-OK-02 unexplored, unmarked 2012-OK-03 is BS17 2012-NS-03 needs drawing up 2013-sw-01 needs drawing up 2014-NEO_01 surveyed, drawn, tagged. No photo 2014-SD-01 surveyed, not drawn, tagged. No photo 2014-MS-01 to 2014-MS-14 GPS only. No data. 88F not our cave, no survey 88H not our cave, missing E02 not our cave, have survey data from Arge E09 not our cave, have survey data from Arge E16 not our cave, have survey data from Arge E28 not our cave, have survey data from Arge HFG-KA88 not our cave, no survey Have got Austrian number, but not actually/adequately documented: (some things listed as surveyed but drawing lost may mean surveyed by Arge, so we have the data, but no pictures) 37 & 38 to be fair, these aren't our caves, I think... 40 we have survey data, no drawing (mostly not CUCC exploration) 71 drawn up survey, no data (Karl Gaisberger cave, CUCC surveyed) 76 survey of deepest parts deeply suspect (grade 1) 80 needs survey 81 needs survey 82 well-documented, but original survey data thrown away 83 PG: needs survey. Seems to be a *lot* of survey data from 2012 84 missing since c 1977, may actually be 148 85 needs survey - has to be done in a low-snow year 86 missing since c 1977, 25m rift, SE of 82 - needs a search 87 PG says no survey and marking may be wrong. I thought we did survey this ? dataset has Arge resurvey data, 2003 87B too short for kataster and may be incorrectly marked 88 89 missing, 25m shaft. Should have bolts, so ought to at least be indentifiable if found, but person who remembers this may be confusing it with 98 90 needs survey 91 needs survey 92 missing 93 needs survey 94 needs survey 95 needs survey 96 needs survey 97 sketch survey only - has QMs, really needs doing again (but tight and then wet) 98 needs survey (2 pitches to c 48m depth) 99 survey data missing. very esoteric drawn survey. links 76, so this info may be out of date ? 100 needs survey 101 needs survey 102 needs survey 103 needs survey 104 needs survey 105 needs survey 106 numbering cockup 108 needs survey and more convincing description 109 needs survey, probably in low-snow year 110 PG "We don't have a kitten's chance in heck of finding this" but believed now located, needs survey and entrance photo ? 111 needs survey. wallet 2006#32 has GPS fix 112 needs survey. wallet 2006#32 claims to be one, but is just a sketch (and then surface survey) 113 PG says needs survey which will be quite hard as it is 330m deep, but I think that it was surveyed... the coords says "at start of underground survey". Suspect PG bollocks. 114 utterly missing, no conceivable hope of finding or identifying this 117-120 missing, but probably not CUCC anyway 127-130 missing, but probably not CUCC anyway 131-133 not ours, but beware we may have painted these numbers elsewhere... 135 surveyed, but drawing lost 136 surveyed, but drawing lost 137 no survey or coords but near enough a known cave to refind ? 138 surveyed, but drawing lost 139 surveyed, but drawing lost 140 needs survey 141 needs pushed and surveyed, probably mislabelled 131 146 missing, but ought to be refindable from 147, though apparently unmarked, probably undescended 149 missing, but ought to be refindable from 145, though unmarked. needs survey 150 actually too short for a kataster number (2m) 151 ditto (3m?) 152 surveyed, but drawing lost 153 needs survey 154 needs survey 155 mostly undescended 156 needs survey, may go further in a low-snow year 157 needs survey in low snow year, and may link to 107 (PG) but seems to be 2012 survey data 158 drawn survey, but data missing 159 needs survey 160 needs survey and description 164 needs survey 165 needs survey. PG notes another cave nearby with a non-CUCC bolt, which we should also document 171 needs survey - no rigging, walking passage, should be easy ! 173 needs survey 174 needs survey 175 needs survey 176 needs survey 177 missing, no bolts (explored to 35m on Bunde belay) 178 missing 179 missing 180 needs survey 181 needs survey and entrance pic 182 PG says data but drawn survey missing. Needs tag 183 PG says data but drawn survey missing. Needs tag and entrnce pic 184 needs survey, tag and pic 185 PG says data but drawn survey missing. Needs tag 186 needs survey 187 unmarked, only partly explored 188 needs survey 189 needs survey 190 needs survey 191 needs survey and photo 192 missing, paint marked, partially explored, has a spit (not ours?) 194 needs survey 197 needs survey 198 needs survey (=B11) 200 surveyed 1998. data generated from drawn-up survey 201 surveyed, but drawing lost, needs photo 202 surveyed, but drawing lost 203 surveyed, but drawing lost 205 needs retag 206 surveyed, but drawing lost, coords only for 1 (of 5) ent 209 surveyed, but drawing lost 210 needs survey (=1998-03) 214 needs survey 215 Desc says "? Wookey" 216 surveyed, but drawing lost 217 needs survey, desc says "? Wookey" 218 needs survey and retag (WOOK6 - which ought to have been 1996-WK-06) 219 needs survey and retag (WOOK5 - which ought to have been 1996-WK-05) 220 survey done, but missing 222 needs survey and retag (9604) 223 needs survey and retag (96-03) 224 needs survey and retag (9602) 225 needs survey 226 needs survey and description 227 needs survey and description 228 surveyed, but drawing lost, needs marking and entrance photo 229 surveyed, but drawing lost, spit but no tag 230 needs survey and retag (99-04) 235 needs survey 236 needs survey, mistagged as 232 237 needs survey and coords for 2 (of 3) entrances 238 second half of survey from 2012 never drawn up 239 needs entrance photo 242 needs entrance photo 243 needs entrance photo and retag (2001-05) which may have been done in 2004 (yes, PG is that out of date...) 244 needs retag ? Second part of survey allegedly not scanned, so presumably full survey not drawn up 245 needs retag ? Published survey still under number 2003-09 - should really redraw 246 needs retag ? 247 needs retag ? drawn survey, but data missing. Drawn survey is essentially a sketch, so needs a real survey 248 needs retag ? needs entrance photo 249 needs retag ? 250 needs entrance photo (=2000-aa-01) 251 needs retag ? 253 needs entrance photos (2 ents). Needs retag ? (was 2004-15) 254 needs entrance photos (3 ents) 2 ents might need tags (already punched at stone bridge (in 2016)) (was 2004-19) 255 needs retag ? (was 2004-20) 256 needs entrance photo 257 needs underground description 263 needs retag ? (2010-01) 264 allegedly needs retag (2005-05). Seems unlikely... but no-one has actually checked (2015) 268 needs retag (1996WK11) 269 needs retag. 76 bivi cave (was 2004-01 ) 271 Needs retag ? (was 2007-71) Ought to be able to submit documentation and get a number: There are depressingly few here partly because we have actually caught up quite a few in 2017,18,19, and because the documentation and links are so crap... B4 survey needs drawing up (technically too short for kataster?) 2002-AD-04 PG: needs survey. Seem to have 2012 survey data 2004-03 PG: tagged, no survey. 6 legs of svx, refer wallet 2006#15 which contains something that could be drawn as a plan 2004-14 surveyed, but drawing lost. refer wallet 2004#41 2006-73 tagged, unexplored. But seems to be a survey in 2006#31 under name Ice Curtain Cave. No description on website. 2014-SD-01 2014 SD 01 looks a convincing set of docs - survey needs drawing 2006-71 not in PG. see wallet 2006#16. Main cave index page now shows temporary numbers as well as kataster numbers, so serves as main translation table between old/new numbers. Needed because log books will refer to the old number, whilst the website descriptions will (over time) be updated to the final number, and stuff which is documented will go away from the Prospecting Guide...