This file is generated by troggle on Oct. 16, 2023, 7:47 p.m. UTC using the form documented at the form documented at handbook/survey/caveentry.html
False 1623-2012-ns-10 Kleine Baum Höhle 1623 2012-ns-10 1623-2012-ns-10 CUCC (Noel Snape, Hannah Walker, Ian Walker) caves-1623/2012-ns-10/2012-ns-10.svx Down snowslope entrance leads round a corner to bouldery chamber. Various ways on totally choked. Rift ascends at far end up dangerous frost shatter slope. Draft sinks in boulders in main part of cave.

2016: snow plug draughting out, crawl next to it draughting out

2016#49 30m rope, tied round large boulder at entrance 2012-ns-10 26m 8m 18m 1623/2012-ns-10