<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Handbook Troggle Survey Reports</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <style>body { background: #fff url(/images/style/bg-system.png) repeat-x 0 0 }</style> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2> <h1>Handbook Troggle - Beginners</h1> <p><b>Intended audience:</b> All cavers who have never seen Troggle. <p><div align=center><img border="1" class="center" width="150px" src='../tricky-troggle.jpg' alt='git logo'/></a></div> <h3>Background - why we are doing this</h3> <a href="../trogintro.html#why">Troggle - Introduction</a> - Why we developed it<br> <a href="../trogusers.html">Who needs to know What and When</a> (top half of the page only)<br> <h3>Stage I - Basics - The 3 sources of Truth</h3> <p>There are THREE (3) basic sources of data that troggle manages. <ol> <li>Open the page <a href="https://expo.survex.com/expedition/2022">Expo 2022</a> in a new tab in your browser. <li>Scroll down to the second table with 4 columns with headings "Date", Logged trips.." etc. <li>The important 3 columns are, for each day: <ul> <li>The <b>trips</b> or escapades recorded in the <a href="/handbook/logbooks.html">logbook</a>. <li>The <b>surveys</b> recorded in <a href="/expofiles/documents/surveying/survex-guide.pdf">survex files</a>. <li>The <b>raw data notes</b> scanned from survey notebooks and stored in <a href="/handbook/survey/walletintro.html">plastic wallets</a>. </ul> <li>The 4th source of data is the master list of <b>who</b> was on the Expo. This is shown in the top table calendar. The data comes from the <a href="/folk/index.htm">folk list</a>. </ol> <figure class="onright"> <a href="/handbook/survey/index.htm"> <img width=85% src="../../t/76-clipart.jpg"></a> <figcaption style="font-variant-caps: small-caps;"> <em>1623-76 Eislufthöhle</em> </figcaption> </figure> <li>If you don't yet understand how expo uses any of the words above, click on the handbook links above and read the explanations. <li>If you are completely puzzled, read the <a href="/handbook/intro.htm">Expo introduction</a> and <a href="/handbook/survey/index.htm">Cave surveying and data management</a> <br> <h3>Stage II - How to find a lead</h3> <ul> <li>How to find everything anyone has ever discovered about Preztel Passage. Follow the story in the second half of <a href="../trogusers.html">Who needs to know What and When</a> </ul> <h3>Stage III - Explore what troggle produces</h3> <ul> <li>For what you can do with troggle: <a href="../trogreports.html">expo data management with troggle reports</a>. </ul> <hr /> Go on to: <a href="../trogintro.html">Troggle intro</a><br> Go on to: <a href="../trogdocm.html">Troggle - fixing things when the reports are incoherent</a><br> Return to: <a href="../trogindex.html">Index of all troggle documents</a><br /> <hr /></body> </html>