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Ahead, a trench on the left hand side of the passage continues east as <b>Between the Thighs</b>, to enter the west wall of a chamber c 50m long NNW-SSE. Right up a step leads uphill over mud to a dead-end, <b>Zits</b>, after 25m. To the left, the chamber enlarges and continues 25m to a dead end. A duck under a rock arch to the right soon opens out with a ramp on the left leading back to the previous chamber near the north end. Straight on leads to 1st pitch of <a href="offph.htm#naturalc"><b>Natural City</b></a>. A traverse round the left side of the pitch head leads to a flake. The passage above this is the main way on, whilst a sling on the flake is the rig point. <p><center><a href="300dpi/phnear.png"><img alt="Near series survey: 18k gif" width=600 height=450 src="inline/phnear.png"></a></center> <h3><a name="lfolly">Lummatt's Folly</a> (<a href="../../years/1996/index.htm">1996</a>)</h3> <p>Initially described as somewhere to 'throw a couple of legs up' (survey legs) this has proved to be the key to two new entrances and nearly 2 km of cave found in 1996. <p>A careful 2m climb over the top of the 1st pitch of Natural City (traverse line can be rigged) leads up a short ascending passage to a T-junction. Left continues up a mud slope for 5m and ends, with a shelf on the right. <p><a name="dbatcha">Turning right</a> through <b>Cyclopentyl Arch</b> leads along a pleasant walking passage for 15m to a rock wall overlooking a pitch into <b>Deadbats Chamber</b>. On the left hand side of this passage is a 2m climb leading to <a href="offph.htm#offlfolly">passages</a> which ultimately end or drop back into the main way. <h3>Deadbats Chamber (<a href="../../years/1996/index.htm">1996</a>)</h3> <p>Following the downward sloping passage to the left of the wall overlooking Deadbats Chamber at the end of Lummat's Folly, leads to a 4m drop down a rift descending left into the chamber. To the right the rift ascends to an aven. However a bold step off a flake (traverse line recommended) allows the rift to be crossed. Once over, an easy climb down followed by a stoop under one side of a large rock pillar to the left leads to the base of the pitch below the wall at the end of Lummat's Folly. (One of the original dead bats can be found in an alcove to the left here). The chamber (13m x 20m) is substantially floored with mud, encrusted with brown calcite. <a href="offph.htm#offdbats">Side leads</a> to the east have not all been pushed to a conclusion, but the main way on is up the mud slope to the north as <b>Batman Series</b>. <h3><a name="batmans">Batman Series</a> (<a href="../../years/1996/index.htm">1996</a>)</h3> <p>The slope at the north end of Deadbats Chamber enters a level, sandy floored, arched passageway where abundant bat droppings are evident. 15m along this the passage opens out and a traverse to the left along a sloping mud bank above a <a href="offph.htm#bmspit">large pit</a>, with aven above, is required to gain a continuation of the passage north. <p><a name="gcjn">walking on down</a> the main passage, past a blind alcove on the right, the passage lowers briefly to stooping height and opens out. Keeping to the right to avoid a fine mud pool and then left back into walking passage is the main way on. Right is just an oxbow with an <a href="offph.htm#offgcj">aven</a>. The main passage reaches a major junction after 15m, <b>Gotham City Junction</b>, where Puerile Humour splits into two major ways on - <a href="phnth.htm#catwoman">Catwoman's Claws</a> to the left and the continuing <a href="pheast.htm#gcjn">Batman Series</a> to the right. <hr /> <!-- LINKS --> <ul> <li><a href="names.htm">Glossary of passage names</a></li> <li><a href="top.htm">Kaninchenhöhle</a> Cave Description - Overview</li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li> <li><a href="../../infodx.htm">Index to info/topic pages</a></li> <li><a href="../../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a></li> <li><a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index to 1623 caves</a></li> <li><a href="../../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>