CUCC members and guests in Austria 1976 to present

This is a pretty much complete list of all the personnel on 41 CUCC expeditions (there was no expo in 1986), together with the total number of expeditions each has attended and the total number of people on each expedition.

Qualification for inclusion involves some active contribution to the expedition such as going underground, surface surveying, sherpa-ing, camp-shopping or diving for resurgences. Years marked in red indicate some certainty that the person didn't go underground that year. Persons marked in red are thought to have never been underground on expo at all. Note that diving in Altausseer See for the resurgence has been counted as underground:- it certainly counts as effort expended in the pursuit of speleology!

In the table, a section mark (§) indicates someone who was an individual guest of CUCC or of a CUCC member, or who was a member of UBSS or ULSA when they were present as guest clubs in 1981,1982 or 2008-onwards. We don't guarantee to have got all such people correctly marked. Similarly, the currency symbol (¤) marks those who are (or were) individual members of the local Austrian group Verein für Höhlenkunde im Obersteier. A face icon indicates a link to a mugshot (and brief notes) in our Rogues' Gallery. Two of the members listed are inanimate objects - no prizes for guessing which without looking at the photos :-)

The table doesn't include the local cavers who have caved with us at various times. These include particularly Karl Gaisberger :-), Gunter Graf, Sepp Steinberger and Robert Seebacher :-).

Hugh Adams93952
Rob Adams§1112143
Adam Aldridge§171
Michael Allen001
Craig Anderson961
Gunilla Andrée:-)961
Gavin Andrews851
Fernando (Fer) Arbaquero§111
"Jan Arnerdal"§901
Andrew Atkinson (Andy A)¤:-)919294959697990005070910111213141617
Joe Bache§1314153
Ken Baker§:-)801
Philip Balister§151
Jon Barber971
Rich Barker§811
Mike Baslington§:-)971
Phil Batten§96972
Steve Bellhouse:-)949596984
Katey Bender§1416173
Stuart Bennett:-)040507123 + 1
Matthew Bent§061
Morven Beranek-Stanley§071
Olly Betts (Ol):-)909192949699000102040506071213151616 + 1
John Billings06072
Paul Bilton951
Steve Bishop:-)021
Jenny Black§:-)04050607121315168
Robert Bloodworth (Bob Bloodworthy)§:-)941
John Bowers:-)787980834
Holly Bradley§09111213145
George Breley§1516173
Dave Brindle:-)8182833
Ian Brindle§821
Kristian Brooke§171
Vic Brown:-)7677783
Jane Brown881
Hilary Bryden-Brown761
Cameron Bullen§131
Mike Burgess§:-)801
Chris Burnley§131
Chas Butcher:-)8182833
Mike Butcher§171
Mark Byers:-)001
James Carlisle§071
Andy Chapman§10112
Alex Cheesman:-)021
Pete Clifton:-)04052
Dave Collins (Scout)§:-)94952
Duncan Collis (Dunks):-)9596979899000102071110
Andy Connolly:-)79802
Sarah Connolly§171
Andy Cooke§961
Adam Cooper:-)88899093975
John Cordingley§:-)891
John Cownie811
Mike Cox011
Alex Crow11132
Aaron Curtis0607083
Nat Dalton§:-)1415163
Spencer Davey931
Andrew Davidson941
Nicky Davies:-)78832
Anthony Day (Dour):-)939495969799000102030405070911121314151620
Julia Day (nee Bradshaw)§:-)9900010203040507091112131415168 + 7
Edvin Deadman070809114
Chris Densham:-)8788899697101314151610
Brian Derby:-)84852
Andy Dolby:-)82842
Corin Donne§171
Mark Dougherty:-)8889909104071516179
Sophie Draper141
James Eckersley951
Aled Elmore141
Tim Farrar:-)901
Simon Farrow:-)7778793
Andy Farrow:-)871
David Fearon (Damage):-)9092963
Mark Fearon:-)88899091965
Aggy Finn:-)921
Doug Florence:-)7882892 + 1
Simon Flower§:-)99002
Andreas Forsberg§071
Dave Fox7677783
Mike Futrell§1314153
Andrea Futrell§14152
Dave Galvin:-)931
Paddy Gaunt§821
Danielle Gemenis (Dan)§981
Clive George:-)929396993 + 1
Andy Goddard§891
Roshni Gohil:-)161
Judith Greaves:-)81822
Hilary Greaves (Hils)§:-)011
Martin Green:-)00010203040507091011121314151615
Ashley Gregg§16172
Naomi Griffiths:-)831
Julian Griffiths77787980835
Julian Haines¤:-)9192939495969798990310
Brendan Hall§15172
Paul Hammond:-)96992
Tom Handford061
Alex Hannam§171
Letty ten Harkel011
Pete Harley0607083
Ian Harris:-)911
Dave Harrison:-)761
Fay Hartley:-)001
Ralph Harwood§:-)94962
Jess Hatchett091
Sioned Haughton§161
Jon Hauser§111
Bill Hawkswell:-)8489903
Adam Henry§111
Sophie Hentschel§141
Matthew Hicks§961
Thomas Holder§111
Theo Honohan991
Kathryn Hopkins070809114
"Leif Hornsved"§901
Adrian Horrel111
Dave Horsley:-)9697003
Sean Houlihane94982
David Howes:-)8990923
Cat Hulse§11122
Rachel Hunter921
"Balázs Izapy"§961
Martin Jahnke0809103
Kate Janossy:-)9495983
Dave Johnson951
Dave Johnson (Stonker)87881 + 1
Tess Jones:-)930212132 + 2
Steve Jones9808093
Olaf Kähler11122
Matt Keeling:-)90922
Simon Kellet:-)7980813
Juliette Kelly:-)89909196975
Andrew Ketley971
Sandy Knapp§151
Julia Kostelnyk77802
Stefan Kukula:-)851
Andy Kuszyk§151
Pete Lancaster:-)81828384895
Mary Lane971
Fran Lane:-)9192963
Becka Lawson:-)87888996979900010304050708091011121314161721
Carole Leach7677783
Jont Leach:-)7677783
Rod Leach7677783
Lydia Leather§171
Simon Lee§001
Dan Lenartowicz§151
Joe Lenartowicz:-)8889903
Sam Lieberman:-)9296973
Gill Lindsey:-)9192963
Dave Loeffler¤:-)02030405060711126 + 2
Jane Lolly811
Glen Long:-)921
Pete Lord (Petel):-)9394963
Fleur Loveridge§13141516175
Erin Lynch:-)991
Tim Lyons§80812
Fraser MacDonald811
Daniel Mace:-)89912
Olly Madge:-)0304050811126
Eeva Makiranta§081
Tony Malcolm:-)7980833
Stefan Mark§111
Aidan Marks16172
Mike Martin:-)81848587885
Gwyneth Martin881
Pat Martin§811
Amy Matthews§111
Sandeep Mavadia (Deep)§:-)061
Heather McAdam§941
Mick McHale§811
Ruairidh Macleod171
Mark McLean:-)9192963
Earl Merson:-)98990001020304058
Keith Millar:-)878889904
Ian Millar:-)8788893
Iain Miller§911
Ben van Millingen:-)787980834
Dave Milne (Lummat)§93962
Bill Miners:-)001
Janet Morgan:-)81822
Alistair Morris (Ali):-)9293943
Juliet Morse§9610142 + 1
Jenny Moss:-)87882
Chantalle Mouwer061
Richard Mundy071
Phil Murphy§891
Juliette Nash:-)87882
Viz Neogi§151
George North§071
Elaine Oliver141516174
Brian Outram§:-)9697989900010203049
Clive Owen§80812
Neil Pacey§991011144
Sarah Parker§151
Tim Parker:-)81822
Rob Parker§811
John Parrington841
Ian Peachey§161
John Pegler:-)991
Richie Perotton921
Steve Perry7780813
Mike Perryman:-)77802
Nial Peters:-)04050708115
Gareth Phillips09112
Mike Pigram (Mike TS):-)93942
Jacob Podesta§15172
Serena Povia08122
Justin Powell§:-)921
Nick Procter:-)939596994
Claire Purnell:-)901
Nadia Raeburn-Cherradi§171
Roxanne Ramsay (Roxy)§151
Nick Reckert771
Simon Redhead:-)021
Penny Reeves:-)88899195965
Rover Richardson:-)8485878889906
Mike Richardson (Mike TA):-)8485878889909294959697990001091216
Rob Rignall§151
Del Robinson:-)888990914
Mark Roddick:-)85882
Jeremy Rodgers:-)888990964
Tony Rooke:-)90919296979900010203040507080914 + 1
Martin Sabry§:-)941
Hugh Salter:-)8890913
Michael Sargent141516174
Phil Sargent:-)8283173
Haydon Saunders§16172
Tanya Savage:-)899091994
Mark Scott:-)9091923
Alice Shackley§171
Chris Sharman:-)85882
Sue Sharman:-)881
Ben Shaw§021
Mike Shearme:-)781
Wayne Sheldon§011
Julian Shilton:-)9192933
Mark Shinwell:-)9900010203040506070810111213141613 + 3
Martin Sluka§:-)021
Alice Smith§16172
Caroline Smith851
Chris Smith§10112
Elliott Smith§1516173
Gail Smith:-)83891 + 1
Paul Smith:-)8990913
Noel Snape§091112144
Luke Stangroom§1516173
Thom Starnes171
William Stead:-)90972
Ollie Stevens0708093
Jess Stirrups08091112145
Theresa Stolle§11121 + 1
Beryl Strike§821
Peter Swain:-)901
Pete Talling§13141516175
Jon Telling§99072
Bier Tent9900010203040506070809101112131415161719
Paul Theobald§:-)901
Mike Thomas:-)828384894
Mick Thompson§9900013
Nick Thorne:-)777879804
Julian Todd:-)8990919396990003040708091011121314151618 + 1
Phil Townsend:-)81822
Frank Tully§:-)020304050708091012151611
Rachel Turnbull§15172
Francis Turner:-)901
Helen Twelftree9496993
Phil Underwood§:-)9697989900010205060710
Natalie Uomini081
Jack Upsall761
Muff Upsall:-)761
Tim Vasby-Burnie:-)981
Djuke Veldhuis0708113
Lucia Vittorini031
Andy Waddington (Wadders)¤:-)7778798082848990939596981512 + 1
Michael Waddington§151
David Walker1415163
Hannah Walker§121
Ian Walker§09122
Julian Walker§811
Nathan Walker§1516173
Stuart Walker1112133
Becky Ward:-)82831 + 1
Martin Warren§811
Matt Watson1314153
Rob Watson§1416173
Radost Waszkiewicz171
Henri Welbourne:-)91922
Sam Wenham14152
Jared West:-)8788903
Ben Whetton§151
Tina White:-)858889909296997
Sarah White:-)05072
Phil Wigglesworth:-)83842
Philip Withnall171
Heather Wild§991
Jerry Williams:-)921
Jon Williams:-)911
Emma Wilson:-)05070911124 + 1
Robert Winkler§971
Wookey (Wook)¤:-)88899091929395969899000205070911121314151620 + 1
Ben Wright§151
Aiora Zabala111
Sarah Livia Zerbes§11122
Expo head count 9 13 14 9 15 21 14 14 10 8 0 11 21 27 30 24 24 17 18 16 40 21 13 27 23 17 19 14 16 20 12 30 19 22 12 34 24 18 28 35 31 33

294 people have taken part in expo altogether (not counting non-combatants or vehicles(!)), of whom 140 have their pictures on the site so far.

Although few take such statistics seriously, the most dedicated expoers are Becka Lawson (21 expos), Wookey (Wook) (20), and Anthony Day (Dour) (20). Julian Todd holds the record for consecutive expo attendance (10), (along with Mark Shinwell, but he didn't actually go caving on all of those visits). A more obscure record of longest gap between expos has been held by various people since 2004 at 13, and then 17, years, but in 2017 was upped to 34 years by Phil Sargent, which is going to be extremely hard to beat!

Outside-expo caving happens from time to time, with Becka Lawson, Neil Pacey, Julian Todd and Wookey joining various Arge and VfHO trips since about 2000. However, the much talked-about winter expedition/holiday has still not happened, though there is still a lot to be said for it. With draughts reversed in the cold, top entrances should be more obvious and skiing would make a nice change from sitting watching the rain. Some entrances would inevitably be blocked by snow but others seem to remain open all winter.