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		<h2 align=center>Expo 2005: contacts</h2>

		<h4>Expedition Committee</h4>
			<dt>Expedition Leader:</dt><dd>Stuart Bennett (sb476 <!-- foo -->at cam dot<!-- bar --> ac dot uk)</dd>
			<dt>Treasurer:</dt><dd>Olly Madge</dd>
			<dt>Medical Officer:</dt><dd>Martin Green</dd>
			<dt>Sponsorship:</dt><dd>Nial Peters (njp39 <!-- foo -->at cam dot<!-- bar --> ac dot uk)</dd>
			<dt>T-shirt:</dt><dd>Emma Wilson</dd>
			<dt>Insurance &amp; Chocolate:</dt><dd>Sarah White</dd>
			<dt>Top Camp meals:</dt><dd>Earl Merson</dd>
			<dt>Expo webmaster and Kataster coordinator:</dt><dd>Dave Loeffler</dd>
			<br />

	<!--	<p>The expedition committee <i>en-masse</i> may be contacted at </p>	-->
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		<!-- LINKS -->
			<li><a href="../../infodx.htm">Main index of the expedition site</a></li>
			<li><a href="../../index.htm">CUCC in Austria introduction page</a></li>
			<li><a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home Page</a></li>