<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CUCC Expedition Handbook: Online systems presentation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook - Online systems presentation</h2> <h1>CUCC Austria Expeditions: Slides</h1> <h3>Expo Computer & website - Wookey's Presentation 22 Aug 2015</h3> <p>Original presentation is <a href="http://wookware.org/talks/expocomputer/#/">online</a>. This copy includes corrections of fact as of April 2020 [in square brackets]. </p> <table class="trad"><tbody><tr><td style="padding:0 30px"> <p>The annual CUCC expedition to Austria lasts around five weeks each summer and concentrates mainly on new exploration in the high alpine karst of the <span lang="de-at">Loser</span> plateau (about 80km E of <span lang="de-at">Salzburg).</span> Recent large projects are: <h3>Data Storage<br> </h3> <ul> <li>Version-controlled repositories<br> </li> <ul> <li>website ('expoweb')<br> </li> <li>troggle<br> </li> <li>loser</li> <li>drawings (tunneldata)</li> </ul> <li>expofiles - just files</li> <ul> <li>photos</li> <li>presentations</li> <li>posters</li> <li>maps</li> <li>documents</li> </ul> </ul> <h3>Website Structure [as in 2015]</h3> <ul> <li>Static web pages <ul> <li>indexes, festering, background, handbook< </ul> <li>Generated web pages <ul> <li>prospecting guide </ul> <li>Troggle pages <ul> <li>cave pages,survey scans, logbook entries, triplists <li>Troggle also 'wraps' the other [static] stuff <br> </ul> </ul> <h3>WEBSITE LAYOUT [as in 2015]</h3> <ul> <li> <b> <i>years</i> </b> has per-year info (reports, lists, policy, logbooks)</li> <li> <b> <i>handbook</i> </b> contains handbook</li> <li>1626, 1623 are the [Austrian kataster] areas</li> <li> <b> <i>noinfo</i> </b> - dir used to be hidden on public web<br> </li> <ul> <li>scripts are in <i>noinfo/</i> [or <i>scripts/</i> ] </li> </ul> <li>generated files are regenerated with 'Make' in expoweb dir<br> (click on 'others'-> 'Regenerate website' is the same)</li> <ul> <li>prospecting guide is in <i>noinfo/prospecting_guide_scripts</i> [broken] </font> </li> </ul> <li>folk is people list, now generated from <i>folk/folk.csv</i> by <i>scripts/make-folklist.py</i> <br> </li> </ul> <h3>Editing [as in 2015]</h3> Don't try to edit generated files.<br> Can edit in various ways: <ul> <li>In expo file manager (best)<br> </li> <li>Live on website (not recommended)<br> </li> <li>(Clone and) edit on another computer</li> </ul> <p>You always have to commit [version control] afterwards, however you edited. <h3>Managing Files</h3> <b>EVERYTHING should be on the website!</br> (HUGE BINARIES SHOULD NOT BE IN version control)</b> <li>Info should go in the website handbook (as html, or PDF) <li>Layout files edited every year make sense as ODT docs: <br> (survey index, labels, accounting procedure) <li>Link from website, store in website or <i>expofiles/uploads</i> <li>Don't just create a random doc and leave it in 'Desktop'. <li>Think about where some info would be found<br> <h3>Survex Dataset</h3> <li>caves</li> <li>surface</li> <li>surface/terrain<br> </li> <li>fixedpts</li> <li>template: example files<br> </li> <li>docs/datamaintenance.txt has some rules.<br> Should be in the handbook</font> </li> <li> surface/caves connected by ents.svx, which is generated by make-ents.py, which <br> fishes out every point marked with *entrance in the dataset. <br> ARGE do this wrong, with *fix in cave</font> </li> <li> all* make various groupings of data</font> <br> </li> </ul> <h3>Adding a CAVE</h3> <ul> <li>Location<br> </li> <li>Photo</li> <li>Survey data</li> <li>Survey notes<br> </li> <li>Description</li> <ul> <li>rigging guide<br> </li> </ul> <li>Tag status</li> <li>Question marks<br> </li> <li>Drawn up (paper/tunnel/therion)<br> </li> <li>[Now go to the current documentation for <a href="../survey/newcave.html">adding a cave</a>] </ul> <p>You are not finished until all of these are done <h3>Actually adding a cave (1)</h3> <ul> <li>Survey data [as survex file] in loser/caves/<number> <li>Simple caves go in:<ul> <li>location, name, description in expoweb/1623/cave_data/ </ul> <li>Complex caves go in: <ul> <li>expoweb/1623/<cavenumber>/ </ul> <li>[Now go to the current documentation for <a href="../survey/newcave.html">adding a cave</a>] </ul> <h3>Actually adding a cave (2)</h3> <ul> <li>Notes go into physical survey folder. <li>Scans go into expofiles/surveyscans/<year>/<year>-<folderID></font> <li>QMs don't seem to have a plan. Needs standardising [now as ;QM in .svx files] <li>Caves with no number are called <year>-<initials>-<nn> and go in file expoweb/cave_data/<kataster_area>-<year>-<initials>-<nn> [e.g. <i>1623-2018-dm-07.html</i>] <li>[Now go to the current documentation for <a href="../survey/newcave.html">adding a cave</a>] </ul> <h3>Troggle </h3> <p><a href="https://www.djangoproject.com/">Django</a>-based. <li>URL list filter /cave, /expedition, /survey <li>Templates for pages <li>Processors to generate them<br> <li>Parsers to read in from website files. <li>Database back end (mysql)<br> <li>The files are the 'real' database. <li>Run <i>databaseReset.py reset</i> <br> <h3>Troggle updating</h3> <li>For a new year, edit expoweb/noinfo/folk.csv <li>This is the thing that 'creates' a new 'expedition' (not the logbook!)<br> <li>Run <i>databaseReset.py reset to reparse everything. <br><br> </ul> </table> <br> Return to <a href="onlinesystems.html">Systems Overview</a> <hr /> </body> </html>