<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CUCC Expedition Handbook: Logbook import</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body><style>body { background: #fff url(/images/style/bg-system.png) repeat-x 0 0 }</style>> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2> <h1>Logbooks Import</h1> <!-- Yes we need some proper context-marking here, breadcrumb trails or something. Maybe a colour scheme for just this sequence of pages --> <h3 id="import">Importing the logbook into troggle</a></h3> <p>This is usually done after expo but it is in excellent idea to have a nerd do this a couple of times during expo to discover problems while the people are still around to ask. <p>The nerd needs to login to the expo server using <em>their own userid</em>, not the 'expo' userid. The nerd also needs to be in the group that is allowed to do 'sudo'. <p>The nerd needs to do this: <ol> <li>Look at the list of pre-existing old import errors at </br> <a href="http://expo.survex.com/admin/core/dataissue/">http://expo.survex.com/admin/core/dataissue/</a> </br> The nerd will have to login to the troggle management console to do this, not just the usual troggle login. <li>You need to get the list of people on expo sorted out first. </br> This is documented in the <a href="folkupdate.html">Folk Update</a> process. <li>Log in to the expo server and run the update script (see below for details) <li>Watch the error messages scroll by, they are more detailed than the messages archived in the old import errors list <li>Edit the logbook.html file to fix the errors. These are usually typos, non-unique tripdate ids or unrecognised people. Some unrecognised people will mean that you have to fix them using the <a href="folkupdate.html">Folk Update</a> process first. <li>Re-run the import script until you have got rid of all the import errors. <li>Pat self on back. Future data managers and people trying to find missing surveys will worship you. </ol> <p>The procedure is like this. It will be familiar to you because you will have already done most of this for the <a href="folkupdate.html">Folk Update</a> process. <pre><code>ssh {youruserid}@expo.survex.com cd ~expo cd troggle sudo python databaseReset.py logbooks </code></pre> <p>It will produce a list of errors like these below, starting with the most recent logbook which will be the one for the expo you are working on. You can abort the script (Ctrl-C) when you have got the errors for the current expo that you are going to fix <pre><code>Loading Logbook for: 2017 - Parsing logbook: 2017/logbook.html - Using parser: Parseloghtmltxt Calculating GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup for 2017 - No name match for: 'Phil' - No name match for: 'everyone' - No name match for: 'et al.' ("can't parse: ", u'\n\n<img src="logbkimg5.jpg" alt="New Topo" />\n\n') - No name match for: 'Goulash Regurgitation' - Skipping logentry: Via Ferata: Intersport - Klettersteig - no author for entry - No name match for: 'mike' - No name match for: 'Mike'</code></pre> <p>Errors are usually misplaced or duplicated <hr /> tags, names which are not specific enough to be recognised by the parser (though it tries hard) such as "everyone" or "et al." or are simply missing, or a bit of description which has been put into the names section such as "Goulash Regurgitation". <h3 id="history">The logbooks format</h3> <p>This is documented on the <a href="../logbooks.html#format">logbook user-documentation page</a> as even expoers who can do nothing else technical can at least write up their logbook entries. <h3 id="history">Historical logbooks format</h3> <p>Older logbooks (prior to 2007) were stored as logbook.txt with just a bit of consistent markup to allow troggle parsing.</p> <p>The formatting was largely freeform, with a bit of markup ('===' around header, bars separating date, <place> - <description>, and who) which allows the troggle import script to read it correctly. The underlines show who wrote the entry. There is also a format for time-underground info so it can be automagically tabulated.</p> <p>So the format should be:</p> <code> ===2009-07-21|204 - Rigging entrance series| Becka Lawson, Emma Wilson === </br> {Text of logbook entry} </br> T/U: Jess 1 hr, Emma 0.5 hr </code> <p> <a href="../logbooks.html">Back to Logbooks for Cavers</a> documentation. <hr /> </body> </html>