This file is generated by troggle on July 15, 2024, 10:07 a.m. UTC using the form documented at the form documented at handbook/survey/caveentry.html
False 1623 2014-867 1623-2014-867 TO DO 2014-BL-01

Wallet 2014#24

Definitely this logbook entry: 29th July 2014 "("Hot Tub"). Katey rigged this with a backup then y-hang down perhaps 15m to a snow plug which might have a way on beyond. It seemed to have a good draft + is in an interesting position above 258/204 so, again, this would be worth returning to."

Probably this logbook entry 2014 08 01 "After a few hours found only one good lead (2014-777) and decided to turn for home, travelled S back to the end of the cairned route but found a more promising hole (2014-888)" so 867 is presumably between 777 and 888. '867' is the sort of number that indicates a Waypoint in a GPS track.