CUCC Expedition Handbook

Expedition Leadership

This is far from a complete checklist. However, it is a series of notes outlining some expo jobs and giving a vague timetable. It needs to be kept up to date!

Expo Committee

In order to make sure that various necessary jobs get done, it is always best to assign tasks to specific people, since otherwise everyone thinks that someone else will be doing it. Define responsibilities early!

Overall coordinator and motivator.
Collects deposits to fund gear-buying. Keep track of accounts and sends out expo bills a month or two after expo returns. Provides expo bire and sesh books.
If you are going to pursue sponsorship, start early (you will be competing with many similar groups and most potential sponsors will be more impressed by an air of efficient organisation than one of last minute desperation).
This covers more than just rope and hangers. The club and expo dear orders are usually combined, so will need to liaise closely with sponsorship officer and club Tackle Master.
The logistics of getting 20 or so cavers and half a tonne of miscellaneous gear out to Austria, on a shoestring budget with a limited number of cars, and people coming-from/going-to various places are daunting. The job mostly involves collating info and badering people regularly. Starting early saves everyone money.
Project officers
If there is a special project which has its own special needs (radios, aerial photos or whatever), it may be best to have one person specifically responsible.
Previous expo members can help a great deal, even if they are not going. Don't be afraid to ask questions, solicit suggestions, or ask for help with equipment or training. Keeping older members involved will also make it more likely that they will return to expo in the future. This is particularly useful in view of the amount of information which is still not written down adequately, like where to find cave XYZ etc.

Vital jobs

Every expedition depends on the work of previous expos. The first priority is to make sure that all the work of last year's expo is finished (but don't let these tasks block time-sensitive tasks for this year). This means report to GPF sent in good time, trips written up in logbook, survey data into the survey book, question mark lists made up (both new questions marks added and ones dealt with removed to the "done" list). Each piece of survey drawing and each missing passage description or rigging guide should be assigned to a specific person so you know whom to hassle. This should be the job of last year's expo committee, of course (especially as this work needs to be started well before the next expo starts to become organised), but the current year's leadership needs to check that everything has been done as soon as they start organising.

Have we finished?

Preparing for the next expo

Time-critical tasks

There are two time-critical external tasks that must happen, otherwise expo might not happen.

Send off permission request to camp in the National Park
Deadline: End February. Do it at the same time as the GPF application.
Address (since 2013):
Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung
Abteilung 13 - Naturschutz
Landhausgasse 7
8010 Graz
We have been late before on this in 2013 and 2014 so it's important to get it right. Not doing so jeapordises the whole expedition.
Apply for Ghar Parau Foundation funding.
Deadline: last day of Feb. Applications are done online.

General Preparation

Once you have an idea of the size and style of expo

Getting people committed

By Easter you should have broken the back of the administration, but you will still be surrounded by people who haven't decided / haven't paid. Organising transport is one of the biggest nightmares and the sooner you know who is going and when, the easier this gets. Getting a second (non- refundable) deposit off people helps to tie them down.

Last minute

There should be nothing left to the last minute (ho ho !). But unless you are an amazing organiser with unbelievably cooperative expo members of exceptional competence and self-reliance, there will be a panic for the last couple of weeks at least.

On Expo

Have fun, don't push so hard that it gets dangerous, the caves will still be there next year.

Before going home

Back in the UK

It's easy to relax when you get home, and then meet up at the BCRA conference in a state of panic because there are no slides, no-one to do the talk, no surveys etc. Timescales are short and expo members are dotted around the country. Not everyone will come to BCRA. But the quality of the talk affects the size of next year's expo grant since the people who administer the cash will all be there and good impressions do count.