CUCC Expedition Handbook - New Cave

Creating a new cave in the online system

Great, I have discovered a new cave...

So, you have staggered off the plateau with a fist-full of notes and surveys, and you want to let the world know of your massive discovery.


After 40 years or so, we have a well-defined process which you will need to learn. Read all this list first, then follow the instructions section by section which tell you how to actually do these things.

and either later or at the same time, you will be doing these other tasks

This documentation assumes that you have recorded your survey data in a waterproof paper notebook. If instead you are using a PDA to record the survey readings digitally for your first cave, don't. Use the paper process first, then when you are familiar the overall process, look at the PDA additional notes.

Now go the the next page in this sequence Starting a new wallet".