This file is generated by troggle on July 12, 2024, 6:25 p.m. UTC using the form documented at handbook/survey/ententry.html
False 1623-82 Plateau 430m from col, roughly NE. From Schwarzmoossattel, follow description to 80. From here, a route leads directly towards Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel over fairly flat karren, becoming more shattered towards another cairn. Then there is a somewhat chaotic area.

Skirt this on the left to a small ridge running left-right. There is a cairn to the right across the chaotic bit. From the ridge, 82 is the obvious entrance directly ahead. Across the ridge to the right, more cairns lead initially towards 82, but then become misleading as they head up the hill to Wolfhöhle (145).

EntranceEntrance area view
Photo of ice stal (27k)

T "82" in red paint on boulder and on left of cave. 1998 tag "1623 82 CUCC 1977" on right inside cave entrance (not at survey point). S 1623.p82 tip of rock marked "82" at entrance