<!-- Only put one cave in this file -->
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<official_name>Kleines Loserloch</official_name>
<kataster_code>2/T +</kataster_code>


<explorers>since 1932 </explorers>
<underground_description>The cave is essentially a single passage for c 60m going NE to a narrowing. To the left at this point is a small extension, with a blind pit to the SW, and a draughting boulder choke to the NE. This is c 10m from a corresponding choke in Teilugshalle of Gro&szlig;es Loserloch.</underground_description>
<survey>A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct. 1980, facing p 87: a plan by J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972. As printed, this looks like about a 4th generation photocopy. Also includes <a href="8.htm">Kat. 8</a></survey>
<depth>+12.5 -7.5m</depth>
<extent>50m SW-NE</extent>