<html><head><title>2024 Expo Coordination</title></head><body>
<h1>2024 Organisation - index</h1>
<p>Caving <a href="/expedition/2023">trips records</a>.
<h2>Expo 2024: Organisation</h2>
Link to last expedition: <a href="../2023/index.html">2023</a><br />
Link to 2018 (planning) docs: <a href="../2018/index.html">2018</a> (complete list)<br />

<h3>Pre-Expo chat and coordination</h3>
  <li> <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y8yBtauiG3Mo3U88IqUBaMJGtfwOqfTk05mQ2wwlDDw/edit#gid=1877255672">Who and when spreadsheet</a> (external site)<br>The Who-When Google docs page for entering when you are coming, or think you may come (you need to use your Google account)</li>
  <li><a href="https://app.element.io/#/room/#expo:matrix.org">matrix chat rooms</a> (external site)<br>The main online-chatrooms used to discuss everything about organising expo are at</li>
  <li> <a href="https://lists.wookware.org/mailman/listinfo/">Expo email list</a> VITAL ( you can also join the Expo Nerd list).


<h3>Expo online accounts</h3>
     <li><a href=/boe/>2024 Bank of Expo</a>
  <li>Expo <a href="https://www.instagram.com/cambridge_uni_caving_expo/?hl=en">Instagram account</a>
  <li>Exp <a href="https://www.facebook.com/CUCCEXPO">Facebook page</a><br><br>

<li><a href="https://ukcaving.com/board/">Pre-Expo Training Blog</a> on ukcaving.com (Fix..)
<li><a href="../../handbook/geartape.html">Geartape colours</a> to be updated as members commit to come 

<h3>Expo reports</h3>

<li><a href="accounting_policy.html">2024 Accounting Policy HTML</a> - placeholder</li>
<li><a href="accounting_policy.docx">2024 Accounting Policy Editable Word</a> - placeholder</li>

<h3>Post-Expo Completion from 2023</h3>
  <li><a href="../2023/inventories.pdf">Inventories post-expo</a> - (or see <a href="../2023/inventories.docx">editable .docx file</a> )
 <li><a href="/wallets/year/2023">2023 surveying  writeup progress (wallets)</a>

 <li>Scan of <a href="/expofiles/writeups/2023/bierbook-2023.pdf">2023 bier book</a> - MISSING
 <li>Scan of accounts and <a href="/expofiles/writeups/2023/seshbook-2023.pdf">2023 sesh books</a> - MISSING
    <li><a href="../2023/logbook.html">2023 Logbook typed up</a> (and <a href="../../expofiles/writeups/2023/logbook.pdf">PDF scan</a>)
   <li><a href=/boe-2023/>2023 Accounts</a>

Back to <a href="../../handbook/planning.html">Expo Planning Guide</a>.

<h2>2024 Mission statement</h2>
<li><a href="mission.html">2024 Mission statement</a>
<li>..revised objections..

<hr />


  There is a single Signal chat group 'CUCC Expo 2024' we use for sudden messages and corodination. You need to sign up for a <a href="https://signal.org/">Signal</a> account.
  Leader for Expo 2024 is Jono Lester.
To edit this page, <a href="/accounts/login/">login</a> and then click on "Edit this page" in the left-hand menu.
<a href='index.html'>2024 index</a> - this page<br><a href='mission.html'>2024 mission</a><br><a href='logbook.html'>2024 logbook</a> -  update with <a href="/logbookedit/">/logbookedit</a> once <a href="/folk">the folk list</a> is up and running for 2024. <br></body></html>