<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title> Kaninchenhöhle system: Steinschlagschacht pictures </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <p><center><a href="top.htm"><img alt="Overview " src="../../../icons/ovview.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="pixrh.htm"><img alt=" old cave photos " src="../../../icons/vtour.png" width=40 height=40></a> <img alt="Rigging" src="../../../icons/rigbut.png" width=40 height=40> <a href="names.htm"><img alt=" Glossary " src="../../../icons/idx161.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="../index.html#id161"><img alt=" Desc " src="../../../icons/desc.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="../../index.htm"><img alt=" Expo " src="../../../icons/ausbut.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="../../infodx.htm"><img alt=" Topics " src="../../../icons/index.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="../../indxal.htm"><img alt=" Index " src="../../../icons/indxal.png" width=40 height=40></a> <a href="../../../index.htm"><img alt=" CUCC" src="../../../icons/cucc.png" width=40 height=40></a></center> <h1>Kaninchenhöhle Picture gallery<br> Steinschlagschacht (1623/136) - the 1997 route to Forbidden Land</h1> <p>All these pictures are linked to appropriate pages of the cave description, but are also gathered together here for a visual tour of Steinschlagschacht. Clicking on an image will take you to a bigger version with descriptive caption and links back to web pages relevant to that picture. <center> <table border=0><tr><td><a id="id136" href="l/jh97-2.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 58k" src="t/jh97-2.jpg" width=225 height=150 hspace=15> </a></td> <td><a id="id136in" href="l/jh97-3.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 57k" src="t/jh97-3.jpg" width=150 height=225></a></td></tr> <tr><td align=center nowrap><p>Steinschlagschacht entrance</td> <td align=center>Inside entrance</td></tr> </table></center> <p>The Boulder slope inside the entrance threatened the first pitch severely when first explored in 1983, but more modern rigging in 1997 has largely avoided this hazard. <center><p><a name="p1" href="l/jh97-7.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 38k" src="t/jh97-7.jpg" width=148 height=225 hspace=20 align=middle></a>First Pitch <p><a name="p2" href="l/jh97-9.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 55k" src="t/jh97-9.jpg" width=225 hspace=10 height=150 align=middle></a> Second Pitch <a href="l/jh9711.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 60k" src="t/jh9711.jpg" width=150 height=225 hspace=10 align=middle></a> <p><a name="p5" href="l/jh9715.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 21k" src="t/jh9715.jpg" width=150 height=225 hspace=10 align=middle></a>Eyehole & Theatre pitches<a href="l/jh9719.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 38k" src="t/jh9719.jpg" width=150 height=200 hspace=10 align=middle></a> <p>Gods' Traverse towards Kaninchenhöhle <a name="gt" href="l/godst.htm"> <img alt="Photo - 48k" src="t/godst.jpg" width=150 height=200 hspace=20 align=middle></a> </center> <h3>1999's Major find: Chile</h3> <a name="oatso" href="l/oatso2.htm"><img alt="Photo - 49k" width=200 height=132 align=middle hspace=10 src="t/oatso2.jpg"></a> Oatso Simple <a href="l/oatso1.htm"><img alt="Photo - 97k" width=160 height=240 align=middle hspace=10 src="t/oatso1.jpg"></a> <hr /> <h4><a href="pixrh.htm">The Right Hand Route - from 161a</a><br> <a href="pixsf.htm">The "new" (1995-7) cave from 161d</a><br> The <a href="pixlw.htm">Lost World</a> and Wheelchair Access series (off Triassic Park)</h4> <hr /> <!-- LINKS --> <ul> <li><b>More Pictures:</b> <ul> <li><a href="../../gallery/cave.htm">Underground</a> in some of our other caves</li> <li><a href="../../gallery/ents.htm">Entrance</a> portraits</li> <li><a href="../../gallery/surf.htm">Surface</a> routes and views</li> <li><a href="../../gallery/low.htm">Base camp and non-caving</a> activities</li> </ul></li> <li><a href="top.htm">Kaninchenhöhle</a> Cave Description - Overview</li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li> <li><a href="../../infodx.htm">Index to info/topic pages</a></li> <li><a href="../../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a></li> <li><a href="../../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>