<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> <title>258: Underground description</title> </head> <body> <table id="cavepage"> <tr><th id="kat_no">258 - a b</th><th id="name">Tunnockschacht: Max Pleasure</th><th id="status">2 ??</th></tr> </table> [2007-258-23C, 2007-258-27B needs adding to description - Wookey and Becka Lawson] <p>Fine walking passage heading steadily up-dip. Strong outward draft. Goes 180m to Starfish junction, via a few boulders to clamber over. After 130m a shelf forms on LH wall after floor canyon disappears under LH wall. The shelf is the main way on and rises slowly above floor level until you are traversing past a large hole on the R. This connects under RH wall to <b>Star Light passage</b>. Crawls on LH side at shelf level 30m south of Starfish Junction have [2007-258-22-C] parallel to main passage and [2007-258-28-B] in back corner behind pillars. [2007-258-31-B] is a climb up on L in cross-rift 10m south of Starfish Junction. [2007-258-94-X] is a high (20m+) aven at the same point.</p> <p>Starfish Junction has 4 large passages meeting at a large boulder and is a distinctive spot. Ahead (North) Max Pleasure continues, The right fork is <string>Flying High</strong>. The 4th passage is <b>Star Light passage</b>. Including the higher and lower-level connections this is a complex junction.</p> <p>Max Pleasure north of Starfish Junction initially opens into a High chamber with a drafting (inwards) passage off on the L ( <strong>Just for a Laugh</strong>). The chamber merges back into walking passage after 40m. 10m along a soil slope comes in from the right wall, choked to the left, and a low crawl [2007-258-71-B] to the right. The passage slopes gently down until it meets a larger one with the way on going gently up-dip to the right. There is a large boulder at the junction. The continuation of the larger passage on the left is choked with soil.</p> <p>Past a pillar the passage opens up into a high wide chamber with a deep canyon in the floor, largely covered by boulders. At the start of the chamber a rapidly-lowering passage goes back right for 8m before being choked with sand. At the far end of the chamber you step over the canyon [2007-258-67-B] and have to clamber over some very nice flowstone to proceed. The obvious way on is walking passage but in fact the passage goes at two levels here - you can also climb down below the flowstoned chockstone and follow the canyon upstream to get to the same chamber.</p> <p>Following the obvious higher level brings you into another chamber with a deep hole in the floor [2007-258-72-A] , mostly blocked by a large jammed boulder. Traversing around the left hand side reaches a 3m climb down to the far side of the hole. This is <strong>Petticoat Junction</strong> where there is a choice of left towards <strong>Let's get Naked</strong> or ahead across rocks and uphill to <strong>Hedonism Highway</strong>.</p> <h3>Just for a Laugh</h3> [Needs Description - Julian Todd and Becka Lawson and Martin Green and Aaron Curtis] [2007-258-32-B] [2007-258-29-B] [2007-258-30-X] [2007-258-56-A] [2007-258-54-C] [2007-258-52-C] [2007-258-55-C] [2007-258-53-D] [2007-258-57-C] <h3>Damp Squib</h3> A 12m pitch descends to a boulder floored chamber with a narrow rift going along a down from one side [2009-40B], a small window opens to a parallel shaft, with water coming in from an aven above. The shaft goes down a further 12m, with some passage going off that quickly becomes too small. <h3>Star Light passage</h3> [2007-258-64-B] [2007-258-101-X] [2007-258-58-C] [2007-258-59-C] [2007-258-60-X] <h2>Hedonism Highway</h2> Very high rocky passage uphill with monster draft (considering passage size) blowing out. This whole passage is formed on a bedding plane sloping at about 25 degrees from horizontal, so everywhere is walkable but quite steeply sloping. A tricky c2 over a block reaches a sandy hading chamber. Going across to the left reaches a very wide, bedding-aligned area with a choice of routes upwards either side of a pillar. [2007-258-70-A] is a passage off to the left. At the top of the wide bit the passage reverts to a phreas with a deep canyon which is largely inaccessibly-narrow. It is at least 8m deep and there are a couple of points one could get in [2007-258-95-C].</p> <p>Climbing over a large boulder the passage widens due to a junction. The passage goes off left upwards [2007-258-69-A], as does the canyon, and another goes off left downwards [2007-258-68-A]. The passage continues steeply up-dip and gets bouldery. There are a couple of huge dropped sections of rock that have been undercut and split from the roof. On the left is a small alcove passage. Next a small cross-passage roof tube. Neither of these go. The draught remains strong, blowing out. The passage turns 90 left to go along the dip. A strongly draughting small passage comes in from the right at the corner [2007-258-82B]. Hedonism highway gets boulderier and closes down over the next 60m, ending in a choke and a solution tube filled with rocks [2007-258-81C]. This point may be quite close to the surface.</p> [68,69,70 need ticking off and rocky road survey north of hedonism highway described - Becka Lawson and Steve Jones and Julian Todd][2008-258-40-A] [Rocky road survey east of hedonism highway described - Becka Lawson and Steve Jones and Julian Todd][2008-258-41-B][2008-258-42-C][2008-258-43-C][2008-258-44-C][2008-258-45-B] <hr> <p>Taking the smaller northerly passage at Petticoat Junction leads into passage of varying character. It starts with deep dark soily deposits. Awkward small passage on L connects back to the climb just before Petticoat Junction. The draught is still strong and inwards. Crossing a soily crater leads to a sloping c3 up a wide, high rift, then along 10m of narrow joint-controlled passage to another sudden change of character. Ahead is a tight passage which draughts out and becomes a dig after 10m [2007-258-73-D]. The way on is the very wide phreatic passage sloping steeply down to the east [surely this should be west - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson]. The small central canyon of this passage goes under the RH wall [surely this should be LH - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson] to the west [2007-258-74-C].</p> <p>The passage zigs and zags sharply past a crawl off on the L [2007-258-*26*old number-C] for 20m to merge into nice straight passage sloping gently down-dip. [Can not see zig zag nor the qm - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson] After 35m it steepens and a small canyon forms, reaching a 3m deep drippy pot after another 25m. A c2 gets to the floor and a delicate and slightly damp c3 gets back into the continuing passage.</p> <p>Here the passage is wide and sandy and forks: off on the right is <strong>Let's get Naked</strong> (draughting out). Down to the left it descends steeply and crossword passage goes off on the Left. 10m beyond is [2007-258-75-C] on the L then a gravelly bit with an aven above [2007-258-78-X]. The passage continues to descend down-dip until it suddenly chokes (3m dia!) with mud and rocks. This would be a top dig site in the UK [2007-258-77-D]. On the L is a large (8m dia?) chibble-floored pothole which can also be overlooked from a balcony, reached via a passage on the L; that passage has a small QM [2007-258-76-C]. On the far side of the hole a crawl heads off, unsurveyed, continuing down-dip for quite some distance (30m?) hole.[2007-258-*31-C]</p> [Futher description of 'too much' required - Aaron Curtis and Olly Madge and Julian Todd] [2008-258-38-C] [2008-258-39A] <h2>Crossword Passage</h2> High canyon passage initially rises gently then up more steeply. There is a hole in the roof [2007-258-97-X] here. Now progress is either a traverse to look out over a pitch past a huge wedged boulder, or progress at floor-level to look out below the boulder. Probably about a P12 [2007-258-93-B]. This passage draughts in. <h2>Let's get Naked</h2> Very sandy, low, wide passage curves round to the R. [2007-258-99-C] goes off to L at lowest point. Clambering up over boulders with freezing draught in your face (out of cave) reaches a aven, which we partially climbed and it appears not to go, but there seems to be a drauft defecit beyond. Ahead the passage rapidly shrinks to a narrow rift which can be climbed (c4). [Let's get naked continues - Julian Todd and Becka Lawson] [2007-258-79-X] [2007-258-85-C] [2007-258-83-C] [2007-258-102-C] <h3>Delicious</h3> [Needs description - Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson] <!-- LINKS --> <hr /><ul> <li><a href="258.html">258 index page</a></li> <li><a href="../../smkridge.html">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a></li> <li><a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index of 1623 Caves</a></li><li><a href="../../areas.htm">Other Areas</a></li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li> </ul> <!-- /LINKS --> </body> </html>