Steinbrückenhöhle Question Mark list


For question mark list conventions, see here.

Area codes

ArisAriston Series
InsigInsignificant Chamber and Bonsai Crawl
NENear End
NPNGNo Pain No Gain
TreeTrunk route from The Colonnade via Treeumphant Passage to Cave Tree Chamber
WEWhite Elephant Series
WolpWolpertinger Way and 110 A Day level
PDPleasure Dome and pitches below
SwSwings and Roundabouts

Question Marks

C1999-204-02 B
NE:(Possibly the passage from Jim'll fix it to Stitch that, called Thread This)[ ]
C1999-204-05 B
NE:(Possibly Kidney Bean)[ ]
C1999-204-06 C
NE:Continuation of crawl opposite Thread Pitch head(Choked after 5m or so) [ent.27]
C1999-204-07 B
NE:Climb down into rift in low boulder chamber(I do not know how this got ticked of, possibly it is the pitch at the end of 'king Carbide, although at the time it was claimed that this had not previously been a QM) [pretty.4]
C1999-204-08 B
NE:(Blind pitch about 4m deep) [junction.2]
C1999-204-10 C
Wolp:(Chokes after 3m) [veined.9]
C1999-204-11 C
Wolp:(Leads to 110-bidet) [110aday.23]
C1999-204-12 C
Wolp:(Leads to 110-bidet) [110aday.17]
C1999-204-16 A
Wolp:(Pitch descended to small chamber with too tight ways on [110aday.1]
C1999-204-18 C
Wolp:Tight passage on left (Leads to Bunnys Bowels)[pendulum.13]
C1999-204-21 A
C1999-204-23 A
Aris:(Fledermaus Deries)[ariston2.14]
C1999-204-24 A
Aris:(Pitch to Kiwi Suit)[ariston2.1]
C1999-204-25 B
Aris:(Passage to Pleasure Dome)[dome.19]
C2000-204-01 B
NPNG:Upward sloping bedding plane (Connected to 110Bidet [nopainnogain.34]
C2000-204-02 B
NPNG:Two passages merging leading to small pitch, aven (Connected to bottom of 'king Carbide pitch) [nopainnogain.30]
C2000-204-03 C
NPNG:Crawling passage to right at fork (Connecteded to 2000-204-04C) [nopainnogain.30]
C2000-204-04 C
NPNG:Right at T junction (Connecteded to 2000-204-03C) [nopainnogain.27]
C2000-204-11 B
Insig:Sloping chute to 30m pitch, dead? (Drilling Delight)[treeumphant.2]
C2000-204-12 B
Insig:Stooping passage to left at fork (Swings and Roundabouts) [treeumphant.11]
C2000-204-15 C
Tree:Crawl on right (Got small after a few meters leading to two tight ways on) [treeumphant.13]
C2000-204-23 C
Tree:Up boulder slope at south end of the large part of Treeumphant passage (Lead to chamber with no ways on and sloping boulder floors) [treeumphant.18]
C2000-204-24 A
Tree:Walking passage keeps go a long way (Crowning Glory) [treeumphant.19]
C2000-204-28 A
Tree:Stooping passage (Connected to Crowning Glory) [treeumphant.22]
C2000-204-31 B
Tree:Passage continues over pitch(Passage chokes after 40m) [treeumphant.24]
C2000-204-37 C
Tree:Floor level on right needs digging (15m of passage no leads) [treeumphant.27]
C2000-204-40 A
Tree:Passage continuation over pitch (Chocolate Salty Balls)[treeumphant.28]
C2000-204-41 A
Tree:Initially walking drafting tube 70m uphill still going walk/crawl (Sucker)[colonade.2]
C2000-204-42 B
Tree:Low drafting crawl (North end of Flopsy the Bunny Rabbits Lair)[colonade.2]
C2000-204-53 A
Tree:Passage continues (South end of Flopsy the Bunny Rabbits Lair) [bonsai.6]
C2000-204-54 B
Wolp:Crawl, that is windy (Up at 45 degrees) [110_bidet.9]
C2000-204-56 B
Insig:Climb up over boulders in Insignificant Chamber (10m of passage leading to an aven) [insignificant.2]
C2000-204-57 C
Insig:Phreatic tube off Insignificant Chamber, may need a traverse bolting (Passages towards which drop into Pleasure Dome)[insignificant.2]
C2000-204-64 A
Razor: Downstream pitch (Razor Dance continued in 2002)
PD: Moderate sized tube (Goes towards No Pain No Gain)
PD: Crawl (Leads towards passages in the roof of Pleasure Dome)
C2000-204-77 enumeration error
C2001-204-9 A
Tree: Scramble up boulder slope in rift (Leads to Treeumphant passage)
C2001-204-63 C
Insig: 2m climb up (Blind)
C2001-204-64 B
Insig: Pitch (Ends in a puddle)
C2001-204-88 C
Sw: Small passage on left just before pitch at top of The Slide. (Choked)
C2001-204-90 A
Sw: Large pitch at the top of The Slide (Merry Go Round)
C2001-204-96 A
Sw: Pitch just off Magic Roundabout Chamber, 2-3 second drop. (Gaffered To The Wall Series)