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There was the surprise discovery of major horizontal development ("Triassic Park") with over fifty leads and a new, lower entrance, found from the inside. The other important leads were at the southern end of the cave where all south going passages appeared to be stopped by a fault, which was irritating since the 970m deep Stellerweghöhle system was thought to be less than 1km away to the south. This southern boundary had been passed in 1995 via a dire boulder choke ("Stairway to Hell") to find large passage beyond ("Forbidden Land") but the dangerous nature of the choke meant that all concerned were determined never to go there again. Finding a bypass for the choke was a priority for the 1996 expedition. <p>With these exciting prospects, enthusiasm was running higher than for several years and forty people made their way to Austria at one time or another making 1996 the largest ever CUCC expedition. When the first arrivals presented themselves at the Gasthof Staud'nwirt near Bad Aussee on 28th June, their first objective was to find a good route to the new 161d entrance ("Scarface") which had the advantage of offering easy access to most of the leads but the disadvantage of being situated in the middle of a cliff. This was surprisingly easily achieved, and with the aid of a couple of handlines, an acceptable route was soon established and the caving got under way. <center><h2>Knossos Connection and Bugger</h2></center> At its northern end, Triassic Park divides into two main branches at "Trifurcation". One of these branches was explored as far as a 10m climb up - "Bugger" - in 1995, which required gear. This was one of the most promising leads in the cave, and it was successfully scaled at the second attempt. Our hopes of finding miles of train tunnel passageway were dashed however as the passage quickly becomes quite small. There is an 80m pitch however, which was duly descended and named "Henri's Cat". It was found to lead to further pitches of 36m and 60m before ending in a pile of rocks. The bottom of this series is very close to the bottom of the Flat Battery series, found in 1990. <p>The other main branch ended in a short pitch - "Minoan Surprise" - which was found to be very close to Knossos, the largest chamber in Kaninchenhöhle. This connection was eventually confirmed, and would potentially provide a much easier route to the many leads in the northern extremities of the cave which have not been visited since 1993. However, with all the easy leads in Triassic Park, the connection was not used in this way in 1996. <center><h2>Puerile Humour Series</h2></center> The start of this series was found on the first day of caving by a party who had failed to scale Bugger. They went to look at a horizontal lead to the east of Triassic Park near Ring Piece Junction, and found and surveyed around 300m of cave with a few moderate leads. A later party went in with instructions to complete the survey ("It'll only need a couple of legs") and walked into 2km of horizontal cave. <p>The Puerile Humour series appears to be a complex network of smaller phreatics (typically 3m round) which fed the main trunk route of Triassic Park. The main route divides into two, 500m from Triassic Park. The western branch - "Where The Wind Blows" - ends in a draughting choke after 170m. Significantly, this end of the passage is only about 100m east and 40m north of what was previously the north eastern extremity of the cave. There are not many high quality leads in Where The Wind Blows but all those that there are will be worth thorough investigation in 1997 since this would potentially provide an even easier route to the northern end of the cave than the new route into Knossos. <p>The eastern branch quickly became very complicated. A chamber with five ways out, given the inspired title of "Five Ways Chamber" is the key. The northern route leads to "Bounce Rift", a 6m deep rift running perpendicular to the main passage, whilst east from Five Ways leads to "Completely Loopy", a rabbit warren of interconnecting passages. There are significant draughts in many places around here. On one day, a party went to explore beyond Bounce Rift whilst a second party went to explore and survey in Completely Loopy. The first party found a 3m round draughting phreatic which frustratingly ended at a strongly draughting choke after 80m. This was thought to be promising enough to warrant a quick dig, and after 45 minutes of toil they emerged onto the hillside. 161e became the "Yorkshire Pudding" entrance since the author of this piece didn't fit through until some more rocks had been removed. Ten minutes later, the second party emerged from the second new entrance of the day (161f) 100m around the hill, having followed a similarly strong draught from Completely Loopy. 161e and 161f are about 25m higher than 161d and 500m to the north. Neither will be particularly useful for access to anywhere other than leads in their immediate vicinity as they suffer from the same surface accessibility problems as 161d. <p>To the north of 161e is "Iceland" which is similarly draughty and contains a number of ice formations, the first that have been found in Kaninchenhöhle, and most welcome in a cave which generally lacks aesthetic beauty. There are around 40 unexplored leads in the Puerile Humour series and Iceland, many of which are very promising. <center><h2>Interview Blues Series</h2></center> There is a fourth, smaller way on from Trifurcation which leads to the Interview Blues Series, so called because one of the initial explorers had to return to England after just one trip to attend a job interview. A 25m entrance pitch quickly leads to two more shorter pitches, all dropping down the same rift. With the cynicism born of several years of pushing similar leads only to find that ultimately the rift becomes too small, nobody really expected it to go very far. However, by the time we left Austria it had descended 250m from Triassic Park via ten pitches and is the third deepest point in the cave. <p>At the foot of the fourth pitch is a choice of routes: Continuing down the impressive 55m fifth pitch, "Application for Life", or heading south down a rift passage which opens out onto a large pitch with an aven above. Whilst bolting this pitch, a caver was spotted at the top of the aven, and it turns out that this was the foot of an undescended pitch in Minoan Surprise. Traversing round the pitch leads to a second connected pitch, "Spatial Awareness" which was descended. This pitch lands in the same chamber as another pitch from Minoan Surprise which had been descended earlier in the expedition, the lovingly named "Bottomless Pit of Eternal Chaos" (79m). <p>Whilst the pitches are mostly spacious and dry, the same cannot be said of the sections of horizontal cave which connect them, which are mostly about 50cm wide and covered in mud, which makes a trip to the bottom of Interview Blues a strenuous affair. However, the caving improves towards the bottom of the main route, and the splendid 40m tenth pitch lands in a sizeable chamber with half a dozen possible leads. Although many of these were quite wet and miserable on the one occasion this area was visited (during a period of unsettled weather), there is the prospect of adding more depth to Interview Blues, and this exciting prospect means that this area is likely to be revisited in 1997. <center><h2>Forbidden Land</h2></center> Whilst all this cave was being found in the vicinity of Triassic Park, various attempts were made to find an alternative route into the Forbidden Land by systematically pushing every south going lead in the area. Thus a steep climb in the corner of Staud'nwirt Palace was pushed further than it otherwise would have before becoming blocked, some people pushed a promising lead in Zombie Slime, backing off at a too tight pitch, only to find their rope hanging out of the roof back in Zombie Slime, and various other unlikely crawls were pushed, all becoming choked or too tight. Eventually there was only one lead left in this area, and that was Stairway to Hell, so all the people who had vowed never to go there again prepared for another trip, this time taking some survey gear. <p>In 1995 the passage beyond the choke had been described as having one solid wall and one shattered wall, but this turned out to be a big pile of boulders in the middle of a huge hading rift chamber, 90m by 30m, named "Hall of the Mounting Choss". A phreatic tube - "Pump House" - heads south from here, which is of similar dimensions and orientation to the phreatics found in France in 1994 but considerably higher up, and is thus thought to have been offset by our hypothetical fault. The large passage bears southwest into "Elin Algor", ending in a large undescended pitch with aven above, and "Tirolia Werke", a westerly trending passage containing a number of phreatic ramps. (Incidentally, the grand names of these passages result from a total lack of inspiration on the part of the surveyors: Elin Algor is the name of the fridge in our base camp hut, and Tirolia Werke is the name of the oven.) <p>The usefulness of having a computer and a copy of Survex present in Austria was once again demonstrated, as when the survey for this part of the cave was included, it was found to be very close to a known CUCC cave, Steinschlagschacht, explored in 1983 and 84. Although the details are sketchy, it seems that this cave is essentially a 250m deep pitch series in which the existence of a number of phreatic ramps has been recorded, similar to those found in Tirolia Werke. It also appears to be very loose in places and contains an active streamway, so although plans were made to descend Steinschlagschacht in the final week of the expedition, it didn't take very much rain for those plans to be abandoned. Making the connection will be a priority at the beginning of the 1997 expedition. <center><h2>Other Finds in Kaninchenhöhle</h2></center> Many other leads in Triassic Park were pushed to a conclusion, and a brief description of these follows. "Alternative Universe" leads from an undercut in the western wall of Triassic Park beyond Shortage of Walls and proceeds north as a 7m round passage paralleling Triassic Park for 280m, before ending at a short pitch with a tiny rift exiting. This rift is tantalisingly close to a larger rift near Ring Piece Junction which was descended in 1996 via two pitches - "Tapeworm" (27m) and "Hammeroids" (45m) - before ending in a small choked rift. "Dr Snuggles" heads west towards Alternative Universe, past an enormous aven before ending at a 6m climb up with black space visible beyond. Having failed in an attempt to climb this, one pair ignored all the train tunnel leads elsewhere in Triassic Park in favour of hammering out a 10cm round hole in the wall until it was passable. Initially it appeared that their efforts had been worthwhile as a 100m long body sized crawl emerged into huge cave, until they realised they were back at the start of Alternative Universe. <p>Going the other way from Shortage of Walls, leads to the large "Teapot" chamber, visible from Salt Lake City. Two pitches in the far corner of this chamber landed in "Rich Tea", a 1994 find in France, thus providing another connection from Triassic Park to the older parts of the cave. <center><h2>Other Work</h2></center> In recent years, much time and effort has been put into collating all the available information about CUCC finds in Austria over the last twenty years. This work, performed principally by Andy Waddington, revealed many gaps in our knowledge. During the 1996 expedition a concerted effort was made to put this right, and much time was spent relocating earlier finds and making surface surveys to their entrances. To aid this work, for the first time we had the use of a GPS which provided reasonably accurate locational information for cave entrances that are a long way from a surface survey. <p>The steady improvement in the standard of CUCC's underground surveying was maintained this year. Even the novices produced high quality work with the result that the full survey was completed several months earlier than usual. Julian Haines continuing battle to build a reliable radio system for communication between our two campsites was more successful than previous attempts. We obtained two weeks of reliable communication, and they served an important purpose in reassuring base camp that the Stairway to Hell team had emerged safely. The photo trip was less successful with five cavers spending a very cold five hours standing around while flashguns failed to work. Our photographic record of the 1996 finds is thus somewhat sparse, and this will need to be rectified in 1997. <p>There is still a large backlog of entrance finding and surface surveying work to be done, but there is a new spirit of trying to take a more systematic approach to prospecting and surveying, which has been achieved without compromising the relaxed atmosphere of the expedition. This new found efficiency was not much in evidence however when the aforementioned GPS was left on top of the mountain at the end of the expedition. Disaster was averted when one of our members returned from Slovenia via Austria two weeks later and retrieved it. <center><h2>Summary</h2></center> In terms of the amount of new passage found, 1996 was CUCC's most successful Austrian expedition with another 5.5km of passage surveyed taking the total length of Kaninchenhöhle to 19.7km. These finds include around 80 new leads meaning that once again there are more leads at the end of the expedition than there were at the start. Although the depth of the system has remained stuck at 498m for a number of years, there is the very real possibility that next year the system will get deeper, either by pushing some of the leads at the bottom of Interview Blues, or by connecting to Steinschlagschacht (which seems extremely likely) whose entrance is a princely 11m higher than the highest known entrance to Kaninchenhöhle. Enthusiasm is still running high, and the 1997 expedition has much to look forward to. <p>Most exciting of all however are the possibilities at the southern end of Forbidden Land. The northern end of the Schwarzmooskogel Eishöhle is believed to be between 200 and 500m away from the new southern extremity of Kaninchenhöhle. The Eishöhle is already connected to the Stellerweg system, and the major horizontal development in all the systems in the area are known to be at similar altitudes, so a connection looks more likely than ever. The combined length of the systems would be over 40km, the majority of which has been found by CUCC, and the overall depth would exceed 1000m. However, such a connection may take a number of years to find given the dangerous nature of access to the Forbidden Land, which means it is not the sort of the place to send lots of people, especially not people new to expedition caving. With over 100 leads remaining in the nicer parts of Kaninchenhöhle, this doesn't seem likely to be a problem. <hr /> <!-- LINKS --> <ul> <li>1996 Expedition info: <ul> <li><a href="index.htm">Index</a> (more detail than in this list)</li> <li>This <a href="bcra-d.htm">report translated into German</a> (as published in VfHO report)</li> <li><a href="log.htm">Logbook</a></li> <li><a href="excsrp.htm">Preliminary report</a> (exCS newsletter)</li> <li><a href="report.htm">Cambridge Underground report</a></li> <li>Wookey's Compass Points <a href="gps.htm">article on GPS usage</a></li> <li>This year's <a href="sponsr.htm">Sponsors</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="../../pubs.htm#pubs1996">Published accounts</a></li> <li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition intro page</a></li> <li><A href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a></li> </ul> </body> </html>