This file is generated by troggle on Nov. 20, 2023, 7:12 p.m. UTC using the form documented at the form documented at handbook/survey/caveentry.html
False 1623-209 Schistock-Absturzschacht 1623 1/S + 209 1996WK8 (maybe also CUCC 1996-08) 1623-209

caves-1623/209/209.svx 3m x 0.8m shaft, 16m deep. Freeclimb descent is possible but difficult. Belay (and light!) needed. No draught. Bottom choked by rubble. 20m rope. ? grade 5 Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. --> Kataster Form sent 2000.05, number 209 allocated.