As of the server move in spring 2019 you need authorisation on the expo server to log in. This takes the form of an ssh key. You generate it on the machine you use for access, then send the public half to the server.
'ssh' is 'secure shell' and is widely used for secure access to machines and services.
You will need to ssh-keygen a key on your device, email the public key to someone who already has ssh access (Wookey, Paul Fox, Philip Sargent, Sam Wenham..). Once installed by them you should be able to log in as 'expo' over ssh (and other software like tortoise will also use this behind the scenes). This only needs doing once (for any machine you want access from).
Explanation of how ssh keys work.
A public key file looks like this: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEApc9+PAMrDtWa8D8/ZneLP2X9UOYmTITAhTd2DRs8SE+N Dgis5pYo/Xhtbrg86ePMAC2YM5xAkYx3jNA/VZ/PkB3gTzYJW3T/zTH+cc7YeWhy9l1zIMaYqeyvw7Fx eSBaR4XoLPVtVUlai8DUDiWAEm7VvOKj1n68z1LxVh1MZXLm7btckf6fske2YU9UpjqT++AURQvFheRJ 4la7KBJ7LXZ3A/TQ7HQaTpqmcQKCiRj/yZ5FNHxBk0M+ShbHUtz1GhXRCMJ3LZHaw24OJyVJ8YNzBiSt Bb1qcWCXX7HR9CUNhz7tA5HZyc1lau/1vwk8MSe93lyyLntzJKkqmkW/cQ== wookey@kh, i.e. a long string of characters with 'ssh-rsa' at the start and a 'user'@'machine' ID at the end.
On a Windows machine use puttygen, which is part of PuTTY. You need to install that if you don't already have it.
Follow the Puttygen instructions, but the reqlly short version is: