<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CUCC Expo Handbook: New Cave Data Sheet</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expo Handbook - New Cave Data Sheet (paper)</h2> <h1>New Cave Data Sheet</h1> <style>figure {font-weight: bold; font-size: small; font-family: sans-serif;font-variant-caps: small-caps;}</style> <figure style=" text-align: center"> <a href="/expofiles/documents/surveying/newcavedatasheet.pdf"> <img src="../i/new-cave-sheet.jpg" border="1"></a> <figcaption> <em>New Cave Data Sheet</em> </figcaption> </figure> <h3>Instructions</h3> <p>There should be several blank copies of this New Cave Data sheet in the lever-arch file holding the plastic survey wallets, after the index sheet. <p>This has fallen out of use in recent years, but is needed because the online form for registering a new cave is complicated and needs some thought, whereas anyone can fill out this paper data sheet immediately. <p>Usually the paper sheet will be put away in the same plastic wallet as that used for the underground survey notes and sketches of the newly-discovered cave, and the entrance location will be entered as GPS coordinates. <p>Occasionally, an entrance is discovered during a surface survey, and no underground exploration is done, in which case this data sheet should be put in the same wallet as the surface survey notes. <p>Anyone setting out on a surface prospecting trip should take a few of these with them and fill them out in the field at the new entrance. <ul> <li>You can download a printable copy of the sheet <a href="/expofiles/documents/surveying/newcavedatasheet.pdf">here</a>. <li>You can download a master copy of the sheet <a href="/expofiles/documents/surveying/newcavedatasheet.odt">here</a>. </ul> <hr /> Return to <a href="../survey/newwallet.html">Creating a new survey wallet</a><br> <hr /> </body> </html>