This file is generated by troggle on Oct. 13, 2023, 8:21 p.m. UTC using the form documented at the form documented at handbook/survey/caveentry.html
False 1626-2018-pw-01 Trois Dents 1626 2018-pw-01 1626-2018-pw-01 3 holes in a rift aligned E-W, immediately NNW of an obvious knobble of bunde (20m x 20m round). There is a lone pine tree 20m east of that.

Each hole ~20m deep, pebble bounces a few timesafter hitting the bottom - may be a hading passage accessible from the rubble pile. Significant snow block in eastmost hole. All 3 holes look to connect.Small cliff on surface
Pine tree and marked path to east.

Not physically tagged or dropped yet.

scanned notes in 2018#17

Discovered on this trip Logbook 2018-07-24b 1626/2018-pw-01.html