204Steinbrückenhöhle5/S x

Big Boulders area

Summary: The Big Boulders area is dominated by a large breakdown chamber and contains a number of unexplored leads. It is accessed from the On the Prowl traverse in the Pussy Prance area.

Dog days

In the southwest corner of the chamber reached from the end of Puss in Bolts is a 3m pitch. Traversing over this pitch (rope required) leads into a rift passage. The narrow continuation of the rift ahead is unexplored [C2012-204-XX B], but a 3m climb up on the left (bolts placed for a rope) leads into Dog Days. Comfortable walking passage heads south for 20m, past a roof tube on the right and via a 3m climb down, to a complex junction. There are two unexplored passages on the left at this point ([C2012-204-XX B] and [C2012-204-XX C]). [FIXME: (Olly/Becka/Andrew) lots of bits here that AD can't remember/knows nothing about].

The way on is a muddy passage which quickly leads to the head of an 18m pitch overlooking a large space. Descending this pitch lands in Big Boulder Chamber.

Big Boulder Chamber

As its name suggests, Big Boulder Chamber is a large breakdown chamber containing many huge boulders. [FIXME: (Andrew/Becka/Julian/Stuart) survey shows QM C downhill from landing point]. From the point at which the rope lands, the way on is up an unstable rubble slope to the north (care required). [FIXME: (Andrew/Becak/Julian/Stuart) uncertain about the exact route here - lots of bits on the survey to the east that AD knows nothing about] The route continues north through breakdown until a climb beneath a large boulder on the left leads to a boulder slope which can be descended with care to a continuing passage to the north. Shortly beyond the bottom of the boulder slope, a passage on the right leads, past a narrow unexplored passage on the right [C2012-204-XX C] to a muddy, exposed climb up into a possible phreatic passage with a sound of water [C2012-204-XX B].

The main route continues north in comfortable sized passage with a draught from south to north. After 10m, a wet aven is reached on the left [C2012-204-XX X] with a 3m pit beneath with a narrow rift exiting [C2012-204-XX C]. The continuing passage gradually narrows and continues for a further 40m to a T-junction where Pretzel passage leads off to the left and right.

Pretzel Passage

Turning right at the T-junction leads immediately to a local widening with three ways on. West leads immediately back to the passage from Big Boulder Chamber near the T-junction. North is a 2m climb and east is a low passage, both of which ultimately lead to the same place. The easiest route is to take the low passage to the east. This quickly opens out to a comfortable sized sandy passage which proceeds, past a climb up to a narrow passage on the right [C2012-204-XX C], before the roof lowers again. 10m further on the roof rises at the base of a 3m climb up on the left. Up the 3m climb leads to 15m of narrow, sandy, walking sized passage emerging at the top of the 2m climb at the start of the passage.. Comfortable sized walking passage continues north for 10m before turning northwest and descending gently to the head of an undescended pitch with the sound of water [C2012-204-XX A]. The pitch is at least 15m across and stones rattle for at least 8 seconds. There is a draught blowing from the pitch towards the known cave.

Turning left at the T junction, a sandy slope down to the right is quickly reached (rope required for a safe descent) with a passage heading off at the bottom [C2012-204-XX A]. Traversing across the top of the slope leads to a further passage with an immediate junction. Left is a steeply ascending passage which requires protection [C2012-204-XX B]. Ahead, comfortable passage continues for 8m to a sand choke, with a small continuation to the left with no draught [C2012-204-XX C]. Right leads, via a 2m climb up, to a muddy rift. This passage proceeds for 30m reaching the head of an undescended pitch that is at least 20m across [C2012-204-XX A]. This pitch is 40m away from the pitch at the end of the other branch of Pretzel Passage, and has a similar character. There is a draught heading towards this pitch. A climb up on the right at the pitch head gains access to a roof tube [C2012-204-XX C].

Survey --  204 index
