<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CUCC Expedition Handboo - Survey software</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2> <h1>Installing surveying tools</h1> <h2>Survex</h2> <p>The main software we use to process cave data and surface surveys is <strong>survex</strong> which has been written over several decades by CUCC cavers. The first version was written during the 1990 Expo in Austria in the old potato hut. A <a href="../survexhistory96.htm">history of survex</a> article was published in Cambridge Underground 1996. It covers the period 1988-1996. <p>Download the survex package here: <a href="https://survex.com/">www.survex.com</a> and install it. <p>You will discover that the application installed is actually called "aven" but do not be concerned. This is what you will use to visualise .svx files as beautiful cave centre-line surveys. <p>If you are entering new survey data from a new cave, you will also need either <a href="https://bitbucket.org/goatchurch/tunnelx/wiki/Home">TunnelX</a> or <a href="https://therion.speleo.sk/">Therion</a> to convert your sketches into actual plan and elevation presentation-quality surveys. <h2>TunnelX</h2> <p>Tunnel was written by <a href="http://expo.survex.com/folk/l/jtodd.htm">Julian Todd</a> (18 Austrian expos since 1989). It allows the generation of full 3D models of cave passages which can be viewed using a VRML browser. <p> <a href="https://bitbucket.org/goatchurch/tunnelx/wiki/Home">TunnelX intro</a>. <p> <a href="https://bitbucket.org/goatchurch/tunnelx/wiki/Installing_and_Running">TunnelX installation and running</a>. <p> <a href="http://expo.survex.com/expofiles/tunnelwiki/wiki/pages/Tunnel.html">TunnelX detailed wiki documentation (old)</a>. <h2>Therion</h2> <p> <a href="https://therion.speleo.sk/">Therion</a> <h2>GPS stuff</h2> <p>GPS is increasingly important for all the surface work. <p> <a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GpsPrune">GPS Prune</a> is a vitally useful utility. <h2>Digital recording underground</h2> <p> <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">TopoDroid</a> is an Open Source Android app to make cave surveys with the DistoX. TopoDroid is an Open Source Android app to make cave surveys with the DistoX. <p> Features: <pre> * communication with the DistoX device(s), * support A3 and X310 DistoX * data stored in a SQLite DB. * surveys management: stations entry, notes and comments. * exported survey formats: Therion, Compass, Survex, VisualTopo, DXF, csv. * imported survey formats: Therion. * sketch drawing, Therion-wise with points (symbols), lines and areas. Saved as th2 files, PNG images, and DXF files. * user-defined drawing symbols. * save whole survey as ZIP archive, and restore from it. * 3D display (using Cave3D). * photoes and GPS localization (using GPSaverage). * internal sensors measures and external measures. * DistoX calibration. </pre> <h2>Other old stuff</h2> <p> <a href="https://code.google.com/archive/p/loch/">Loch</a> This is fork off of Therion's loch program. The goal is to model Cave systems in 3d and have a high degree of interaction between the user and the information. There is currently no working version and it has not been updated since 2007. <p> <a href="https://code.google.com/archive/p/topolinux/">TopoLinux</a> consists of cave surveying applications for Linux PC and Android devices. Apparently superseded by TopoDroid and other tools on that website. <p> <a href="https://code.google.com/archive/p/psurvex/">psurvex</a> "A Survex compatible cave survey data processor for Psion palmtop computers" by Matt Ryan, 2004.<br /> My task was to write a new program which could read the data from an external file, ideally one which resembled a .svx file as much as possible. Psurvex supports only a subset of the .svx file format but the same file should process in Survex without any problems. You need to write a .svx file and save it somewhere on your machine. This program will then process the file and create a second file containing a list of points for plotting on graph paper and some statistics about your survey. <hr /> </body> </html>