%%  CUCC Expo Bier Book






Olly B\bigskip\\
Olly M\bigskip\\

& {\bf 15-20 Jul} && {\bf 21 Jul-27 Jul} & {\bf 28 Jul-3 Aug}\smallskip\\
{\bf Andy} & \boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Becca} & \boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
%{\bf Brian} & \boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Dave} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Dour} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Earl} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Emma} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Frank} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Jenny} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Julia} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Julian} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Mark} & \boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Martin} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf MikeTA} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Nial} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Olly B} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Olly M} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Peter} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Phil} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Sarah} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Stuart} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Tony} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Wookey} &\boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
& {\bf 4 Aug-10 Aug} & {\bf 11-17 Aug} && {\bf 18-21 Aug}\smallskip\\
{\bf Andy} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Becca} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
%{\bf Brian} & \boxes[6] && \boxes[7] & \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Dave} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Dour} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Earl} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Emma} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Frank} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Jenny} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Julia} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Julian} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Mark} & \boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Martin} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf MikeTA} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Nial} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Olly B} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Olly M} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Peter} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Phil} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Sarah} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Stuart} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Tony} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\
{\bf Wookey} &\boxes[7] & \boxes[7] && \boxes[4]\medskip\\

    {\bf Method}&{\bf Left UK}&{\bf Arrived}
    &{\bf Notes}\\\hline
	\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&

    {\bf Creditor}&{\bf Date}&{\bf Amount}
	\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&

    {\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost}
    \rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&

    {\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost}
    \rule{0pt}{16cm} &&&

    {\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist}
    \rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&

    {\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist}
    \rule{0pt}{16cm} &&&

    {\bf Date}&{\bf Trans ID}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description}
    &{\bf Amount}\\\hline

    {\bf Date}&{\bf Trans ID}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description}
    &{\bf Amount}\\\hline

\newcommand{\money}[1]{\chapter{Money to be paid to #1}
    {\small Positive amount means you are owed money; negative amount
            means you are indebted to someone else. Leave ``Trans ID'' blank.}\bigskip\\


\newfont{\gothic}{ygoth scaled \magstep5}
\ \vspace{3cm}\\
{\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}\bigskip\\
{\Huge \bf Expo 2005}\\
{\Huge \sc \gothic Bier Book}\\
\fbox{\quad\parbox{9cm}{\begin{center}\large Outstanding Bier Book entries must reach
 Olly Madge by 1\textsuperscript{st} October at the very latest.\end{center}}\quad}


\ \vspace{12cm}\\
Revision 5: July 2005.


\chapter{Bier Tally (1-50)}

\chapter{More Bier (51-100)}

\chapter{Even More Bier (101-150)}

\chapter{Underpants' Bier (151-200)}

\chapter{Limo Tally (1-50)}

\chapter{More Limo (51-100)}

\chapter{Notable Farts}

\chapter{Expo Transport}

\chapter{Money paid to Karin}

\chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 1 to 3)}

{\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = stone bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.}


\chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 4 and 5)}

{\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = stone bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.}


\chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 1 to 3)}


\chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 4 and 5)}


\chapter{Expo Weather}

Fri 15\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sat 16\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sun 17\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline\hline
Mon 18\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Tue 19\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Wed 20\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Thu 21\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline

Fri 22\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sat 23\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sun 24\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline\hline
Mon 25\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Tue 26\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Wed 27\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Thu 28\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Fri 29\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sat 30\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sun 31\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline



Mon 1\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 2\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 3\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 4\textsuperscript{nd} August & \\&\\\hline

Fri 5\textsuperscript{rd} August & \\&\\\hline
Sat 6\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 7\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline
Mon 8\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 9\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 10\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 11\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Fri 12\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sat 13\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 14\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
Mon 15\textsuperscript{nd} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 16\textsuperscript{rd} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 17\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 18\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline

Fri 19\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sat 20\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 21\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline


\chapter{Toll Road Info}

\chapter{Seshes at Staud'n'Wirt}

{\bf Please record who ordered what, to save time in deciphering receipts
the morning after.}










\chapter{In Austria Jollies}

Please record details of all excursions over 10km.\\









\chapter{Squashed Flies Page}
\ \newpage

\money{Julian T}
\money{Mark S}
\money{Mike (Animal)}
\money{Olly B}
\money{Olly M}
\money{Expo Kitty}

\chapter{Contact Details and Medical Information}

\section*{John Random}

123 Nonsense Street, Nowhere, NT0 4RL. 01234 567890.\\ {\tt foo@bar.com}

{\bf Next of kin:} Jane Random, address as above. 09876 543210.

\chapter{Gear taken up the hill}
\newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage

\chapter{Stuff left in Austria}

Please use the logbook as there is more space.

\chapter{Expo Suggestions}
\newpage\ \newpage\ 


\newpage\ \newpage
\newpage\ \newpage
