<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" /> <!-- charset=ISO_10367-box charset=iso-8859-1 --> <title>Handbook - Doing a new cave</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" /> </head> <body> <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook - New Cave</h2> <h1>Creating a new cave in the online system</h1> <h2>Great, I have discovered a new cave...</h2> <p>So, you have staggered off the plateau with a fist-full of notes and surveys, and you want to let the world know of your massive discovery. <ul> <li>If you have not yet learned how to record your prospecting and survey your leads, read the <ul> <li><a href="../look4.htm">prospecting introduction</a> and <li><a href="../survey/index.htm">survey handbook</a> which tells you how to record survey information in your waterproof notebook. But first you should read the <li><a href="/expofiles/presentations/cave_surveying_20130626.pdf"> Cave Surveying training course slidepack</a>. </ul> <br /> <div style="width:100%;height:50px;background:#C8E1E2" align="center"> This page outlines step 1 of the survey production process. Each step is documented separately.<br /> <!-- Yes we need some proper context-marking here, breadcrumb trails or something. Maybe a colour scheme for just this sequence of pages --> <a href="newcave.html">1</a> - <a href="newwallet.html">2</a> - <a href="newsurvex.html">3</a> - <a href="drawup.htm">4</a> - <a href="newrig.html">5</a> - <a href="caveentry.html">6</a> - <a href="ententry.html">7</a> - <a href="cavedescription.html">8</a> </div> <h2>Process</h2> <p>After 40 years or so, we have a well-defined process which you will need to learn. Read <em>all</em> this list first, then follow the instructions section by section which tell you how to actually do these things. <ul> <li>Write up your trip in the <a href="../logbooks.html">logbook</a> including rigging sketches<br /><br /> <li>Put notes in a new wallet <li>If it is a new cave, fill out a paper New Cave form <li>Scan the notes (see <a href="newwallet.html#onlinew">"new wallet"</a> for the filenames to use and <a href="newwallet.html#scan">how to use the scanner</a>) <li>Type in survey data (in <a href="newsurvex.html#rightplace">the right place</a> in the file system) in survex format.<br /> (This includes passage descriptions and open leads known as QMs: Question Marks). <li>Run survex to create a centre-line printout (online in a browser or on your computer) <li>Transcribe your sketches onto centre-line paper <li>Scan your centre-lined sketches <li>Use therion or tunnel to digitise your centre-line sketches <li>Connect your survey to the surveys of other caves by fixing the entrance location. </ul> <p>and either later or at the same time, you will be doing these other tasks <ul> <li>Upload your <a href="../computing/gpxupload.html">GPS track</a> to the cave and file photos of the entrance <li>Create a new folder in the file system for the wallet data (automatic when using the Upload form) <li>Create a new folder in the file system for the survex data (automatic when using the online survex edit form) <li>Create a "new cave entry" for the guidebook description <li>Write the <b>full cave description</b> into the correct html files. (This will mean copying the passage descriptions from the survex files.) <li>Update the index tick boxes on paper in the wallets lever-arch file in the potato hut: as your wallet progresses through this process <li>Update the online record of those tick boxes using the online form, e.g. for <a href="/walletedit/2022:01">wallet 2022#01</a> <li>Check the online list of outstanding survey tasks for all the wallets for the current year: <a href="wallets/year/2022">2022</a>. </ul> <p>This documentation assumes that you have recorded your survey data in a waterproof paper notebook. If instead you are using a PDA to record the survey readings digitally for your first cave, don't. Use the paper process first, then when you are familiar the overall process, look at the <a href="pdanotes.html">PDA additional notes</a>. <h3>The Process in brief</h3> <code><textarea id="steps" rows="41" cols="60"> New cave process │ ├── 1 Creating a new cave in the online system │ ├── Prospecting introduction │ ├── Survey handbook │ ├── Cave Surveying training course slidepack │ ├── Logbook write-up │ ├── GPS track upload │ ├── list of outstanding survey tasks │ ├── PDA additional notes │ └── How to use the scanner ├── 2 Creating a new survey wallet │ ├── New cave data sheet │ ├── What is a wallet? │ └── Maintaining the online wallets ├── 3 Creating a new survex file │ ├── How to create a survex file - PDF - Brendan's guide │ ├── From muddy book to survex plot │ ├── Cave description │ ├── Adding QMs (Question Marks) │ └── Fixing the entrance location ├── 4 Drawing up your survey │ ├── How to use Tunnel - PDF - Brendan's guide │ ├── Guide to using Tunnel - PDF - David Loeffler's guide │ ├── Upload Drawings form │ ├── the Uploads Folder │ ├── uploads/my_new_subfolder │ └── Cave Mapping - Sketching the Detail ├── 5 New rigging guide ├── 6 Creating a new cave in the online system │ ├── new cave file method │ │ ├──cave_data template │ │ └──entrance_data template │ ├── New Cave form │ ├── Edit this cave │ └── the full list of data-entry fields ├── 7 Creating a new entrance in the online system │ ├── Entrance entry page fields │ │ ├──cave_data template │ │ └──entrance_data template │ └── Entrance locations in more detail ├── 8 Next steps │ Back in the UK</textarea></code> <p>Now go the the next page [2] in this sequence <a href="newwallet.html">Creating a new survey wallet"</a>. <hr /></body> </html>