CUCC Expedition Handbook

Cave entry page fields

There are a lot of fields on the 'new/edit cave' page and the 'new/edit entrance' page and some of them are a quite mysterious. This page explains what they mean. The same fields appear in each cave_data/ xml file.

Instructions on how to enter the data for new caves and entrances, and especially how to add images/surveys so that they appear properly, is to be found on the sequence of pages starting here.

There are template files for you to fill-in when creating new caves and entrance in the online system. Download them:

These are actually XML files, not HTML files, using special tags which are used by the online system to create the webpages in combination with numerical survey data. Instructions are within each file.

Only two fields are essential

There are only two essential fields which must be there before the Submit button will work:

See below for explanations.

Names of identifiers and files

Always use lower case in names of caves, despite what you might see in historical data.

So a new cave would be 2023-zz-01 and its entrances would be 2023-zz-01a, 2023-zz-01b and 2023-zz-01c.

This is to prevent confusion between Windows and Linux machines, and unintentional deletion of data.

List of New Cave/Cave_data fields

'False' or 'True'. True if the cave should only be visible to logged-in users. Caves are normally public, so enter 'False' unless you know otherwise.
(Required). Internal I.D. used to refer to this cave in entrance data files. Typically the same as the filebase (e.g. 1623-195).
(Required).The Kataster area (always 1623 or 1626). It's important to get this right, especially if near the border between the two areas. 1623 is our main area, but the border is not too far beyond the Stone Bridge so since 2014 some of our caves are in 1626.
Yes - there really are two different fields, both called 'area'. Bonkers. This second one is the CUCC-defined areas shown in this plan.
The length/type/exploration code used in the Austrian kataster. Look-up table here.
(Either this or unofficial_number is required). Offical number in Austrian kataster if one has been allocated.
(Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated. (e.g. 2012-DD-01) If you do not give this (or the kataster_number if issued) then your cave will not appear in the caves list (Main Index/caves).
Enclosing tag for each entrance, containing an entranceslug ID and a letter (if more than one entrance)
Internal ID to refer to each entrance instance in the entrance files (typically the same as that filename (e.g. 1623-161a). Matches the 'slug' field in the entrance file.
Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrace then the letter needs to be given. Generally matches the entranceslug ID.
Club (CUCC) and year(s) of exploration. To distinguish from caves explored by foreign groups. Names can be given too if it was a small cave. HTML freeform field.
Underground description (the description of the approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in. You can leave this field empty and put a filename in description_file instead, in which case that will be used. HTML freeform field.
For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. HTML freeform field.
References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. HTML freeform field.
Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. HTML freeform field.
Normally empty but can be used for notes on process of getting cave into Austrian kataster. (e.g. 'Too small to be in Kataster', 'Number applied for on 'date', awaiting allocated number). HTML freeform field.
A text field: set to 'In dataset' if there is a survex file in the right plac ein the Loser repository. Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. HTML freeform field.
Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost. HTML freeform field.
Cave length. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet)
Cave depth. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet)
Cave extent(as defined by survex. Not very useful. Best left blank and system could fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet). We should probably scrap this field.
Name of top-level survex file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's caves-{area}/cavenum/cavenum.svx e.g. 'caves-1623/204/204.svx'
Filename: the name of top-level description file for this cave, when a separate file is used. Used instead of above entrance_description field for large caves with complex descriptions. Blank if the description is in the 'underground_description' field.
(Required). URL of this cave. i.e the URL this cave appears at on the website. This is not a pre-existing thing, you are defining it here for the first time. This will be the url that is the public face of the troggle-produced cave description. Usually it has been area/cavenum.html e.g '1623/165.html' in the past, for compatibility with pre-troggle files. For new caves at least it should be area/cavenum e.g '1623/291'

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