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End of 204 walk-in

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<h1>End of 204 walk-in</h1>
<center><img src="i/sbview.jpg"></center>
<p>The cairn lies directly opposite the stone bridge and
marks the end of the walk-in to Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle.  This
photo is taken looking back towards the Brauning Wall, with the Dachstein range
in the background.

<p>The small grassy patch to the left of the cairn lies directly over the
<a href="entrance.html#firstpitch">first pitch</a> of 204 and between
the 204a and 204b entrances (204a is to the left in the photo, 204b to the right);
there is room here for one small tent.

<p class="caption">Photo &copy; Mark Shinwell, 2001


<li>Back to <a href="204.html">204 description</a></li>
