CUCC 96-WK11 | <name> | 1/S - |
Altitude: c m
Converted from GPS: E 36210 N (52)81870 H?
Averaged from GPS: E 36251 N (52)82948 H?
At foot of slope from top of VSK, on Eastern side, before
flat area containing Nipple to south of VSK.
GPS fix GK 5411105 5282491
alt. 1661 ± 53m
Nipple: 202°, Trissel: 179°, Hollweiser: 138°
Big rift aligned 115<->295°. At WNW end is big. Descends over boulders and then snow beyond point of exploration. Needs rope to complete descent, although it is likely to be choked.
Exploration: CUCC 1996 (Wookey)