Hauchhöhle Question Mark list

Extant QM's -- Finished QM's -- 234 index


For question mark list conventions, see here.

Area codes

EntEntrance passages
LHLeft-Hand Series
TrunkMain trunk from Doesn't Go Rift to Cess Pot
MeaslesMeasles Inlet and Cascade Chamber area
SSSweet Sight
PiePie Series
UnderUnderhand Passage
Wowoland2005 Wowoland / Monster's Lair level

Question Marks

Extant QMs


C2002-234-01 C
Ent, near flatulence.57: Small crawl to the left in entrance passage
C2002-234-02 C
LH, near lefthand.15: ?
C2002-234-03 C
LH, near lefthand.15: ?
C2002-234-04 C
LH, near lefthand.5: Continuing crawl beyond squeeze after hole in floor
C2002-234-05 B
LH, near lefthand.10: Pitch, estimated 15-20m; partially bolted
C2002-234-06 Dig
LH, near lefthand.13: Earthen-floored draughting crawl, needs mud removal
C2002-234-07 C
Ent, near flatulence.1: Possible crawl above head of entrance pitch


C2004-234-01 C
Ent, near flatulence2.2: Tight tube for 2m or so to drop, would be hideous to rig
C2004-234-03 C
Trunk, near flatulence2.8: Tube branching off to the left from hole in floor, which soon bends downwards and looks pitchy; awkward even to throw rocks down.
C2004-234-04 C
Trunk, near flatulence2.15: Continuing crawl tightens; more spacious passage visible through slot in floor, but slot is very tight
C2004-234-05 B
Measles, near flatulence.48: Exposed traverse to access horizontal passage high up on far side of chamber
C2004-234-06 C
Measles, near flatulence.48: Awkward loose climb into ceiling
C2004-234-07 B
Measles, near flatulence.48: Traverse into horizontal rift passage on near side of chamber
C2004-234-08 C
Measles, near flatulence.48: Climb down into hole in floor
C2004-234-09 C
Measles, near flatulence.51: Crawl on RH side of passage
C2004-234-10 B
Measles, near flatulence.53: Low crawl over delicate mud with dessication cracks
C2004-234-11 C
Trunk, near flatulence.30: Hole in floor
C2004-234-12 C
Trunk, near flatulence.45: Climb down leads to continuing crawls in various directions, all rather tight
C2004-234-13 C
Trunk, near flatulence.36: Possible passage leading off at roof level
C2004-234-14 C
Trunk, near flatulence.39: Pitch, estimated 5m; light connection to Cess Pot
C2004-234-15 B
Trunk, near flatulence2.17: Pitch, >10m, loose
C2004-234-16 B
Trunk, near flatulence.43: Cess Pot (pitch, approx 5m), light connection to 04-14
C2004-234-17 C
Trunk, near flatulence.43: Exposed traverse to possible continuation of passage
C2004-234-18 C
SS, near flatulence2.23: Tight tube sloping upwards
C2004-234-19 Dig
SS, near flatulence2.29: Choke at top end of Sweet Sight, drafting outwards
C2004-234-20 B
Pie, near pie.2: Passage leads off to right at head of pitch (explored by Stuart?)
C2004-234-22 C
Pie, near pie.13: Continuing tight tube over mud floor
C2004-234-23 B
Under, near underhand.3: Tube at LH side of passage (explored by Pete?)
C2004-234-24 B
Under, near underhand.3: Tube at RH side of passage (explored by Pete?)
C2004-234-25 C
Under, near underhand.3: Tube descending into floor
C2004-234-26 C
Under, near underhand.3: Tube sloping upwards into roof
C2004-234-27 C
Under, near underhand.7: Contortion into immature stream passage in floor, upstream
C2004-234-28 C
Under, near underhand.7: Contortion into immature stream passage in floor, downstream
C2004-234-29 X
Trunk, near flatulence.17: Aven above Doesn't Go Rift
C2004-234-30 X
Trunk, near flatulence.20: Aven above Flashgun Chamber
C2004-234-31 X
Trunk, near flatulence.43: Aven above Cess Pot
C2004-234-32 X
Pie, near pie.3: Aven above first pitch
C2004-234-33 X
Under, near underhand.3: Aven (presumed to connect to 02-05)
C2004-234-34 X
Under, near underhand.4: Aven
C2004-234-35 B
Trunk, near flatulence.22: Continuing low crawl
C2004-234-36 X
SS, near flatulence2.22: Aven above Fledermaushalle


C2005-234-01 A
Wowoland: Short pitch down to continuing horizontal passage
C2005-234-02 B
Wowoland: Upward-sloping passage on left (missed completely on original exploration trip)
C2005-234-03 C
Wowoland: Tight low stream passage taking Pie Series water
C2005-234-04 C
Wowoland: Tight tube high in wall
C2005-234-05 C
Wowoland: Narrow upward-sloping muddy crawl
C2005-234-06 B
Wowoland: Rift passage
C2005-234-07 C
Wowoland: Narrow, tight, sharp crawling passage
C2005-234-08 A
Wowoland: Hole in floor on left at base of Pie Series: ~2m climb down (explored by Stuart??)
C2005-234-09 C
Wowoland: Passage on left in crawl
C2005-234-10 C
Wowoland: Hole in floor in rift
C2005-234-11 A
Wowoland: Continuation of phreas over pitch-head (explored by Olly and Frank, but unsurveyed)
C2005-234-12 A
Wowoland: Large pitch with 4sec drop followed by longer rattle

Completed QMs



C2004-234-02 B
Trunk, near flatulence.19: Descended 2005; blind pit 10m deep
C2004-234-21 A
Pie, near pie.7: Descended 2005: now Pie Series trade route