Things That Need To Be Done

Note: Names shown without question marks have either agreed to do this job, or have no choice as nobody else can possibly do it. Names with question marks are beeing asked to do the jobs, and may freely refuse to do them.
For the purposes of this document, I shall consider the committee to consist of myself, Mark, Martin and Steve.

Do a census of hangers, slings, maillons etc.DaveAprilDone
Coordinate bulk gear orders (Bernies & Field+Trek) DaveJuneIn progress
Prepare laminated A4 size surveys?MartinJune/July-
Sort out mobile phones?June/July-
Make up gear signout bookDaveJuly-
Locate and check surveying gear (Wook may have it?)June/July?-
Check drills - battery?June/July?-
Decide policyCommitteeJuneDone
Make flapjackEarlJuneDone
Make top camp mealsDourJuly-
Prepare bier book?MartinJune/July-
General admin
Write to potential sponsorsJuliaJanuary-JuneDone
Send off insurance formsMartinJuneIn progress
Documentation + website stuff
Find out where descriptions for 202, 203, 206, 211-30, and various others (incl. Rock&Rollhöhle) have got to (supposedly in nonexistent 'autogen' folder)Mark, Ol, WaddersNot urgent-
Request Kataster numbers for Hauchhöhle, Rock&Rollhöhle, Artischockenhöhle and anything significant we may find this summerDaveAugust, after end of expo-
Track down old log and bier books, with records of personnel and gearDaveSoon-
Update Expo Members list with 2001-2 (3?) dataDaveNeeds old logs-