Schwarzmooskogel ridge

Exploration in the last few years has shown that though a variety of different approach walks are needed to visit various parts of the long ridge on the SE side of area 1623, many of the significant caves form part of a single, very extensive, system.

In the southern part, the Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel (1843m), the area is bounded on the west by steep scars into the Kratzer valley and to the south and southeast by the cliffs of Weiße Wand, below which lies Altausseer See and the Hoch Klapf valley to its NE.

The ridge runs NNE, with a col at 1755m, before rising to the Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel at 1906m. To the west of this, the area slopes down to the bare karren of the plateau. Steeper slopes to the east drop into the Hoch Klapf valley which marks the boundary with the adjacent kataster region 1624. There is no real boundary to the north or northeast - just a limit to how far we have yet looked. Currently this is some distance further NE beyond the summit of the Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel. Beyond this, there are no known caves for some way, by which time they fall into the remote plateau or Wildensee areas, as listed here.

The area is more densely covered with dwarf mountain pine than the plateau or other minor areas we have looked at, with a few "real" trees dotted about too. This tends to restrict prospecting to narrow corridors of access on established routes (these can hardly be described as paths).

Five approaches are in use:

  1. Stogerweg - path 201, for entrances low on the S and E side of the ridge
  2. The Eishöhle path - for entrances higher up the hill
  3. Via the Vd. Schwarzmooskogel summit for entrances near it - several variants are possible here.
  4. An established route to Kaninchenhöhle and down the east side.
  5. A route from Top Camp across the plateau, via the large bare patch of limestone on the side of the Hinter (visible from Top Camp) across to Steinbrückenhöhle.

Caves are indexed in two lists - the first for caves known or strongly expected to link into one of the two major systems, and the second for smaller isolated caves. For each cave, the normal approach route is listed as "201", "Nipple", "VSMK" or "161", with a link to the walk-in description, if CUCC have actually been there.

Caves known or expected to link into the Stellerweg -
and Kaninchenhöhle systems

40 Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle - approach Nipple
41 Stellerweghöhle - approach 201
78 Schwaben(schacht)höhle - off the Nipple path
87 Schacht 87A bei Stögerweg - right next to 201
88 Lärchenschacht - probably easiest via 201
115 Schnellzughöhle - drop down from 201
136 Steinschlagschacht - drop down from VSMK summit
142 unnamed - bash through pine from 201
143 Weiße Warze Schacht I - very near the Nipple path
144 Weiße Warze Schacht II - very near the Nipple path
161 Kaninchenhöhle - the main objective of the 161 approach

Caves in the same area - but not yet linked

28 Augsteckhöhle - right next to 201
31 Elchhöhle (= Megalodontenhöhle) - right next to 201
32 Windloch bei Stögerweg - right next to 201
39 Schwa Höhle 39 location unclear - may be in this area.
42 Wasserschacht
79 Badenerschacht
87B Schact 87B bei Stogerweg
109 Schwa-Schacht 109 - climb up from 201
113 Sonnenstrahlhöhle - climb up from 201
116 Kleine Eishöhle
117 Stuttgarter-Schacht
118 Schwa-Schacht 118
119 Schwa-Schacht 119
120 Schwa-Schacht 120
127 Kleine Firnhöhle
128 Enttauschungsschacht
129 Große Firnhöhle
130 Cäcilien-Schacht
135 Schwa Schacht 135 - drop down from VSMK summit
137 Schwa Schacht 137 - drop down from VSMK summit
138 Schwa Schacht 138 - drop down from VSMK summit
139 Schwa Schacht 139 - drop down from VSMK summit
140 Schwa Schacht 140 - drop down from VSMK summit
141 Schwa Höhle 141 - think this is above 201
146 Tobogganschacht - not far off 161 route
147 Schwa Höhle 147 from VSK/HSK col off 161 route
149 Schwa Höhle 149
150 Schwa Röhrhöhle 150 - climb up from 201
151 Schwa Höhle 151 - climb up from 201
152 Bananehöhle - climb up from 201
153 Schwa Schacht 153 - climb up from 201
154 Schwa Schacht 154 - climb up from 201
155 Unerforscht schacht 155
156 Schwa Schacht 156
157 Schwa Schacht 157
158 Donner und Blitzen Höhle
162 Schwa Schacht 162 from VSK/HSK col
163 Schwa Schacht 163 from VSK/HSK col
165 Schwa Schacht 165
180 Schwa Schacht 90/10
185 Zweijahreentstehungshöhle on VSK/HSK col off 161 route
187 Schwa Schacht 187
191 Schwa Schacht 191
192 Schwa Schacht 192
193 Schwa Schacht 193 via 161 or direct from plateau
194 Schwa Schacht 194 via 161 or direct from plateau
195 Schwa Schacht 195 via 161 or direct from plateau
196 Schwa Höhle 196
199 Stürzender Felsbrocken Höhle via VSK path
201 Haftefelle Schacht via VSK path
204 Steinbrückenhöhle
205 Nordalpenschacht
209 Schistock-Absturzschacht
231 Traungoldhöhle
232 Moostunnelhöhle
233 Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle
234 Flinkameiseschact
235 Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle
2000-08 (unnamed)
2000-09 Hauchhöhle
2001-04 Rock'n'Roll höhle
2001-06 Erbärmlichbaumhöhle
2001-07 Holfmungschact
2001-08 Schneeoberlichthöhle
2001-09 Funkberaterschact
2001-10 Großarbeithöhle
2001-11 Schnürsenkelschact
2001-12 Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschact
2001-05 GNDN Höhle
2002-01 Artischockehöhle
2002-04 Tröpfelnhöhle
2003-03 Kartoffelbreihöhle
2003-04 Dreieckhöhle
2003-08 Gewölbeschacht
2003-09 Weizeneishöhle