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<p><img align=left src="../i/ajday.jpg" width=232 height=241
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<b>Anthony Day</b>, expedition 1993-97 inclusive, 1999.
Very much involved in the exploration of
<a href="../../smkridge/161/top.htm">Kaninchenh&ouml;hle</a>.
Known on expedition (and elsewhere) as "Mr. Dour" or simply
"Dour Yorkshireman", giving rise to the passage name
<a href="../../smkridge/161/icelnd.htm#yorkspud">Yorkshire Pudding</a> from
which he had to be excavated during its exploration in 1996.

<p>Now publicity officer for the BCRA
<a href="http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/surveying/csg.html">Cave Surveying Group</a>.

<br clear=all><hr><font size=-1>Photo &copy; ?, 1994</font>
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