Click twice on a sub-heading to reveal the individual to-do items. Click again to hide.
If a heading is in italics, then there are hidden items.
Click on the main "How this works" heading to toggle reveal/hide everything.
Printing this page uses a much smaller font. Complain to the nerd list if you don't like this behaviour.
Edit this page by clicking on the big blue button. It uses the same "Edit this page" function that you may have used before. Just be careful not to touch the code at the top and bottom of the page.
We are working on a more capable and easier-to-use system which will mimic how GitHub Issues do this sort of thing.
To see the "data maintenance" and "survey data-entry" to-do lists, go to the other TO-DO list
Process Documentation
Wallets and new-cave
Explain how to link a new cave into the other caves in
troggle filesystem
Explain how to add photos with the correct URL format to sub-HTML files attached to New Caves
svx check
explain command line to run on newly typed survex file to check for format errors '$cavern xxxx.svx'
DOCUMENT how to pout the "cave" or "locatoion" into the logbook entry title
add the triptitle "location - " to logbook template (example) file (where?)
Fix the BINS package
set up git on the BINS software? Fix base url
set up a cron / Makefile job to run BINS
why is 'updatephotos' script in expofiles?
Document the ~expo/webphotos/ directory and how it works
Why does expofiles/photos/xml/ get created containing all the generated xml files? Fix this.
galley thumbs etc.
:expoweb:/galley/0.htm thumbnails not loading
Laptop config.
imagemagick convert
Not working for PDFs on current version of xubuntu ! Fix & document. Also not working on WSL ubuntu. Needed to work with logbook images easily & to extract PDFs, JPEGs. Need to edit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
System Documentation
Document how we generate the SMK overall lengths and stats
scripts and manual actions in cavern script
:loser:/docs/ files
Troggle architecture
Handbook: add more to the new troggle architecture documentation. For future system maintainers
Regenerate the diagram of the tables in the database & document
Describe the parsing/import procedures so non-nerds can do it
Copy [some of] the .wiki material into the documentation somewhere
explain where the image files are referenced from: svx, tunnel/therion, and
to control this document
in-place (tick, delete) instead of using the
tinymce HTML editor in Django
Maybe restructure whole page as JSON and use
javascript editor to create (edit), re-order and demote items.
if using tinymcs, use the INLINE mode.
Implement comments on an issue, mimicking GitHub issues wiki
Use javascript to skip over the _edit page and submit changes
direct to server when updating. Needs direct POST and include the javascript in the posted content.
checkboxes so that items can be ticked (which also does strike-through)
promotion/demotion options?
bin icon to delete an item? Better to have an archive process.
Local WSL server
Why is it using recuced-capability tinymce, a paths problem ?