- Import is now non-destructive
- Parsers write output to a log file (path be specified in settings)
- databaseReset.py content been divided into separate functions which can be called for varying levels of deletion and importing
- control panel (view, template, urlpattern) added for deleting and importing
- Logins and signup fixed
- CaveArea model updated, view, hierarchical url patterns, and beginning of template added
- New site style
Profiles are Person model instances, and are linked to django's built in User model by a one to one foreign key.
We are using the django-registration and django-profiles pluggables.
Used modified versions of django-registration and django-profiles , both on bitbucket.
The Person model is now set up as the profile for auth.User s.
I set up a requestcontext so that settings is automatically passed to every template, no need to repeat ourselves in views. However, this needs to be refined: I will soon change it to only pass a subset of settings. E.G. we do not need to be passing the DB login and password!