diff --git a/handbook/computing/gpxupload.html b/handbook/computing/gpxupload.html
index f67d76245..d42c5c4d7 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/gpxupload.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/gpxupload.html
@@ -17,28 +17,34 @@ What you are trying to do is to get your recorded locations (waypoints) and wand
 <p>To make this happen you have to  transfer 
 the tracks and waypoints in a GPX file to the right place. 
-<p>If you are really lazy (or really a beginner) you can use the simple upload method, but there are some 
-unavoidable complexities in getting the GPX file out of your device.
+  <p>For most people, the simplest way to achieve this is described in the <a href="#simplegpx">simplified upload instructions</a> below. If this does not work for you, try the <a href="#generalgpx">general upload instructions</a> further down the page.
 <p><em>(If you are looking for how to upload some photos instead, those instructions are 
 <a href="uploading.html">here</a>)</em>.
-  <p>This page is part of the <a href="myphone.html">My Phone on Expo</a> instructions.
+  <p>This page is part of the <a href="myphone.html">My Phone on Expo</a> instructions.</p>
-<h3>TEMPORARY FIX 2022</h3>
-<p>The form to make this easy is not yet written [March 2022]. So use the <a href="/photoupload/">Photo Upload Form</a> which 
-temporarily will also work for GPX files.
+<h2 id="simplegpx">Simplified upload instructions</h2>
+<p>Based on an Android phone in 2024.</p>
+  <li>Connect your phone to a laptop in USB mass storage mode ("File transfer" option in Android).</li>
+  <li>Locate the GPX file in the folder that should have popped up representing your phone storage. For a clean OsmAnd installation on Android in 2024, GPX files can be found in: <pre>/Internal shared storage/Android/data/net.osmand/files/tracks/rec</pre></li>
+  <li>Copy the file to a temporary location on the laptop</li>
+  <li>Go to the <a href="/gpxupload">GPX upload form</a>. Log in with the usual <i>cave:beer</i> password.</li>
+  <li>If there is already a propsepctor directory listed in your name, navigate to it. Otherwise create one in the same format using the form at the bottom of the page first.</li>
+  <li>Browse to your GPX file, rename it to something sensible (all lower case names preferred) and press Upload.</li>
   <h3>Editing your tracks</h3>
-We would much rather have any track than nothing at all: any weirdness can be fixed later. But if you really want to edit out th eglitches yourself, the online GPX editor <a href="https://gpx.studio/about.html">GPX Studio</a> is very good. Or you can download <a href="https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune/">GPSprune</a> to your laptop (it's a java app) and run it locally.
+We would much rather have any track than nothing at all: any weirdness can be fixed later. But if you really want to edit out the glitches yourself, the online GPX editor <a href="https://gpx.studio/about.html">GPX Studio</a> is very good. Or you can download <a href="https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune/">GPSprune</a> to your laptop (it's a java app) and run it locally.
-<h3>Instructions: contents</h3>
+<h2 id="generalgpx">General upload instructions</h2>
 <li><a href="#getgpx">Get the GPX file</a> that holds your locations and wanderings from your phone.
-<li><a href="#simplegpx">Upload the GPX file</a> to the proper place.
+<li><a href="#uploadgpx">Upload the GPX file</a> to the proper place.
-<h2 id="getgpx">Getting the GPX data out of your phone or device</h2>
+<h3 id="getgpx">Getting the GPX data out of your phone or device</h3>
 <li>Use the "Wikilocs" app (or another app with GPS tracking function) to record your track as you walk across the plateau. 
 <li>When you have finished your walk and are back on the internet, publish your track using the app.
@@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ We would much rather have any track than nothing at all: any weirdness can be fi
 Congratulations. You now have your track recorded using GPS as a GPX file.
-<h3 id="simplegpx">Simple upload instructions</h3>
+<h3 id="uploadgpx">Upload instructions</h3>
 <li>Email the public link from the app to someone who knows how to do it. <br>
@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ GPX files are small enough for email systems, so don't be shy of adding them as
 use the "more complex" instructions for <a href="uploading.html">uploading photos</a> to /uploads/, 
 but upload your GPX files instead. But <em>none of this will work</em> on  your own laptop until you have also done the <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> procedure.
-<h2 id="uploadgpx">More complex upload instructions</h2>
+<h3 id="complexgpx">More complex upload instructions</h3>
 <p>OK you now have a file produced by your device, something like XTR20170714X2345.GPX .