From f0d3b7a84889401d2d7e5a899b2510d0e85d2c63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Expo on server <>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 23:48:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Logbook edited 2016-07-17a

 years/2016/logbook.html | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/years/2016/logbook.html b/years/2016/logbook.html
index 8361b7e25..2688c68aa 100644
--- a/years/2016/logbook.html
+++ b/years/2016/logbook.html
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ See troggle/code/views/ and core.models/ writelogbook(year, f
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-22a">2016-06-22</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Elliott Smith, Ashley Gregg, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, Elliott Smith, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - to rig the entrance shaft</div>
 <br /><br />After day of topcamp fettling we set off to Balcony to rig the entrance shaft, after
 initially intending to do only a carry. We reflected en-route, so as to be able to find out way
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ lack of inspiration we headed back out &amp; back to top camp, getting there ~mi
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-22b">2016-06-22</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">2007-71 Ngauruhoe</div>
 <br /><br />Got sufficient gear up the hill to go caving ish (failed to remember sunscreen my safety
 cord and a few other things).
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ cord and a few other things).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-23a">2016-06-23</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Ashley Gregg, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - rig entrance shaft</div>
 <br /><br />Feeling Keen we set off to rig Tunnocks entrance shaft, optimistically we took ropes /hangers
 to get to the bottom of ducks on ice. Burdened by 2 bags &amp; equipped with me skyhook I set off;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ acrobatics &amp; we went home despite the end of the entrance being in sight.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-23b">2016-06-23</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Sioned Haughton, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Sioned Haughton, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Walk over Grimming from Niederstuttern via Grimminghutte, Multerek + Grimmingsgipfel+ending at Kulm</div>
 <br /><br /> Left my bike at Kulm then drove to Neiderstuttern (this is definitely the better route for
 the bike->car shuttle as all downhill!). Set off 8:45 but already hot + near heat stroke on the
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ get to hang-glide over us though we collected him from his field in Bad Mittendo
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-23c">2016-06-23</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Ashley Gregg, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle"></div>
 <br /><br />Feeling Keen we set off to rig Tunnocks entrance shaft, optimistically we took ropes /hangers
 to get to the bottom of ducks on ice. Burdened by 2 bags &amp; equipped with me skyhook I set off;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ acrobatics &amp; we went home despite the end of the entrance being in sight.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-24a">2016-06-24</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony rigging - guide (start of 2016)</div>
 <br /><br />After a disgustingly warm carry up the hill with Anthony, Ash &amp; Elliott, Elliott &amp; I decided
 we still wanted to go caving. We headed over to Balcony with 100m of 11mm snake rope, bolting &amp;
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ for a little bimble &amp; found the natural highs had been derigged. See below f
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-25a">2016-06-25</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, Anthony Day, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Anthony Day, Becka Lawson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Rigging to start of String Theory</div>
 <br /><br />I found the end of Nat's rigging on the swing over above the final snow slope and rigged down with 3m less rope than 
 would have been ideal. Some fine ice columns at the bottom of the pitch. I then rigged Caramel Catharsis on 70m of the unloved 
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ be taken up. Walked down the hill just missing the storm.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-26a">2016-06-26</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, <u>Ashley Gregg</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Ashley Gregg</u>, Elliott Smith, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">BalkonH - Gosser Wager</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ be taken up. Walked down the hill just missing the storm.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-26b">2016-06-26</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Anthony Day, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Anthony Day, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Procrastination</div>
 <br /><br />Rigging trip down Tunnocks, Anthony continued rigging down string Theory whilst I sat &amp;
 refrigerated. String Theory rigged we consolidated rigging Kit and Anthony continued rigging
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ maillons, 9 hangers (N of Beast, magic glue (dev))
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-26c">2016-06-26</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">101 survey practice</div>
 <br /><br />Got a lift up the hill in the morning and learnt to use the distoX
 and topodroid in the bivi cave. Learnt enough to go and do something
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ surveying out the skylight entrance as we went.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-27a">2016-06-27</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">2007-71 Ngauruhoe survey</div>
 <br /><br />Down to the Ngauruhoe snowcone and surveyed out. On the way we lost the nail polish back down
 the pitch (I looked for a while, but gave up in the end). I swung across into the parallel shaft
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ new entrances.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-27b">2016-06-27</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Wookey, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Wookey, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks</div>
 <br /><br />Set off to continue rigging down Tunnocks (aiming to carry 2 bags to camp). On the way the
 one bolt wonder handline before usual suspects was converted (more or less) into a bonafide
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ that", on a spike, bags were left just below magic glue, with a long plod out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-27c">2016-06-27</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, Becka Lawson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle - Andrew's first trip down Balkonh&ouml;hle</div>
 <br /><br />Went for an explore with a few 30m lengths of rope. Was mine &amp; Andrew's first trip down &amp;
 Becka hadn't been down since 2014. Andrew was initially considering dropping down one of the
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ from the right &amp; a squeeze over a 4m drop at the bottom but we had no rope l
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-27d">2016-06-27</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nathan Walker, <u>Luke Stangroom</u>, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, Nathan Walker, <u>Luke Stangroom</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle - Bipedal</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ from the right &amp; a squeeze over a 4m drop at the bottom but we had no rope l
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-28a">2016-06-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">2007-71, 15-02B</div>
 <br /><br />Olly rigged down 15-02B. Sadly it ended about where the final disto leg of 2015
 landed. Derigged out and removed all of our gear from the cave. I was very sad it had
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ off it, but not really an actual cave.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-28b">2016-06-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76 - rigging</div>
 <br /><br />Took the first rope in to 76 to make a start on the rigging. I've barely rigged in years,
 and not been to 76 since 2007, and was using the stop that Julian kindly lent me, having only
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ in German the next day!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-28c">2016-06-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Sioned Haughton</u>, Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkon - Pitch of Bipedal</div>
 <br /><br />We went back to investigate the lead with some more short pieces of rope &amp; 100m of
 9mm. Having received a 13m piece of rope that had been dropped at Natural High. We rerigged the
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ only up to 50m (the one we used the day before was 100m) so we de-rigged and cam
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-28d">2016-06-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Nat Dalton</u>, Luke Stangroom, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Luke Stangroom, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - entrance rerig</div>
 <br /><br />Fettled Tunnocks entrance:</br>
  - Replaced all slings in deviations with tat</br>
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ only up to 50m (the one we used the day before was 100m) so we de-rigged and cam
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-28e">2016-06-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nathan Walker, <u>George Breley</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>George Breley</u>, Nathan Walker, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle - Bipedal</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ only up to 50m (the one we used the day before was 100m) so we de-rigged and cam
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-29a">2016-06-29</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nathan Walker, Anthony Day, <u>Chris Densham</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Chris Densham</u>, Nathan Walker, Anthony Day, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Set up Camp and Living the Dream</div>
 <br /><br /><u>Weds 29th</u>
 <br /><br />I had spent a year dreaming of where the 5m diameter phreatic tunnel "Octopussy" led, 
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ the same order.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-29b">2016-06-29</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Luke Stangroom, <u>Frank Tully</u>, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, Luke Stangroom, <u>Frank Tully</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle - Dig Dug Pitch</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">21:00</div>
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ the same order.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-06-30a">2016-06-30</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Sioned Haughton, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson, Nat Dalton, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, Sioned Haughton, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks (258)- Champagne on Ice (rigging)</div>
 <br /><br /> Nat and I had good memories of the leads down Champagne on Ice so we packed four
 tacklesacks and ~260 rope and started rigging. Missed the 1st two pitches by (something) Tom
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ the short traverse beyond.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-01a">2016-07-01</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson, Julian Todd, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Julian Todd, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle 264 - Frozen North</div>
 <br /><br />Had a good orientation session trying to spot good QMs in 264. Went up Turtlehead and 
 looked for QM92A and concluded it probably didn't exist (it was just the p6). Then looked 
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ out of a new entrance were dashed so we headed back via Cock Aven.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-01b">2016-07-01</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, <u>George Breley</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>George Breley</u>, Nat Dalton, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice</div>
 <br /><br />Nat promised me an “adventure” and so led me down Tunnocks after excessive faff to push a
 lead he’d last visited in 2014. We descended relatively efficiently and route finding was not
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ corner (backed up with by a spike).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-01c">2016-07-01</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76 - Rigging Plugged Shaft</div>
 <br /><br />Back into 76 to continue rigging. Olly continued where I left off starting the 65m rope at
 The Ledge. This year we rigged along the ledge side, with a deviation on the Test Tubes
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ in a trade route rig. So we headed out to rethink.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-02a">2016-07-02</div>
-<div class="trippeople">David Walker, Mark Dougherty, <u>Roshni Gohil</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Roshni Gohil</u>, David Walker, Mark Dougherty, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">264 Balcony - Cathedral Chasm</div>
 <br /><br />First 7 hours of the trip went relatively smoothly, despite David forgetting to bring a pencil 
 for surveying. We made our way to Cathedral Chasm, which included getting past a particularly awkward 
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ the end of the day, it was an experience, albeit not a fun one. We live to cave
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-02b">2016-07-02</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Haydon Saunders</u>, Mark Dougherty, Nat Dalton, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, <u>Haydon Saunders</u>, Mark Dougherty, Nat Dalton, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle Rescue</div>
 <br /><br />At 22:00 David and Roshni's callout went live. We scanned the hill for lights, but saw
 nothing. So we prepared for a rescue and departed for the entrance. We had the response bag and
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ got my gear dry before the heavy rain started.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-02d">2016-07-02</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Sioned Haughton, <u>Haydon Saunders</u>, Mark Dougherty, Ashley Gregg, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, Sioned Haughton, <u>Haydon Saunders</u>, Mark Dougherty, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle</div>
 <br /><br />Went down to Long Drop after Haydons desire to do some f**king caving after ecoli.
 <br /><br />First tried to approach pitch from wrong direction after Marks misguided directions from last year and Haydon hanging 
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ we were able to leave this stupid pitch that will be the end of me.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-02e">2016-07-02</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Luke Stangroom, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Luke Stangroom, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice - Rigging Daft Choice beyond Straight Choice Exposed</div>
 <br /><br />A slick trip with the drill back to the Straight Choice Exposed bold bolted climb that Andrew had climbed whilst I belayed 
 back in 2010. The ankle-high traverse wasn't too bad once you realised where the holds were but definetely non-standard SRT. Luke 
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ George and Luke didn't connect when they rigged a parallel shaft in Champagne on
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-03a">2016-07-03</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Sioned Haughton</u>, Ashley Gregg, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Fetching Drills</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">17:00</div>
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ George and Luke didn't connect when they rigged a parallel shaft in Champagne on
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-03b">2016-07-03</div>
-<div class="trippeople">George Breley, Luke Stangroom, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, George Breley, Luke Stangroom, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Looking for 2nd Balkonh&ouml;hle entrance (dropping 2010-04)</div>
 <br /><br />Dropped 2010-04 using naturals to get to snow slope. Andrew and I used the shovel to dig at the base and the side in 3 spots. 
 Soft snow initially and some gaps but no draft. Gave up after less than an hour. Survey in folder #8 (2016-08).
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ Soft snow initially and some gaps but no draft. Gave up after less than an hour.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-03c">2016-07-03</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, <u>Haydon Saunders</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Haydon Saunders</u>, Nat Dalton, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Haydon's pitch near gear dump</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Soft snow initially and some gaps but no draft. Gave up after less than an hour.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-03d">2016-07-03</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76 - Keg Series</div>
 <br /><br />Much wetter in Plugged Shaft today, but totally passable. Got to Boulder Chamber and Olly
 started to rig Keg Series. We were last here in 2004, despite me remembering which rope we
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ it took just over 2 hrs out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-04a">2016-07-04</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Alice Smith, Frank Tully, Ian Peachey, Katey Bender, Nathan Walker, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Nathan Walker, Elliott Smith, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Alice Smith, Frank Tully, Ian Peachey, Katey Bender, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony Tourists on Independence Day</div>
 <br /><br />There was no cock to crow for the momentous day of Independence for the
   country served by K Bender, but fortunately Densham did arise at Dawn to faff
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ it took just over 2 hrs out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-04b">2016-07-04</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Wookey, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, Chris Densham, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Chris Densham, Wookey, <u>Nat Dalton</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks, 2-night camp</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">07:00 +3</div>
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ this tip, kicking walls hurts with no foot protection] <p/>
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-05a">2016-07-05</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Sioned Haughton</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Sioned Haughton</u>, Andrew Atkinson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Frozen North</div>
 <br /><br />After finding a promising looking snow slope on a previous trip with Becka and Julian, and an unsuccessful prospecting trip 
 to identify the entrance from the surface, Andrew convinced me to accompany him on a trip to dig our way out from the inside. 
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ from a rock ledge into a passage in the ceiling but that closed down and the rop
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-05b">2016-07-05</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Frank Tully, Katey Bender, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Katey Bender, Ian Peachey, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Frank Tully, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice - Daft Choice 2</div>
 <br /><br />Only I had been to Champagne on Ice before and Peachey hadn't been to Tunnocks so we touristed to the head of String Theory 
 on the way in and Peachey took a few photos on the way down. We all went up the Straight Choice Exposed climb but decided to 
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ simplify the route (which needs a rigging guide, Nat!).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-05c">2016-07-05</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="callout">07:00 +1</div>
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ simplify the route (which needs a rigging guide, Nat!).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-05d">2016-07-05</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Nathan Walker, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Nathan Walker, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Batteries! finishing off and bag retrieval</div>
 <br /><br />A day of tidying up loose ends and transporting equipment. Went and rigged Batteries! and surveyed it to a conclusion. 
 About 50m in the book. Ended in a too tight tube heading down. In common with other passages taking water in Balcony there 
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ Batteries! rope at Hilti-a-Plenty for rigging that. Bipedal traverse still rigge
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-06a">2016-07-06</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>David Walker</u>, Julian Todd, Becka Lawson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, <u>David Walker</u>, Julian Todd, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Kracken</div>
 <br /><br />We got to the entrance at 10:45am and started the long descent leaving behind a plateau
 asleep under a blanket of clag.  Down we went, accompanied by a backing track of grumbling from
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ dinner (~4pm). A long prusik followed.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-06b">2016-07-06</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, <u>Elliott Smith</u>, Nathan Walker, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Nathan Walker, Ian Peachey, <u>Elliott Smith</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - The pitch formally known as "Haydon's pitch" -> "Long Drop"</div>
 <br /><br />Sorry for the write-up delay!
 <br /><br />After Haydon had headed down the hill, Nathan, Peachey and I took over the 'project'. Haydon 
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ the RHW (looking from the ICU), pulling you away from the initial, pretty loose
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-06c">2016-07-06</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Katey Bender, Alice Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Alice Smith, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Katey Bender, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Hilti-a-Plenty exploration - rigging trip</div>
 <br /><br />Underground by 11am. It being Alice's first expo, we wanted to give her some experience of rigging in 
 Austria and this seemed a good choice being close to the entrance, quite deep but not too deep and promising 
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ pushing for another day, we then headed out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-06d">2016-07-06</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Rob Watson, Katey Bender, <u>Alice Smith</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Alice Smith</u>, Rob Watson, Katey Bender, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkonh&ouml;hle - Hilti-a-Plenty, surveying Northen Straight</div>
 <br /><br />My (Alice) first surveying trip. We started at where myself, Katey and Rob had had a nose around the day 
 before. George and I started surveying while Rob went ahead to rig a traverse further ahead. across a pitch ~6m. 
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ the right, finishing in an aven (Rob said this has now crapped out).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-07a">2016-07-07</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, Sioned Haughton, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Sioned Haughton, Andrew Atkinson, <u>Becka Lawson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Callout book entry</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ the right, finishing in an aven (Rob said this has now crapped out).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-07b">2016-07-07</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Mark Dougherty</u>, Luke Stangroom, Anthony Day, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Anthony Day, <u>Mark Dougherty</u>, Luke Stangroom, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks Camp</div>
 <h3>Day 1</h3>
 <br /><br />Descended lunchtime and sent down at a steady pace. Met up with David, Julian and Becka at
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ out and everybody was back on the surface by 17:00.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-07c">2016-07-07</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76 - Keg Series</div>
 <br /><br />Headed into Razor Advance with drill, rope and survey kit to see what happened next. On the
 way in we had switched the rope in Adventures in Time and Space for the 72m - a few m longer
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ leg in different directions every so often). Gave up and exited.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-08a">2016-07-08</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">171 survey</div>
 <br /><br />I'd noticed that 171 was a moderately sized cave on the plateau that was unsurveyed, so
 decided it was a nice job for a rest day. To make life easier just took helmets, clothing and
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ finish with oversuits.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-08b">2016-07-08</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Frank Tully, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Frank Tully, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Dropping pitches and finding more</div>
 <br /><br />Frank brought his spade/shovel along in case of digging potential, but unfortunately his 
 illness prevented him from achieving this. Then me and George went to the pitch down the sandy 
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ then out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-09a">2016-07-09</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">16-JB-01 Hohle der guten Hoffnung</div>
 <br /><br />Intended to go back and finish surveying 171, so took ovesuits, kneepads as well as helmets
 and survey kit. Olly wanted to try a different route to walk there so headed past 2006-70 and
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ without gear.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-09b">2016-07-09</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, <u>Rob Watson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Annoying resurvey and no Cashback (Pitch is now called Young Love)</div>
 <br /><br />After discovering lots of easy horizontal passage the day before, we returned to get that 
 sorted. After 11 long legs. we popped out in the big bouldery chamber. We later found out that 
@@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ Still lots to go at!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-10a">2016-07-10</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">171, near old top camp - surveying</div>
 <br /><br />Headed to 171 with oversuits and kneepads to finish the survey. On phoning basecamp
 discovered that the camping team were overdue, but that things were in hand, and there was
@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ down to our camp to check we were safe - thank you!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-10b">2016-07-10</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, <u>Rob Watson</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Nat Dalton, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">The Non Rescue - 1st Response Team</div>
 <br /><br />Team were overdue in Tunnocks so me and Nat headed down to camp with the grab bag and first aid 
 kit. Underground by 8.45. Arrived at Kraken for 11.45 to find rope caught up beneath the overhang 
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ reasonably sufficiently after waiting to see that Mark D could untangle the rope
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-11a">2016-07-11</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Alice Smith</u>, Luke Stangroom, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Luke Stangroom, Ashley Gregg, <u>Alice Smith</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Long Drop</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">19:00</div>
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ reasonably sufficiently after waiting to see that Mark D could untangle the rope
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-11b">2016-07-11</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Sioned Haughton, <u>Andrew Atkinson</u>, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, Sioned Haughton, <u>Andrew Atkinson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Gosser, Wager</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">20:00</div>
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ reasonably sufficiently after waiting to see that Mark D could untangle the rope
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-11c">2016-07-11</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Katey Bender, Chris Densham, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Ian Peachey, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, Katey Bender, Chris Densham, <u>Rob Watson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Camp - Tunnocks master cave and unprecedented depth potential!</div>
 <br /><br />A most amazing trip, which despite being shortened by the rescue of the previous day, managed to provide 
 much new cave and a lot of new prospects. We arrived at camp for 1.15pm and ate some noodles and soup. Off 
@@ -1205,7 +1205,7 @@ series. Overall a truly memorable and excellent trip, one of my best ever and on
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-11d">2016-07-11</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, Fleur Loveridge, Nathan Walker, <u>Pete Talling</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Pete Talling</u>, Andrew Atkinson, Fleur Loveridge, Nathan Walker, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Hilti-a-Plenty "Roundabout.svx"</div>
 <br /><br />Pete and Fleur's first caving trip of 2016 expo - to a lead in Hilti-a-Plenty following a tip from Rob Watson et al. We 
 rather enjoyed the Hilti pitches, where we met Andy Atkinson. Nicely sculpt firatic shaft action, top notch. Then we went 
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ a choke, with the others following to survey. Then back to the ranch for tea and
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-11e">2016-07-11</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, <u>George Breley</u>, Becka Lawson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Nat Dalton, <u>George Breley</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Prospecting North of Balcony</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ we were past the Tap Room and Keg Series, so had an uneventful exit.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-12a">2016-07-12</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nat Dalton, <u>George Breley</u>, Becka Lawson, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Nat Dalton, <u>George Breley</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Derigging and pushing Champagne on Ice</div>
 <br /><br />Set off with the intention of derigging traverse beyond Arctic Angle and pushing Nat's lead ("What would your Mother say") 
 before finally derigging the Champagne on Ice pitch series and derig traverse beyond Arctic Angle and WWYMS. Off to a flying 
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ with some hangers.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-12b">2016-07-12</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Luke Stangroom</u>, Nathan Walker, Alice Smith, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, <u>Luke Stangroom</u>, Nathan Walker, Alice Smith, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkon - Gosser Wager</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ with some hangers.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-12c">2016-07-12</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Pete Talling, <u>Aidan Marks</u>, Fleur Loveridge, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Fleur Loveridge, Pete Talling, <u>Aidan Marks</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balkon - end of Dark Arts via Bipedal</div>
 <br /><br />The first aim was to derig Bipedal traverse; which was soon dispatched by Fleur. The 40m rope was then taken to the end of 
 Dark Arts. There was some climbs and traverses along Dark Arts, including final climb that stopped Fleur and Pete two years ago. 
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ draft, but needs dry and settled weather!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-16a">2016-07-16</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Martin Green, Luke Stangroom, Pete Talling, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, Fleur Loveridge, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Fleur Loveridge, Martin Green, Luke Stangroom, Pete Talling, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ draft, but needs dry and settled weather!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-16b">2016-07-16</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Michael Sargent</u>, Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker, George Breley, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">George Breley, <u>Michael Sargent</u>, Elliott Smith, Nathan Walker, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Kraken Camp - pushing Song of the Earth (258)</div>
 <br /><br />Down to camp
 <br /><br />Being the 6th? camping trip to Kraken, we supposedly had a lot of leads to choose from. Getting to camp was easy enough, 
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ hadn't come underground, and indeed lower Procrastination had been a bit drippie
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-16c">2016-07-16</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">2016-JB-01 Hopeless</div>
 <br /><br />Walked up in the morning, having had a tooth extracted the previous day - I promised the dentist that I would avoid 
 strenuous activities for a few days and also not cave if it was raining (he was very concerned that we might underestimate 
@@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ another lead for the next trip.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-16d">2016-07-16</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Rob Watson, <u>Martin Green</u>, Ian Peachey, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, Rob Watson, <u>Martin Green</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Hilti-a-Plenty</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ another lead for the next trip.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-16e">2016-07-16</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Martin Green, Luke Stangroom, Pete Talling, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, Fleur Loveridge, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Fleur Loveridge, Martin Green, Luke Stangroom, Pete Talling, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Champagne on Ice derig</div>
 <br /><br />Callout book entry.
 <div class="callout">22:00</div>
@@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ another lead for the next trip.
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-17a">2016-07-17</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tagging Jobs</div>
+<div class="triptitle">269, 2006-07, 267 - Tagging Jobs</div>
 <br /><br />It rained and rained some more, so enthusiasm was low for going underground and getting wet. It brightend up 
 in the afternoon (ie was claggy not actually raining) so Olly made up some cave tags and we changed the Bivi 
 cave (2004-01) to 269, then I walked to Cairn Cave and tagged it (2006-70) and finally retagged 1987-02 as 267.
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ cave (2004-01) to 269, then I walked to Cairn Cave and tagged it (2006-70) and f
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-17b">2016-07-17</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Luke Stangroom, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Luke Stangroom, <u>Rob Watson</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Hilti a Plenty - Pushing and Evening Breakthrough</div>
 <br /><br />After a morning of grim rain delayed the campers from camping, myself and Luke became bored of shit-talking and card games 
 and headed to off into Balcony in the mist to see what could be found. In quickly and soon I was bolting one of the three pots 
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ prospect for next year!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-18a">2016-07-18</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>, Anthony Day, Ashley Gregg, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Ashley Gregg, <u>Rob Watson</u>, Anthony Day, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Long Drop - final push, survey &amp; Derig</div>
 <br /><br />After a rather late start to say the least (Anthony &amp; I seem to have a way of starting 
 far to late when we cave with the other), I arrived at balcony Gear Dump (Having shown the 
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ Great success!
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-18b">2016-07-18</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, <u>Katey Bender</u>, Fleur Loveridge, Elaine Oliver, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elaine Oliver, Ian Peachey, <u>Katey Bender</u>, Fleur Loveridge, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Camp Kraken - Song of the Earth + Derig (Downstream)</div>
 <br /><br />To be read in conjunction with Fleur's report...
 <br /><br />While Fleur and Peachey headed to the uphill lead, Elaine and I went down to the lead advertised as being 
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ meet Fleur and Peachey.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-18c">2016-07-18</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, <u>Fleur Loveridge</u>, Elaine Oliver, Katey Bender, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Katey Bender, Ian Peachey, <u>Fleur Loveridge</u>, Elaine Oliver, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Song of the Earth and Camp Derig</div>
 <br /><br />It was supposed to be a 2 night camp starting on Sunday. But on Sunday we woke up and it had been raining in the 
 night and continued to rain. So we deferred to avoid starting off cold and wet. Instead an "alpine start" was called 
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ last section together and exited around 11pm.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-18d">2016-07-18</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">16-JB-01 Dirty Snow</div>
 <br /><br />Weather wasn't great, so we had quite a slow start. Headed back to 16-JB-01 to look at Olly's new lead. Again we 
 started the rope at the ledge, but went down further along, then Olly went to the northen end of the cheesey chamber 
@@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@ get further without gear. Surveyed out.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-18e">2016-07-18</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Ian Peachey, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, Fleur Loveridge, Katey Bender, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Katey Bender, Ian Peachey, <u>Elaine Oliver</u>, Fleur Loveridge, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Camping in Tunnocksschacht - CHECC Grand Prize entry</div>
 <br /><br />
 It was decided that this year, the CUCC expo would establish an underground camp in Kraken Chamber, 
@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ again.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-19a">2016-07-19</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Mark Dougherty</u>, Ashley Gregg, David Walker, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">David Walker, <u>Mark Dougherty</u>, Ashley Gregg, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Cathedral Chasm</div>
 <br /><br />Went down to limit of exploration. David rigged a couple of 10m pitches but both were
 choked. Walls covered with some nice "flapjack" crystalline calcite.
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ slightly dodgy pitch and a couple of traverses.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-19b">2016-07-19</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Martin Green, <u>Pete Talling</u>, Elliott Smith, Rob Watson, Aidan Marks, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Aidan Marks, Martin Green, <u>Pete Talling</u>, Elliott Smith, Rob Watson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">"Just Keeps Giving" and "Water Torture" (Below Hilti-a-Plenty)</div>
 <br /><br />The team kept pushing the lead below Hilti-a-Plenty rigged by Rob and Luke on 17/7/2016 (Evening Breakthrough). Rob 
 kindly showed the rest of the team to the right place. Aidan and Pete surveyed upwards from T-junction up a steeping 
@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ down with good draft.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-19c">2016-07-19</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">76 Derig</div>
 <br /><br />Decided to derig 76 whilst it wasn't raining, and to free up rope for 16-JB-01. Last year I masterminded a very efficient 
 derig of 107 with 3 people and 6 bags of gear. This year we had 2 people for 76, 4 bags, and 6 bags worth of gear. I went down to 
@@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ and everything derigged to the Ledge Below the Ledge.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-20a">2016-07-20</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Olly Betts</u>, Jenny Black, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Jenny Black, <u>Olly Betts</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">16-JB-01: Hohle der Guten Hoffnung</div>
 <br /><br />Continuing to push the same route as 18th, we (re)rigged on the way in, then dropped the down-climb we'd called 
 it a day at, then down a short pitch with a rebelay to reach some large boulders with a view out into a void beyond. 
@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ to the boulder it was on than it appeared to be.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-20b">2016-07-20</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Mark Dougherty, <u>Anthony Day</u>, David Walker, Rob Watson, Elliott Smith, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Elliott Smith, Mark Dougherty, <u>Anthony Day</u>, David Walker, Rob Watson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks derig, Upper Kraken to String Theory</div>
 <br /><br /> The objective of this trip was to derig at least as far as the top of the flood-prone Procrastination pitch. The 
 intention was to use the PAELLA (Pull An Extremely Long Length Altogether) technique which, a practice run in Long Drop 
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ go down and retrieve it. This news was greeted by sympathetic laughter at the to
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-21a">2016-07-21</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Jenny Black</u>, Olly Betts, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Olly Betts, <u>Jenny Black</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">16-JB-01: Nervous Breakdown</div>
 <br /><br />This had to be our final trip, so we could carry gear down the next day. Managed to get underground at 9:05am 
 to maximise our chances.
@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ in all-with-tracks).
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-24a">2016-07-24</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Ashley Gregg</u>, Martin Green, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Martin Green, <u>Ashley Gregg</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Hilti-a-Plenty - Galactica</div>
 <br /><br />Went to explore Hilti-a-Plenty and push a pitch discovered by Rob and co. This pitch was eventually 
 named Deep Space 9 - suggested by Rob on a later trip. Martin bolted and rigged, before we descended to 
@@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ surveyed not including mahoosive Galactica. Of course it was the last day of pus
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2016-07-25a">2016-07-25</div>
-<div class="trippeople"><u>Ashley Gregg</u>, Rob Watson, Martin Green, </div>
+<div class="trippeople">Martin Green, <u>Ashley Gregg</u>, Rob Watson, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">Balcony Derigging - Hilti-a-Plenty</div>
 <br /><br />Went to show Rob Galactica before then the big derigging began. Derigged Deep Space 9 then the traverse 
 of Om? then Can't Stop Now this is Bat Country. Also finished an odd bit of surveying left behind by Rob