diff --git a/handbook/computer.html b/handbook/computer.html
index 8f7882dbe..cfc1cc5d2 100644
--- a/handbook/computer.html
+++ b/handbook/computer.html
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ to the Gasthof campsite WiFi. So please don't stream video or do a lot of operat
 as the Gasthof is probably paying per GB to their supplier.
 <h3>Two WiFi systems</h3>
-<p>Our own Wifi only works very close to the tatty hut. If you are camped over the road near the 
-Gasthof you will need to use the Gasthof WiFi 'staudnwirt'. This takes you to a login page on a web browser and it will log you out if you stop using it or whenever it 
-thinks you have been on too long. Get instructions from the Gasthof campsite reception.
+<p>Our own Wifi only works very close to the tatty hut. If you are camped over the road near the Gasthof you 
+will need to use the Gasthof WiFi 'staudnwirt'. This takes you to a login page on a web browser and it will 
+log you out if you stop using it or whenever it thinks you have been on too long. Get instructions from the 
+Gasthof campsite reception.
 <div class="onright">
 <a href="/piclinks/typing.htm"><img src="/images/typing.jpg"></a>
@@ -85,8 +86,14 @@ if you can't get your own laptop or phone to work with the printer.
 <p>The networking hardware is an Acer Aspire netbook which keeps us logged in to the Gasthof and does firewalling
 to provide local connectivity and local WiFi. The antenna which we use to connect to  the Staudnwirt WiFi 
-is a dual antenna WiFi tiny black box on a small shelf high above the sink/stove area and connected via a usb cable to the tiny dark-blue Acer netbook 'tclaspire3'. There is no separate router: routing is all done by this Acer notebook.</p>
+is a dual antenna WiFi tiny black box on a small shelf high above the sink/stove area and connected via a usb cable to the tiny dark-blue Acer netbook 'tclaspire3'. In 2023 there will be no separate router: routing is will all be done by this Acer notebook [PENDING CORRECTION/UPDATE].</p>
+<div class="onright">
+<a href="computing/potato-hut-network.jpg"><img src="computing/potato-hut-network-small.jpg"></a>
+<br><figcaption>Hut Network - click to enlarge</figcaption>
 <p>The potato hut WiFi is running DHCP and allocating IP addresses of the form 192.168.1.x where x is a number between 11 and 99 .
 <p>The <em>Expo laptops</em> have a dynamic local address of this form, as does any other laptop connecting to this WiFi.
@@ -128,6 +135,8 @@ pushing the changes to the distributed version control system on
  to connect the tattyhut to the internet continuously and not to have our own local server. This coincides with 
 a much-improved WiFi service at the Gasthof in recent years. 
+<p>In 2018 and 2019 we had good Internet access at basecamp, but the router was returned to its owner and in 2022 Wifi reception from the gasthaus was poor. A new Wifi device (not a router, just a dual-antennae receiver) is to be used in 2023, pending configuration with the acer aspire laptop, wich we hope will improve everything to how it was in 2019.
 <hr />
 Go on to: <a href="computing/onlinesystems.html">Expo online systems</a><br />
diff --git a/handbook/computing/onlinesystems.html b/handbook/computing/onlinesystems.html
index e9802ac5e..c16797a0e 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/onlinesystems.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/onlinesystems.html
@@ -47,13 +47,18 @@ This page is the overview. The online systems manuals are split into these secti
 <li><a href="../logbooks.html">Uploading typed logbooks</a></li>
 <li><a href="gpxupload.html">Uploading GPS tracks</a></li>
 <li><a href="../survey/newcave.html">Recording a new cave discovery</a></li>
+  <li><a href="../computer.html">Bascamp computers and network</a> - what there is in the potato hut
 <li><a href="manual.html">Data maintenance</a> - finding and updating cave survey data using online tools
 <li><a href="basiclaptop.html">Configuring your own laptop</a> - for managing drawings and survey files, photographs and scanned images</li>
-<p><strong>Surveying and recording survey data is the  reason all this exists.</strong> The "survey handbook" part of this handbook gives instructions to beginners for how to record discoveries and surveys. <p><a href="../survey/why.htm"><img class="onleft" src="go-caving-th.jpg"></a>The "data maintenance" manual is where to look for help when things go wrong: the data has been entered incorrectly, or software has crashed due to corrupt input data.
+<p><strong>Surveying and recording survey data is the  reason all this exists.</strong> The "survey handbook" part of this handbook gives 
+instructions to beginners for how to record discoveries and surveys. <p><a href="../survey/why.htm"><img class="onleft" src="go-caving-th.jpg"></a>
+The "data maintenance" manual is where to look for help when things go wrong: the data has been entered incorrectly, or software has crashed due to 
+corrupt input data.
 <p>The "system maintenance" manual may of interest to a caver who wonders how it is all put together but should not be needed by most people.
-A fuller list of "How do I..." instruction pages are on <a href="../index.htm">the handbook opening page</a>. If you are new to this you may need a beer. A very fine place for a beer is the Panorama Restaurant at the top of the toll road - as illustrated.
+A fuller list of "How do I..." instruction pages are on <a href="../index.htm">the handbook opening page</a>. If you are new to this you may need a 
+beer. A very fine place for a beer is the Panorama Restaurant at the top of the toll road - as illustrated.
 <hr />
 <p>We have <a href="wookey-slides.html">an Overview Presentation</a> (2015: many parts out of date)
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index 000000000..111d6c8f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/handbook/computing/potato-hut-network.jpg differ