[svn r6876] Rejigged plateau areas extensively

This commit is contained in:
dave 2005-06-01 16:10:04 +02:00
parent 1df3ecc6d7
commit ee07186b62
4 changed files with 495 additions and 475 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ sub notincurrentcvs {
# Returns nothing
sub do_this_line {
# Split single line into all the fields
my ($kat_num, $kat_status, $ents, $other_number, $mult_ents, $file, $linkfile, undef, $name, $unofficial_name, $comment, $area, $explorers, $u_description, $equipment, $qmlist, $katstatus, $references, $u_centre_line, $u_drawn_survey, $survex_file, $length, $depth, $extent, $notes, $ent_name, $tag_punkt, $other_punkt, $desc_other_punkt, $exact_punkt, $fix_type, $gpspresa, $gpspostsa, $northing, $easting, $altitude, $bearings, $map, $location, $approach, $ent_desc, $ent_photo, $marking) = &parse_csv($_[0]);
my ($kat_num, $kat_status, $ents, $other_number, $mult_ents, $file, $linkfile, undef, $name, $unofficial_name, $comment, $area, $explorers, $u_description, $equipment, $qmlist, $katstatus, $references, $u_centre_line, $u_drawn_survey, $survex_file, $length, $depth, $extent, $notes, $ent_name, $tag_punkt, $other_punkt, $desc_other_punkt, $exact_punkt, $fix_type, $gpspresa, $gpspostsa, $northing, $easting, $altitude, $bearings, $map, $location, $approach, $ent_desc, $ent_photo, $marking, $marking_comment, $findability, $findability_comment) = &parse_csv($_[0]);
my $parents_name;
# If we have been called to process an entrance, we may have been given the cave's Kataster number or Other number
@ -411,9 +411,23 @@ END
if ($ent_photo) {
print FILE "\n\n<p><b>Entrance Photo:</b> $ent_photo</p>";
if ($marking and $marking ne "\r" and $marking ne "\r\n" and $marking ne "\n") { # bodgelicious.
print FILE "\n\n<p><b>Marking:</b> $marking</p>";
if($marking or $marking_comment) {
print FILE "\n\n<p><b>Marking:</b> "
if ($marking) {
print FILE "$marking";
if ($marking and $marking_comment) { print FILE ". (" }
if ($marking_comment)
print FILE "$marking_comment"
if ($marking and $marking_comment) { print FILE ")" }
if ($marking or $marking_comment) {
print FILE "</p>"
if ($references) {
print FILE "\n\n<p><b>References:</b> $references</p>";
@ -548,8 +562,8 @@ sub do_link_ent {
my (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $lent_name, $ltag_punkt, $lother_punkt, $ldesc_other_punkt, $lexact_punkt, $lfix_type, $lgpspresa, $lgpspostsa, $lnorthing, $leasting, $laltitude) = &parse_csv($_);
my (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $lent_name, $ltag_punkt, $lother_punkt, $ldesc_other_punkt, $lexact_punkt, $lfix_type, $lgpspresa, $lgpspostsa, $lnorthing, $leasting, $laltitude, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $lmarking) = &parse_csv($_);
do_ent($ltag_punkt,$lother_punkt,$lexact_punkt,$lgpspostsa,$lgpspresa,$leasting,$lnorthing,$laltitude,$lent_name,$lfix_type,$ldesc_other_punkt, $lmarking);
seek(CSV, $storedoffset, 0);
@ -576,6 +590,7 @@ sub do_ent {
my $ent_name = $_[8];
my $fix_type = $_[9];
my $desc_other_punkt = $_[10];
my $marking = $_[11];
# Write out info for entrance
if ($ent_name) {
@ -651,6 +666,7 @@ sub do_ent {
$warnings = 1;
if ($marking) { print FILE "<b>Marking:</b> $marking " };
# Handle multiple entrances
@ -674,7 +690,7 @@ sub multi_ents {
my $e = <CSV>;
my ($ekat_num, undef, $eents, $eother_number, $emult_ents, $efile, $elinkfile, $elinkent, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $eent_name, $etag_punkt, $eother_punkt, $edesc_other_punkt, $eexact_punkt, $efix_type, $egpspresa, $egpspostsa, $enorthing, $eeasting, $ealtitude) = &parse_csv($e);
my ($ekat_num, undef, $eents, $eother_number, $emult_ents, $efile, $elinkfile, $elinkent, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $eent_name, $etag_punkt, $eother_punkt, $edesc_other_punkt, $eexact_punkt, $efix_type, $egpspresa, $egpspostsa, $enorthing, $eeasting, $ealtitude, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $emarking) = &parse_csv($e);
if ($eother_number) {
$eother_number = "($eother_number)"; # wrap it in brackets, so it doesn't appear to be official
@ -694,11 +710,11 @@ sub multi_ents {
do_this_line($e, $kat_num, $other_number_no_brackets, (($_ = $file) =~ s/^.*\///ig) && $_);
open FILE, ">> $file" or die $!;
# Process the location data for the entrance
do_ent($etag_punkt,$eother_punkt,$eexact_punkt,$egpspostsa,$egpspresa,$eeasting,$enorthing,$ealtitude,$eent_name,$efix_type,$edesc_other_punkt, $emarking);
} else { # no entrance file needed, and no link to another cave
print FILE "$eents $eother_number";
# Process the location data for the entrance
do_ent($etag_punkt,$eother_punkt,$eexact_punkt,$egpspostsa,$egpspresa,$eeasting,$enorthing,$ealtitude,$eent_name,$efix_type,$edesc_other_punkt, $emarking);
print FILE "</li>";
@ -716,25 +732,31 @@ sub expandarea {
return ("Plateau", "plateau");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "1a") {
return ("Around Top Camp and below Br&auml;uning Wall", "plateau");
return ("Nearer plateau (access from Top Camp)", "plateau");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "1b") {
return ("&quot;Nearer&quot; plateau - including holes found on &quot;geologists' walk&quot;", "plateau");
return ("Western plateau (Puffball area)", "plateau");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "1c") {
return ("&quot;Nearer&quot; plateau northeast of the col", "plateau");
return ("Eastern plateau area near Steinbr&uuml;cken path", "plateau");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "1d") {
return ("&quot;Middle&quot; plateau", "plateau");
return ("Further plateau near Eislufth&ouml;hle", "plateau");
if ($_[1] == 1 && $_[0] =~ /2[a-z]/ && $_[0] ne 1626) {
return ("Schwarzmooskogel ridge", "smkridge");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "2a") {
return ("Southern section near 40 and 161", "smkridge");
return ("Southern Schwarzmooskogel ridge &ndash; Stellerweg / Wei&szlig;e Warze area", "smkridge");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "2b") {
return ("Northern section near 204", "smkridge");
return ("South-east slopes of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel &ndash; Eish&ouml;hle area", "smkridge");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "2c") {
return ("Vorderer to Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel &ndash; Kaninchenh&ouml;hle area", "smkridge");
if ($_[1] == 0 && $_[0] eq "2d") {
return ("Northern Schwarzmooskogel ridge (access from Steinbr&uuml;cken)", "smkridge");
if ($_[0] eq 3) {
return ("Br&auml;uning Alm", "br-alm");

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ popular approach to the summit by walkers, and is clearly destined to
become increasingly clear with traffic. Indeed, it is becoming an easy
route for those approaching 161 and the col to get side-tracked onto.
It ascends close to <a href="../handbook/survey/lasers.htm">laser point</a>
0/5, and the small group of nearby entrances, the most obvious of which is
0/1, and the small group of nearby entrances, the most obvious of which is
the open shaft of <a href="156.htm">1623/156.</a> This should be skirted on
the left (uphill, east) side. Following the cairned route through various
patches of pine leads to the summit, not obvious until you are almost upon