[svn r6923] Correct date on my photo of 171 (it was taken in 1999)

This commit is contained in:
olly 2005-06-13 01:43:02 +02:00
parent 8a6bcc2529
commit e815b125cd

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
164,"2/S +",,,,"plateau/164.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 164",,,"1a","<a href=""../years/1988/164.htm"">CUCC 1988</a>","The entrance pitch is 10m, and has a detectable draught - quite strong in view of the size of the entrance. There was only the remains of a snow plug in 1988, although the plug is almost complete in some years (eg. 1995 - it was gone again in 1996).</p><p>A small stream enters and lands on boulders at the foot of the pitch in a passage leading south along a fault. A climb of 4m over precarious boulders reaches a bolt for the second pitch. The quality of rock in this area leaves a lot to be desired. The second pitch, 12m and third pitch, 15m are separated only by a small ledge. Water sinks in floor of small passage floored with what would appear to be the previous season's roof, now decayed into small jagged rocks. Continuing passage over boulders rises to 4-5m dropping steeply for 30m on the same south-trending fault. The water is rejoined at a freehanging 10m pitch from a rock bridge overlooking a sizeable chamber.</p><p>The stream sinks at the foot of the pitch in the centre of the 15m by 7m chamber floor. To the east, a scramble leads up to a shattered cross-rift from a large shelf about 15m long and 10m wide, but ends too tight. A similar feature to the west up a 4m climb becomes a low bedding with no way on. Due south are two passages, the one to the right leading 20m round a couple of bends to a sandy choke. The left passage quickly chokes. The draught seems to be lost into the continuation of the passage above the final pitch, on the far side of the chamber. This would be best reached by a traverse on steep loose rock from the 4m climb in the chamber. The pitches take large quantities of water very quickly in rain.",,,,,,"<a href=""others/164.png"">Elevation</a> in Cambridge Underground 1989",,,"60ish metres",,,,"p164tag","p164rig",,,"Surface survey","gps96.164/189 gps96bestfit.164",,,,,,,"On plateau, beyond <a href=""198.htm"">B11</a> (1623/198). This is a snow-choked shaft next to the very large snow-choked shaft, which has always been blocked with snow and was therefore not explored or numbered for many years, but is now <a href=""189.htm"">189</a>.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""others/l/189164.htm""><img src=""others/t/189164.jpg"" width=""121"" height=""176"" alt=""entrance picture - 87k jpeg"" /></a><p>164 entrance (left of centre) seen over 189 entrance.</p></div><p>","Tag","On wall above entrance, facing NE, number in red, 1988. Austrian metal tag, 1995.","Surveyed",
165,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/165.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 165",,,"2d","CUCC 1989","15m shaft explored by Adam and Planc on 24th August 1989, and apparently never returned to, but did get its number painted. Relocated and surveyed to in 1999.</p><p>In same fault line, but further north, in an area of bare limestone is another shaft. This already had a bolt when encountered in 1989, despite being outside the area previously looked at by CUCC. It was in excess of 35m deep and was not marked by CUCC. Cross on Sch&ouml;nberg 322&deg;, Br&auml;uning Nase 222&deg;</p><p>This latter cave may be <a href=""195.htm"">195</a> (marked in 1995) which is c 80m almost due north, although the faults in this area are mainly aligned on about 020&deg;, so it may be an as-yet-unrelocated shaft.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p165",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"Cross on Sch&ouml;nberg 331&deg;, Br&auml;uning Nase 226&deg;",,"On the west side of the Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel in a fault line. About 80m due south of <a href=""195.htm"">195</a>, which is visible from top camp.",,,,"Tag","Tag placed 1999","Surveyed",
"166-170",,,,,,,,,,"Not CUCC numbers","nonexistent",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
171,"1/T +","a b","90/1","yes","plateau/171/171.html",,,"Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/1",,,"1a","CUCC 1990.","Subhorizontal phreatic tube trending 154&deg;. Multiple entrances and windows with total passage length in excess of 150m. Passage generally elliptical: 5m wide and 3m high.</p><p>Along the fault to the north are numerous choked shafts with a maximum depth of 5m.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1644m","Br&auml;uning Nase 190&frac12;&deg; (in 1995, recorded as 186&deg; in 1990), Br&auml;uning Zinken 236&frac12;&deg; (1995), Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel appears as a single peak on 056&deg; (both 1990 and 1995), East end of Top Camp 177&deg; (1995), Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel appears as 126&deg; (1990 and 1995) but this point is <b>not</b> the true summit, and therefore cannot be used to plot the cave on the map. It is useful if you just want to find the cave.",,"150m north of Top Camp (camp 3). c 20-50m east of prominent fault which cuts through Br&auml;uning Nase, in sub-horizontal limestone.",,,"</p> <table class=""imgtable""> <tr> <td><a href=""171_ent_old.jpg""><img src=""171_ent_old_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""171_entrance.jpg""><img src=""171_entrance_small.jpg"" /></td> </tr> <tr class=""caption""> <td>171 entrance in 1995</td> <td>171 entrance in 1996(?)</td> <tr> <td><a href=""171vw.jpg""><img src=""171vw_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""rwc171.jpg""><img src=""rwc171_small.jpg"" /></a></td> </tr> <tr class=""caption""> <td>1623/171 entrance and a small shaft linked to it <br />by a section of mostly unroofed cave, seen in 1995</td> <td>Robert Seebacher at the entrance in 1995</td> </table><p>Photos &copy; Andy Waddington 1995, except 1996 photo &copy; Olly Betts","Tag","Paint marking on wall facing southwest:</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""../others/l/90-1.htm""><img src=""../others/t/90-1.jpg"" alt=""CUCC painted marking (17k JPEG)"" width=""73"" height=""67"" class=""aligntop"" /></a></div><p>Original 90/1 marking of 1990 vintage, converted to ""171"" in 1991. This image taken in 1995. There is also a metal tag bolted on by the Austrians in 1995.",,
171,"1/T +","a b","90/1","yes","plateau/171/171.html",,,"Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/1",,,"1a","CUCC 1990.","Subhorizontal phreatic tube trending 154&deg;. Multiple entrances and windows with total passage length in excess of 150m. Passage generally elliptical: 5m wide and 3m high.</p><p>Along the fault to the north are numerous choked shafts with a maximum depth of 5m.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1644m","Br&auml;uning Nase 190&frac12;&deg; (in 1995, recorded as 186&deg; in 1990), Br&auml;uning Zinken 236&frac12;&deg; (1995), Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel appears as a single peak on 056&deg; (both 1990 and 1995), East end of Top Camp 177&deg; (1995), Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel appears as 126&deg; (1990 and 1995) but this point is <b>not</b> the true summit, and therefore cannot be used to plot the cave on the map. It is useful if you just want to find the cave.",,"150m north of Top Camp (camp 3). c 20-50m east of prominent fault which cuts through Br&auml;uning Nase, in sub-horizontal limestone.",,,"</p> <table class=""imgtable""> <tr> <td><a href=""171_ent_old.jpg""><img src=""171_ent_old_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""171_entrance.jpg""><img src=""171_entrance_small.jpg"" /></td> </tr> <tr class=""caption""> <td>171 entrance in 1995</td> <td>171 entrance in 1999</td> <tr> <td><a href=""171vw.jpg""><img src=""171vw_small.jpg"" /></a></td> <td><a href=""rwc171.jpg""><img src=""rwc171_small.jpg"" /></a></td> </tr> <tr class=""caption""> <td>1623/171 entrance and a small shaft linked to it <br />by a section of mostly unroofed cave, seen in 1995</td> <td>Robert Seebacher at the entrance in 1995</td> </table><p>Photos &copy; Andy Waddington 1995, except 1999 photo &copy; Olly Betts","Tag","Paint marking on wall facing southwest:</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""../others/l/90-1.htm""><img src=""../others/t/90-1.jpg"" alt=""CUCC painted marking (17k JPEG)"" width=""73"" height=""67"" class=""aligntop"" /></a></div><p>Original 90/1 marking of 1990 vintage, converted to ""171"" in 1991. This image taken in 1995. There is also a metal tag bolted on by the Austrians in 1995.",,
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"t171",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p171b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Paint (?)",,"Surveyed",
172,"1/T +",,"90/2",,"plateau/172.htm",,,"Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/2",,,"1a","Almost certainly seen before, but recorded CUCC 1990","Horizontal, walk-in phreatic tube dipping to S and trending 190&deg;. 40m long, 4m wide, 1.5 to 2m high. Choked at end.",,,,,"In dataset","</p><div class=""centre""><img src=""others/172plan.png"" /></div><p>Notes in 2000#34","caves/172/172.svx",,,,,,,"p172",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"North of <a href=""171/171.html"">171</a> along fault, on cliff facing north, 10m east of fault. HSK 063&deg;, Sch&ouml;nberg cross 343&deg;. Relocated from these bearings, which seem about right, in 1995.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""others/l/172.htm""><img alt=""Entrance photo"" src=""others/t/172.jpg"" width=""200"" height=""150"" /></a><p>Entrance to 1623/172, seen in 1995</p></div><p>","Tag","Originally marked ""CUCC 90/2"" in red, changed to ""172"" in 1991. An Austrian metal tag bolted to entrance in 1995.","Surveyed",

1 Kataster Number Kat Status Code Entrances Unofficial number Multiple entrances Autogen file Link file Link Entrance Name Unofficial Name Comment Area Explorers Underground Description Equipment qm list Kataster status References Underground centre line Underground drawn survey Survex file to get length and depth Length Depth Extent Notes Entrance name tag point in dataset other point in dataset description of other point exact entrance in dataset (drip line/highest enclosed contour) Type of survey fix GPS pre SA GPS post SA Northing Easting Altitude Bearings Map Location Approach Entrance description Photo of location Marking Marking comment Findability Findability comment
212 164 2/S + plateau/164.htm Plateau Schacht 164 1a <a href="../years/1988/164.htm">CUCC 1988</a> The entrance pitch is 10m, and has a detectable draught - quite strong in view of the size of the entrance. There was only the remains of a snow plug in 1988, although the plug is almost complete in some years (eg. 1995 - it was gone again in 1996).</p><p>A small stream enters and lands on boulders at the foot of the pitch in a passage leading south along a fault. A climb of 4m over precarious boulders reaches a bolt for the second pitch. The quality of rock in this area leaves a lot to be desired. The second pitch, 12m and third pitch, 15m are separated only by a small ledge. Water sinks in floor of small passage floored with what would appear to be the previous season's roof, now decayed into small jagged rocks. Continuing passage over boulders rises to 4-5m dropping steeply for 30m on the same south-trending fault. The water is rejoined at a freehanging 10m pitch from a rock bridge overlooking a sizeable chamber.</p><p>The stream sinks at the foot of the pitch in the centre of the 15m by 7m chamber floor. To the east, a scramble leads up to a shattered cross-rift from a large shelf about 15m long and 10m wide, but ends too tight. A similar feature to the west up a 4m climb becomes a low bedding with no way on. Due south are two passages, the one to the right leading 20m round a couple of bends to a sandy choke. The left passage quickly chokes. The draught seems to be lost into the continuation of the passage above the final pitch, on the far side of the chamber. This would be best reached by a traverse on steep loose rock from the 4m climb in the chamber. The pitches take large quantities of water very quickly in rain. <a href="others/164.png">Elevation</a> in Cambridge Underground 1989 60ish metres p164tag p164rig Surface survey gps96.164/189 gps96bestfit.164 On plateau, beyond <a href="198.htm">B11</a> (1623/198). This is a snow-choked shaft next to the very large snow-choked shaft, which has always been blocked with snow and was therefore not explored or numbered for many years, but is now <a href="189.htm">189</a>. </p><div class="centre"><a href="others/l/189164.htm"><img src="others/t/189164.jpg" width="121" height="176" alt="entrance picture - 87k jpeg" /></a><p>164 entrance (left of centre) seen over 189 entrance.</p></div><p> Tag On wall above entrance, facing NE, number in red, 1988. Austrian metal tag, 1995. Surveyed
213 165 1/S + smkridge/165.htm Schwa Schacht 165 2d CUCC 1989 15m shaft explored by Adam and Planc on 24th August 1989, and apparently never returned to, but did get its number painted. Relocated and surveyed to in 1999.</p><p>In same fault line, but further north, in an area of bare limestone is another shaft. This already had a bolt when encountered in 1989, despite being outside the area previously looked at by CUCC. It was in excess of 35m deep and was not marked by CUCC. Cross on Sch&ouml;nberg 322&deg;, Br&auml;uning Nase 222&deg;</p><p>This latter cave may be <a href="195.htm">195</a> (marked in 1995) which is c 80m almost due north, although the faults in this area are mainly aligned on about 020&deg;, so it may be an as-yet-unrelocated shaft. p165 Surface survey Cross on Sch&ouml;nberg 331&deg;, Br&auml;uning Nase 226&deg; On the west side of the Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel in a fault line. About 80m due south of <a href="195.htm">195</a>, which is visible from top camp. Tag Tag placed 1999 Surveyed
214 166-170 Not CUCC numbers nonexistent
215 171 1/T + a b 90/1 yes plateau/171/171.html Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/1 1a CUCC 1990. Subhorizontal phreatic tube trending 154&deg;. Multiple entrances and windows with total passage length in excess of 150m. Passage generally elliptical: 5m wide and 3m high.</p><p>Along the fault to the north are numerous choked shafts with a maximum depth of 5m. 1644m Br&auml;uning Nase 190&frac12;&deg; (in 1995, recorded as 186&deg; in 1990), Br&auml;uning Zinken 236&frac12;&deg; (1995), Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel appears as a single peak on 056&deg; (both 1990 and 1995), East end of Top Camp 177&deg; (1995), Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel appears as 126&deg; (1990 and 1995) but this point is <b>not</b> the true summit, and therefore cannot be used to plot the cave on the map. It is useful if you just want to find the cave. 150m north of Top Camp (camp 3). c 20-50m east of prominent fault which cuts through Br&auml;uning Nase, in sub-horizontal limestone. </p> <table class="imgtable"> <tr> <td><a href="171_ent_old.jpg"><img src="171_ent_old_small.jpg" /></a></td> <td><a href="171_entrance.jpg"><img src="171_entrance_small.jpg" /></td> </tr> <tr class="caption"> <td>171 entrance in 1995</td> <td>171 entrance in 1996(?)</td> <tr> <td><a href="171vw.jpg"><img src="171vw_small.jpg" /></a></td> <td><a href="rwc171.jpg"><img src="rwc171_small.jpg" /></a></td> </tr> <tr class="caption"> <td>1623/171 entrance and a small shaft linked to it <br />by a section of mostly unroofed cave, seen in 1995</td> <td>Robert Seebacher at the entrance in 1995</td> </table><p>Photos &copy; Andy Waddington 1995, except 1996 photo &copy; Olly Betts </p> <table class="imgtable"> <tr> <td><a href="171_ent_old.jpg"><img src="171_ent_old_small.jpg" /></a></td> <td><a href="171_entrance.jpg"><img src="171_entrance_small.jpg" /></td> </tr> <tr class="caption"> <td>171 entrance in 1995</td> <td>171 entrance in 1999</td> <tr> <td><a href="171vw.jpg"><img src="171vw_small.jpg" /></a></td> <td><a href="rwc171.jpg"><img src="rwc171_small.jpg" /></a></td> </tr> <tr class="caption"> <td>1623/171 entrance and a small shaft linked to it <br />by a section of mostly unroofed cave, seen in 1995</td> <td>Robert Seebacher at the entrance in 1995</td> </table><p>Photos &copy; Andy Waddington 1995, except 1999 photo &copy; Olly Betts Tag Paint marking on wall facing southwest:</p><div class="centre"><a href="../others/l/90-1.htm"><img src="../others/t/90-1.jpg" alt="CUCC painted marking (17k JPEG)" width="73" height="67" class="aligntop" /></a></div><p>Original 90/1 marking of 1990 vintage, converted to "171" in 1991. This image taken in 1995. There is also a metal tag bolted on by the Austrians in 1995.
216 a entrance t171 Surface survey Tag Surveyed
217 b last entrance p171b Surface survey Paint (?) Surveyed
218 172 1/T + 90/2 plateau/172.htm Plateau H&ouml;hle 90/2 1a Almost certainly seen before, but recorded CUCC 1990 Horizontal, walk-in phreatic tube dipping to S and trending 190&deg;. 40m long, 4m wide, 1.5 to 2m high. Choked at end. In dataset </p><div class="centre"><img src="others/172plan.png" /></div><p>Notes in 2000#34 caves/172/172.svx p172 Surface survey North of <a href="171/171.html">171</a> along fault, on cliff facing north, 10m east of fault. HSK 063&deg;, Sch&ouml;nberg cross 343&deg;. Relocated from these bearings, which seem about right, in 1995. </p><div class="centre"><a href="others/l/172.htm"><img alt="Entrance photo" src="others/t/172.jpg" width="200" height="150" /></a><p>Entrance to 1623/172, seen in 1995</p></div><p> Tag Originally marked "CUCC 90/2" in red, changed to "172" in 1991. An Austrian metal tag bolted to entrance in 1995. Surveyed