diff --git a/years/2013/logbook.html b/years/2013/logbook.html index 4656422b1..fb8e6df4c 100644 --- a/years/2013/logbook.html +++ b/years/2013/logbook.html @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ carefully passed rigging items back and forth to each other in order to not drop them down the ptich (we were nicely wedged above the pitch, but smaller items would fall all the way to the floor). Mike beautifully rigged the pitch as follows riging topo of pitch beyond the

+flap" src="/years/2013/logbkimg01.png">.

A 39m rope was used, however Mike had to 'elastic band' the rope between the Y-hang + the rebelay in order to reach the floor. At the bottom @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ Determination Series is getting close to the level of the horizontal development bottom of String Theory.

riging topo - 2nd pitch of Determination +src="/years/2013/logbkimg02.png">

With that, it was time to do battle with ‘The Flap/ again. This time, Holly had to perform an overtaking manoeuvre in the rift in order to show me how it should be done. With @@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ back after back after a few meters, but a too exposed climb at the end soon saw Becka back thritching up to the body sized tube – it all reconnected up with the zig zag at the head if a big pitch:
Plan Sketch


At ca. 6:30pm as Becka was prussicking up lower Procrastination pitch there was a sudden roar and a waterfall appeared. Chris looked down in horror from pitch above and a little @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ reasonable rig up Bring on the Clowns. Anthony begin rigging the pitch down at t the wind. Some 30m down he met the wall of the shaft. So came nack up and Chris went down with the drill and thrubolts (having run out of Hiltis 2 days ago).
elv/rigging guide of The Number of the Beast


* Dour: "Can you remember those numbers while I get my book out?"
Chris: "Maybe. Distance 6.66, Clino +66, Ooer!"

@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ numb I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the burning sunshine awaiti outside. Once we were out + the survey was complete we lay in the sunshine drying out and reflecting on what a shame it was that there is still no way through.
Rigging Guide


T/U: 4hrs?
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ src="logbkimg06.png">

part of the system. No major comments for the journey in except that I’ll quote Becka who said the following about the Flap (rift): “this is lovely” – Yes that’s right – my rift is lovely! Ha! You’re all wimps!Smiley


[Ed: One para crossed out] (Sorry this didn't make sense! It's too early after expo dinner) @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ cave). Becka had done the rift 3 times lugging the bags through!

The three of us managed to drag the bafs to March of the Penguins where we then dumped some weight to collect another day & also make our call out!
rigging diagram


[Trip dated 3rd in Logbook, but 6th in callout book and survey data: 3rd must be a mistake]

@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ out and slowly caved back to outside.

Estimated lengths by CD. Please amend on derig! Chris
String Theory Rigging Guide +src="/years/2013/logbkimg09.png">

For the Bad Aussee rag:

@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ wider.

surrounding holes with Chris + Matt. Chris watched Matt descend the furthest of four holes (#1) which led to a window into hole #2.
Plan of holes layout
Meanwhile Holly + I found hole #4 which turned +src="/years/2013/logbkimg10.png">
Meanwhile Holly + I found hole #4 which turned out to have been tagged by Noel last year [[see image above]]. Holly dropped her sunglasses down onto the snow bank in it so I climbed down a bit to fetch them + there was definitely a cool cave breeze coming out quite strongly. Matt then rigged #4 + he + I went down but this just led to a @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ be a long term dig – needing capping perhaps.

Matt’s hand-bolted hole


The team was being toasted by hot sun, and beginning to wander in small circles. This was in area in line between a ‘prominent dead tree’ and of a snow pole. Matt’s pit was somewhat @@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ immediately to another pitch. A partial descent was made but no more drill batte Pete & Cameron returned 13th August, but made little more progress having forgotten the drill bit...... But it remains ongiong + great draught.
Rigging diagram of DOWN GRADE

@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ close together).

T/U: 10hrs

Rigging topo for Clayton's Cock-up
+src="/years/2013/logbkimg13.png" width="75%" height="50%">

@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ everything but a drill bit. Unable to fashion one from Mars bars or limestone th manage to drop an extra pitch on a natural. This involved getting wet in spray from small stream – so only Pete descended. He landed in pretty wide rift. An easy 2m climb led to a further 10-15m pitch which is undescended.
Rigging guide/elevation
The team then derigged.

@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ attempts. Sadly the spike then came down the pitch, so the lead is still going derigging + hauled the 6 bags up the entrance pitch and carted them back to camp. There are a lot of great leads in 107 and possible connections with 101 and 76 still to be found. If only expo lasted longer.

Below is the rigging guide found in the logbook, but a beautiful PDF version can now be found here.

2013 rigging guide for 107


T/U: 6hrs

@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ the rope was able to hang nearer the window allowing a swing across to it. Time by then so exploring the continuing passage was left for the next day.

Rigging Guide


@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ traverse and was confirmed as such when the traverse was found from the other di

Both of the tubes (Double barrel passage) had a small rift in the floor which is believed to drop to a lower level, the best place to drop this would probably be the traverse in the second tube mentioned above.

Rigging guide


T/U: 12hrs
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ clean washed aven and downstream a series of boulder climbs. A possible lead was halfway up the wall in the chamber above the pitch. This would require a traverse or a climb or possibly a tube on the left of the passage above this chamber might give slightly easier access. Then derigged Tunnocks entrance and caramel Catharsis.
Rigging guide


T/U: 6hrs 30