[svn r5768] Moved 2003-09 around a bit and added an entrance photo

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dl267 2004-04-21 11:57:42 +02:00
parent b2f6d2f602
commit e24540f091
2 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -364,4 +364,4 @@
,"1/S/T =",,"2003-03",,"smkridge/2003-03.html",,"Kartoffelbreihöhle","Mashed Potato Cave",,"2b",,"CUCC 2003Julian T, Dave L","A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft).","26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient",,,,,,,,"? (~15m)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04.",,,,"Tag."
,"1/T +",,"2003-04",,"smkridge/2003-04/2003-04.html",,"Dreieckh&ouml;hle","Triangle Cave",,"2b",,"CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L, Frank T","A short sloping crawl leads to a stooping passage which opens out into a large horizontal phreatic passage heading northeast, floored with large blocks. This proceeds for around 25m to the northeast before terminating in an unstable boulder pile. Some small tubes branch off but are too small to access. In summer 2003 there was a strong inwards draught, which lost itself in the terminal boulder chokes.","None required","None (one arguable dig, not worth the bother)","Form prepared but not yet sent",,"In dataset","<p>Plan: <br /><img src=""2003-04plan.png"" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#23)</p>","2003-04","53m","13m",,,,,,"p2003-04",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"In small elliptical depression around 100m N of stone bridge",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-08",,"smkridge/2003-08/2003-08.html",,"Gew&ouml;lbeschacht","Arch Shaft",,"2b",,"CUCC 2003 Earl M, Brian O","Entrance is a wide, open rift aligned roughly north-south, spanned by a rock bridge at the southern end. The cave proper starts with a boulder slope at the north-east corner of the rift, which briefly closes down before opening out into a high, narrow slot. Beyond thisis a pitch, the foot of which is blocked by snow.","Approx 75m rope; see elevation survey.","There is a possible lead in an alcove on the far wall of the final pitch, but this was not thought promising, and was left univestigated.","Form prepared 14/4/04 but not yet sent",,"In dataset","<p>Extended elevation: <br /><img src=""2003-08extelev.png""></p><p>Plan: <br /><img src=""2003-08plan.png"" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#29)</p>","2003-08","51m","44m","11m E-W",,,,,"p2003-08",,,,,,,,,,,,"???",,,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/E x",,"2003-09",,"smkridge/2003-09.html",,"Weizeneish&ouml;hle",,,"2b",,"CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S.","Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (> 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.",,"Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar.","Form will be prepared when Mark draws up the survey",,"In dataset","Notes in 2003#31","2003-09","134m","18m",,,,,,"t2003-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance",,"Obvious arched entrance",,"Tag."
,"2/E x",,"2003-09",,"smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html",,"Weizeneish&ouml;hle",,,"2b",,"CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S.","Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (> 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.",,"Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar.","Form will be prepared when Mark draws up the survey",,"In dataset","Notes in 2003#31","2003-09","134m","18m",,,,,,"t2003-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance",,"Obvious arched entrance","<img alt=""entrance photo - 106k jpeg"" src=""2003-09.jpg"" />","Tag."

1 Kataster Number Kat Status Code Entrances Unofficial number Multiple entrances Autogen file Link file Name Unofficial Name Comment Area No Info Explorers Underground Description Equipment qm list Kataster status References Underground centre line Underground drawn survey Survex file to get length and deapth Length Depth Extent Header Footer Notes Entrance name tag point in dataset other point in dataset description of other point exact entrance in dataset (drip line/highest enclosed contour) Type of survey fix GPS pre SA GPS post SA Northing Easting Altitude Bearings Map Location Approach Entrance description Photo of location Marking
364 1/S/T = 2003-03 smkridge/2003-03.html Kartoffelbreih&ouml;hle Mashed Potato Cave 2b CUCC 2003Julian T, Dave L A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft). 26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient ? (~15m) On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04. Tag.
365 1/T + 2003-04 smkridge/2003-04/2003-04.html Dreieckh&ouml;hle Triangle Cave 2b CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L, Frank T A short sloping crawl leads to a stooping passage which opens out into a large horizontal phreatic passage heading northeast, floored with large blocks. This proceeds for around 25m to the northeast before terminating in an unstable boulder pile. Some small tubes branch off but are too small to access. In summer 2003 there was a strong inwards draught, which lost itself in the terminal boulder chokes. None required None (one arguable dig, not worth the bother) Form prepared but not yet sent In dataset <p>Plan: <br /><img src="2003-04plan.png" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#23)</p> 2003-04 53m 13m p2003-04 Surface survey In small elliptical depression around 100m N of stone bridge Tagged 2003
366 2/S/T + 2003-08 smkridge/2003-08/2003-08.html Gew&ouml;lbeschacht Arch Shaft 2b CUCC 2003 Earl M, Brian O Entrance is a wide, open rift aligned roughly north-south, spanned by a rock bridge at the southern end. The cave proper starts with a boulder slope at the north-east corner of the rift, which briefly closes down before opening out into a high, narrow slot. Beyond thisis a pitch, the foot of which is blocked by snow. Approx 75m rope; see elevation survey. There is a possible lead in an alcove on the far wall of the final pitch, but this was not thought promising, and was left univestigated. Form prepared 14/4/04 but not yet sent In dataset <p>Extended elevation: <br /><img src="2003-08extelev.png"></p><p>Plan: <br /><img src="2003-08plan.png" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#29)</p> 2003-08 51m 44m 11m E-W p2003-08 ??? Tagged 2003
367 2/E x 2003-09 smkridge/2003-09.html smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html Weizeneish&ouml;hle 2b CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S. Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (> 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar. Form will be prepared when Mark draws up the survey In dataset Notes in 2003#31 2003-09 134m 18m t2003-09 Surface survey In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance Obvious arched entrance <img alt="entrance photo - 106k jpeg" src="2003-09.jpg" /> Tag.

Binary file not shown.