diff --git a/years/2022/logbook.html b/years/2022/logbook.html
index 0394f5ccb..1b8cdada6 100644
--- a/years/2022/logbook.html
+++ b/years/2022/logbook.html
@@ -267,11 +267,6 @@ Followed the unnamed area down the canyon to a undescended small pitch. Dropped
 <p>After a late start we headed out, fettling various bits of rigging on the way out. (out 23:30). Bolted crappy pitch before Mongol Rally.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 59 hours</div>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> d0f3fe72 (Added 2022 log book entries RT)
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="t2022-08-07">7-9/8/22</div>
 <div class="triptitle">Kamp Kresh - Fishface</div>
@@ -380,16 +375,14 @@ The ‘Suffolk by the sea’ survey went up the bed from the bottom of the ‘le
 <p>Creche - group of new expo goers who enjoy japing, wittering and giggling</p>
 <p>Jarry Crechle - Red Bull Athlete and vlogger</p>
 <p>Plague pit - Potato hut in 2022</p>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="t2022-08-13">13/8/22</div>
 <div class="triptitle">Apris Medicus - below Clap my Pitch Up</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Rob</u>, Nathan, Max</div>
-<p>Trip beganvery efficiently due to Captain Chris and I deciding not to part take the evening prior and due to pre-trip packing the evening prior. Underground by 10am after arelaxed breakfast. Quickly down pitches and arrive at the Forte, show Chris and Eric the start of the survey at the Mourne of the Moths then headed off to continue bolting down 'Clap my Pitch up'. Chose to name</p>
+<p>Trip began very efficiently due to Captain Chris and I deciding not to part take the evening prior and due to pre-trip packing the evening prior. Underground by 10am after a relaxed breakfast. Quickly down pitches and arrive at the Forte, show Chris and Eric the start of the survey at the Mourne of the Moths then headed off to continue bolting down 'Clap my Pitch up'. Chose to name.</p>
->>>>>>> d0f3fe72 (Added 2022 log book entries RT)
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