diff --git a/handbook/computing/keyexchange.html b/handbook/computing/keyexchange.html
index 196cee378..f1c69abac 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/keyexchange.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/keyexchange.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
 <h1>Key-Pair Setup</h1>
-<p>As of the server move in spring 2019 you need authorisation on the expo server to log in. This takes the form of an ssh key. You generate a key-pair on the machine you use for access, then send the public half to the server. Once done all logins are automatic - no passwords needed.</p>
+<p>As of the server move in spring 2019 you need authorisation on the expo server to log in to get 'programmer access'. (This is not the same as logging in to the <em>website</em> as 'expo', which you can do with just the password.)This takes the form of an ssh key. You generate a key-pair on the machine you use for access, then send the public half to the server. Once done all logins are automatic - no passwords needed.</p>
 <p>'ssh' is 'secure shell' and is widely used for secure access to machines and services.</p>