diff --git a/noinfo/years/1979/descnt.htm b/noinfo/years/1979/descnt.htm
index 1dd3d83b4..6d9d52822 100755
--- a/noinfo/years/1979/descnt.htm
+++ b/noinfo/years/1979/descnt.htm
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ before a car accident wiped out (temporarily) half of the pushing
 team. (See <a href="../1978/descnt.htm"><i>Descent 40</i></a> for
 the action replay).</p>
-<p>The cave to this depth includes (see survey), Plugged Sahft,
+<p>The cave to this depth includes (see survey), Plugged Shaft,
 250ft (75m) of horrific snow plugs; The Keg Series, a red herring
 route that diverted our attention until we noticed that - wait for
 it - it had no draught; and the Tap Room, a fair sized chamber with