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[svn r8401] Fix all wookey's write-ups that people couldn't read
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@ -993,7 +993,55 @@ p { clear: both }
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wookey</u>, Nial Peters, Andrew Atkinson</div>
<div class="triptitle">Climbing - Trisselwand - the IVth</div>
<p>(the extra date 2007-08-05 was in the title)</p>
<p>Niall felt it was time to attempt the trisselwand again, 15 years
after the last disastrous attempt. Wookey 'Volunteered' as a previous
incumbent, and Andrew was mugged into coming too. Packed in advance
with trepidation and got up by 6am to omlette already made by Andrew.
Hiked in to bottom from Sattel to start by 9am. To find the start go
down a bit (30m?) after the heli-landing zone open area & just follow
obvious path. We went off up wrong scre slope & wasted half an hour
faffing. First couple of hundred metres is just scrmabling up path to
<p>We decidefd o do 'Hoferweg' route (5) as it is in guidebook with
topo. Previpous trips have done the easier 'Stügerweg' route
(3-4+). Wook led 1st couple of pitches, getting a bit lost on 2nd.
Then Andrew took over for the next couple of pitches back into the
gulley. We wizzed up there, mostly moving together. Chilly in the
shade. Had lunch at 1pm above pitch 8. We were overtaken by 3 groups
further down - 2 heading up 'seeblick' sport route & one pair going
our way. They had no gear beyond extenders - using body belay or
italian hitch for belay!, but were clearly mch better climbers than
us. Soon we were at the headwall where there really is a bench fixed
in place to look at view from.</p>
<p>Next bit was obvisouly hard so we send niall first. Turned into
proper climbing at this point. 1st pitch (#12, 4-) OK, Next really
quite tricky - a fine lead. System we used was 2 half-ropes, leader
had no sack, both seconds carried rucksacks, on easy pitches both
seconds moved together. Pitch 14 was nasty-looking overhang - not as
bad as it looked btill scary & with desperate slab back into gulley,
not designed for short-arses (drop onto tiny ledge from one handhold.
wobbly piton for pro). more gulley & a couple of slabs, now quite hot
after 3½ hours in the sun. Andrew suffering from sun but saved by
cave at stance for pitch 18.</p>
<p>Now quite strung out with 2 hard pitches right at the top; tired,
hot. Having the hard stuff at the end like this is really rather
unhelpful. 2 more fine leads from Niall - bloody good job we brought
him along! nasty move out from cave, and marvellously exposed climb
round overhang looking right down 800m to lake, finally gets you off
horrible cliff to marvellous views that you could have had by walking
<p>very tedious 1&quarter;hrs trog back down to well-earned beer.
Niall liked the hard bits on good rock (& really didn't like the
chossy pitches). Wook and Andrew hated those and liked the easy bits
on shitty rock. Finshed at 6:10pm.</p>
<p>9hrs on the rock. ~13hrs total trip.</p>
<p>Not epic, but bloody hard work & quite scary;
<hr />
@ -1123,27 +1171,33 @@ Ollie, Aaron and I went for a 2.5 hour jaunt down 204e. The main purpose was to
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wookey</u>, Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson</div>
<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Photo, Rig, survey, push in Tunnocks</div>
<p>Andrew took photo gear, Wook took tackle & rigging gear, Becka took survey gear. Went in to far end to rig traverse over '17s rattle,' via a couple of metres of entrance ice.</p>
<p>Andrew took photo gear, Wook took tackle & rigging gear, Becka took survey gear. Went in to far end to rig traverse over '17s rattle,' via a couple of metres of entrance ice.</p>
<p>Andrew rigged traverse and we threw lots of big rocks, [rekaning?] was pitch to be rm with push another similar below. Traverse just led to other views down pitches. Not clear if all three holes are same pitch or not. Put in a couple more spits to tidy rig, surveyed & went back to lead below climb up to cobble pile. Pitch down but c3 into passage went about 50m to another large pitch.</p>
<p>Andrew rigged traverse and we threw lots of big rocks, reckoning main pitch to be 45m with prob another similar below. Traverse just led to other views down pitches. Not clear if all three holes are same pitch or not. Put in a couple more spits to tidy rig, surveyed & went back to lead below climb up to cobble pile. Pitch down but c3 into passage went about 50m to another large pitch.</p>
<p>Big draught.</p>
<p>Now next to horizontal QM N of cobble pile. This way [rivle &?] slab. Andrew left for 2nd photo trip of day in 82. Becka & Wookey surveyed over 250m of stonking passage "Rhubarb Crumbly". Exceptionally fine trip -- lots of QM's. Eventually gave up, [witherz soaked bg] too many QMs. Chamber with two going off E, NE, NW.</p>
<p>Next went to horizontal QM N of cobble pile. This was nice & flat. Andrew left for 2nd photo trip of day in 82. Becka & Wookey surveyed over 250m of stonking passage "Rhubarb Crumbly". Exceptionally fine trip - lots of QM's. Eventually gave up, utterly sated by too many QMs - chamber with two going off E, NE, NW.</p>
<p>Laser surveying is the way forward -- but keep batteries away from SAP [SAP = Shetland Attack Pony, aka pony].</p>
<p>Laser surveying is the way forward -- but keep batts away from SAP.</p>
<div class="timeug">T/U Becka, Wook 10h Andrew 6h</div>
<div class="timeug">T/U Becka, Wook 10hrs. Andrew 6hrs</div>
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<div class="tripdate" id="t2007-08-09A">2007-08-09</div>
<div class="trippeople">Wookey, Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson + Ollie Stevens</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wookey</u>, Becka Lawson, Andrew Atkinson + Ollie Stevens</div>
<div class="triptitle">Unknown</div>
<p>Back to bag some more horizontal cave, despite having to walk back down (Wook). All underground by 9.30. 1hr to pushing front. Off resolutely North, past some very fine pretties for Austria. Then chamber with pitch below and [chories?] of A-leads. Took</p>
<p>Back to bag some more horizontal cave, despite having to walk back down (Wook). All underground by 9.30. 1hr to pushing front. Off resolutely North, past some very fine pretties for Austria. Then chamber with pitch below and choice of A-leads. Took northerly one - soily passage, then rift chamber, then descending phreatic, past a tricky c3 up into soily, wide place with passages down ahead and on right (draughting towards us). Another off on L, draughting away. Main lead down terminated at a clean aven & 4m passage blocked by soil choke. Crawls continue. Air probably goes up aven.</p>
<p>[giving up for now, too hard to read -[[User:Aaron|Aaron]] 16:40, 1 June 2008 (BST)]</p>
<p>Lead on R from soily place in huge passage almost full of soil. Strong draught, goes to smallish aven then peters out in steeply ascending tubes. Aven may be climable.</p>
<p>Lead on L goes only about 30m to pitch.</p>
<p>So went back to major lead at pitch chamber. Passage ascending at consistent 23°ress; to East. Ollie came to join us as we started up here & did a bit of ferreting. Did about 100m of this before Wook had to start long journey home. Others continued, determined to clock up at least 500m.</p>
<p>Passage was up to 1825m (60m below entrance). Wook out in a little over an hour, just in time to get thunderstormed on along with Jon and Morven (who had no cags & got soaked to skin). </p>
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