diff --git a/handbook/gpxupload.html b/handbook/gpxupload.html
index 37651f63d..daa04601d 100644
--- a/handbook/gpxupload.html
+++ b/handbook/gpxupload.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <h2>The end-result you are trying to achieve</h2>
 What you are trying to do is to get your recorded locations (waypoints) and wanderings (tracks) 
-	appear properly in the cave survey database. But you have to  upload 
+(a) are recorded somewhere, (b) eventually	appear properly in the cave survey database and. You have to  upload 
 the tracks and waypoints in a GPX file to the right place. 
 <p>If you are really lazy (or really a beginner) you can use the simple upload method, but there are some 
 unavoidable complexities in getting the GPX file out of your device.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ unavoidable complexities in getting the GPX file out of your device.
 <h3>Instructions: contents</h3>
-<li><a href="#getgpx">Get the GPX file</a> that holds your locations and wanderings.
+<li><a href="#getgpx">Get the GPX file</a> that holds your locations and wanderings from your phone.
 <li><a href="#uploadgpx">Upload the GPX file</a> to the proper place.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Congratulations. You now have your track recorded using GPS as a GPX file.
 <li>Email the public link from the app to someone who knows how to do it. <br>
 <li>Email the  GPX file to someone who knows how to do it. <br>
-GPX files are small, so don't be shy of adding them as attachments.
+GPX files are small enough for email systems, so don't be shy of adding them as attachments.
 <p>If you can't find someone who knows how to do it, find the most extreme nerd you can find and point them at the 
@@ -64,10 +64,40 @@ but upload your GPX files instead.
 <h2 id="expert">Experts only</h2>
-GPX data is stored in two places. If you have edited GPS tracks and waypoints with no extraneous data 
-then it will go into the <a href="http://expo.survex.com/repositories/home/expo/loser/graph/">Loser DVCS repository</a> in folder /gpx/[year]/ e.g. <br>
-<p>Note the implicit naming convention for this file created by Anthony Day on July 12th 2018.
+GPX data is stored in two places. 
+<li>initially in <em>expofiles/gpslogs/...</em>
+<li>some key selected tracks are later stored in the cave survey repository <em>::loser::</em>
+GPS tracks are voluminous and we also get a lot of repetition 
+as people tend to follow the same routes for part of their walks. So the initial raw data is kept in 
+<p>and you can create sub-folders for raw data and edited data, or for different parts of the plateau. You should always
+keep the raw, untouched data as well as any hand-edited data.
+<p>The process for uploading the GPX files to a specific folder <em>expofiles/gpslogs/...</em> is exactly the 
+same as for uploading photographs, so go to <a href="uploading.html#morecomplex">these "more complex" instructions</a>
+to learn how to do it.
+<p>Note the  naming convention for this folder created by Philip Sargent in 2018. 
+Human names in folders in expofiles are written in CamelCase; not lower-case letters. 
+This is for consistency with the naming for
+<a href="uploading.html#experienced">uploading photos</a>.
+If you have edited GPS tracks and waypoints with no extraneous data 
+then, after agreeing this with other people as to its qualityand appropriateness, 
+it will go into the <a href="http://expo.survex.com/repositories/home/expo/loser/graph/">Loser DVCS repository</a> 
+in folder <em>/gpx/&lt;year&gt;/</em> e.g. <br>
+<p>Note the  naming convention for this file created by Anthony Day on July 12th 2018. 
+Everything in any repository is always named using lower-case letters.
 <hr />
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new file mode 100644
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+<title>CUCC Austria Expeditions: Accounting for Travel </title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/main2.css" />
+Much of this is taken from 
+   "Earl Merson, December 1999"
+   "Description of the financial operation of the CUCC Expo."
+The "old" parts of this page were last modified 2000-01-07
+<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
+<h1 id="top">Expo Travel Accounting</h1>
+<H2>Travel expenses - How it is done in 2018</H2>
+Transport is  
+coordinated  with the objective of getting 
+all the people and gear to Expo at minimum overall cost consistent with reasonable 
+comfort, safety, timeliness, etc.  
+<li>Typically, some people are helpful 
+and drive to Expo with cars <EM>full</EM> of passengers and/or Expo gear. 
+The ferry, fuel and toll costs for these vehicles are normally refunded in full.
+Some vehicles travel to and/or from Expo with half or less of a full complement 
+of passengers; in these cases the costs may or may not be refunded, or refunded 
+in part, at the discretion of the treasurer. The decision is normally based on 
+whether the car was under-utilised because the driver was too 
+inflexible/uncommunicative to fit in better with the Expo transport plan or
+whether the inefficiency was unavoidable. 
+<p>Where a vehicle goes off elsewhere 
+before or after Expo, Expo usually pays for the 'useful' part of the journey.
+<P>Expo does not pay fines (speeding, parking or otherwise) but may pay road tolls.</P>
+<h3>Part 1: To and From Austria</h3>
+<p>With regards to claiming back on your travel costs to and from
+Austria, please see where you lie in the following table:</p>
+<table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" border="1">
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td >
+			<p><br/>
+			</p>
+		</td>
+		<td >
+			<p><b>I traveled alone</b></p>
+		</td>
+		<td >
+			<p><b>I traveled with friends</b></p>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td>
+			<p><b>I brought only my own kit</b></p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You pay for all of your travel costs</p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You each pay a share</p>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td>
+			<p><b>I brought my own kit and some expo gear</b></p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You and expo pay a share each</p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You each pay a share, and so does expo</p>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td>
+			<p><b>I brought my kit, a friend's kit, but no expo gear</b></p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You pay one share and your friend pays a half share</p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You each pay a share, your friend pays a half share</p>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr valign="top">
+		<td>
+			<p><b>I brought my kit, a friend's kit, and some expo gear</b></p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You pay and expo pay a share each and your friend pays a half
+			share</p>
+		</td>
+		<td>
+			<p>You each pay a share, expo pays a share, your friend pays a
+			half share</p>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+Bill and Bob go to expo. They drive and take the ferry. It costs them &pound;150.00 total. They each have their own kit but also Ben's kit in the back. Bill and Bob both pay &pound;60.00. Ben pays &pound;30.00.
+Jen and Jean go home from expo. They take the train and a plane from Salzbug. It costs &pound;150.00 total. They each have their own kit in their bags and have also brought 500m of expo rope in a suitcase. Jen and Jean both pay &pound;50.00. Expo pays the other &pound;50.00.
+Ben goes to expo. He likes to live the high life. He buys a trip on the Eurostar from St. Pancras to Brussels followed by a sleeper to Salzburg via Vienna and a local train to Bad Aussee. He gets his friends to bring his kit. It costs &pound;3252.54 in total. Expo gives him nothing. Ben pays &pound;3252.54 in addition to &pound;30.00 to Bill and Bob for taking his gear.
+Exceptions to this scheme will be made at the discretion of the treasurer. If you had so much expo gear that you couldn't see your steering wheel, for instance, expo will likely repay a larger portion of your costs than half. Please get in touch and state your case if this applies to you.
+<h3>Part 2: In Austria</h3>
+Full fuel expenses may be claimed by people who drove in Austria on the toll road. These vehicles are considered "fully expo funded."
+If you used your car in expo and it was NOT on the toll road but you think you deserve compensation (e.g. if you did a record number of supermarket trips) please get in touch and state your case.
+<h3>Part 3: How to Claim</h3>
+If you know how to use the BoE, please enter your travel costs as a Split Expense, charging the relevant expo virtual account. Email me all booking confirmations or receipts (or get them to me by any reasonable means).
+If you do not know how to use the BoE, please 
+(a) write it in the bier book, and 
+(b) email the treasurer photos of all receipts as above and also details of your travel. That is:
+<li>    Details of who was on the journey
+<li>    Details of transport used
+<li>    Details of gear brought (expo kit / personal kit / friend's kit)
+<li>    Details of how much it cost
+If you have already added your travel to the BoE (some of you have) please either amend your entry or let me know the details as above and I will amend it for you.
+<h3>Part 4: Allowance for Car Owners</h3>
+A car allowance can made to owners of Expo funded vehicles to cover wear and tear. 
+How much this is and whether it includes an element for extra motor insurance cover 
+is determined by the treasurer; recently it has been &pound;80 including insurance and &pound;50 
+not including insurance (which was paid separately if requested). 
+Partially funded vehicles were given a proportional allowance. 
+However, as the car allowance was started when we had problems getting enough cars, and this is no longer the case,
+the treasurer may make it optional, or direct it towards skint/unwaged car owners, as appropriate.
+An 'options' page in the Bier Book may be used to let people sign up for a car allowance.
+Please get in touch with the treasurer if you think this applies to you and it 
+will be dealt with  on a case-by-case basis.
+<H2>Travel expenses - How it used to be done (pre-2001)</H2>
+<p>In the first 25 years or so of expo all transport was to/from Cambridge. This has not been the case for several years. 
+<p>There used to be a specifc expo travel spreadsheet with weightings for the travellers but the complexity in recent years
+has made this infeasible and much mroe is left to hte discretion of the treasurer these days.
+<H3 id="travelcosts">Travel expenditure on behalf of Expo</H3>
+As well as the cost of transporting gear, 
+there is the job of determining who the full, semi-independent and 
+independent travellers are and which vehicles are funded in full or part. 
+This may be a bit iterative, depending on how helpful and communicative various people have been.
+<H3 id="traveller">Travel Arrangements: traveller types</H3>
+<P>Each Expo member may be regarded as anything from </P>
+<LI>A full traveller: went to and from Expo in Expo-funded vehicles, through </LI>
+<LI>A semi-independent traveller: went only one way in an Expo-funded vehicle, to</LI>
+<LI>An independent traveller: went to and from Expo at his or her own expense.</LI>
+<P>The first Expo fiddle-factor <EM>traveller</EM> is used to describe this state. <EM>Traveller</EM> normally ranges from 0.1 for an independent traveller to 1 for a full traveller. The semi-independent <EM>traveller</EM> value is about 0.55. All these are determined by the treasurer and can be adjusted to take account of exceptional circumstances.</P>
+<P>The reason that the independent and semi traveller values are not 0 and 0.5 respectively is that Expo equipment must still be transported both ways even if some people go elsewhere before or after Expo. Thus these people still pay something towards the Expo transport bill.</P>
+<P>In some complex cases, the process of assigning everybody's respective <EM>traveller</EM> value and deciding which vehicles Expo will fund is a little iterative. The treasurer aims for an overall fair settlement.</P>
+<P>Once all the <EM>traveller</EM> values have been assigned, the total cost of the Expo-funded vehicles is divided in proportion to each member's value. This is done automatically in the Expo spreadsheet.</P>
+<SMALL>Started 1999-12-31 by Earl Merson, Treasurer 1998 &amp; 1999.<br>
+The "old" parts of this page were last modified 2000-01-07</SMALL></P>
+<hr />
diff --git a/handbook/treasurer.html b/handbook/treasurer.html
index e130ab686..fe4d262b9 100644
--- a/handbook/treasurer.html
+++ b/handbook/treasurer.html
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
 <P>Expo incurs cost in the following areas:</P>
-<LI>Transport to and from Austria </LI>
-<LI>Travel in Austria </LI>
+<LI><a href="travelcosts.html">Transport to and from Austria</a> </LI>
+<LI><a href="travelcosts.html">Travel in Austria</a> </LI>
 <LI>Food </LI>
 <LI>Camping supplies (gas, dish cloths, etc.) </LI>
 <LI>Campsite fees </LI>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 <LI>Gear orders from leading retailers, usually at a good discount. </LI>
-<LI>Insurance through the British Cave Research Association </LI>
+<LI>Insurance  </LI>
 <LI>Expedition T-shirts </LI>
 <LI>A system of 'swaps', which enable members to loan, each other money, to be repaid with the Expo bills. This also covers things such as the Expo Dinner. </LI>
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
 <H3>The Bank of Expo</H3>
 <p>This is an online system which does accounting. It is not a bank: it just keeps records of how expenses are allocated and who has paid what. See the <a href="bankofexpo.html">Bank of Expo</a> webpage for a longer description and all the documentation.
 <H3>The Expo Bills</H3>
 <P>The bill each person receives depends on:</P>
@@ -102,37 +103,13 @@
 <P>How each of these areas has been dealt with traditionally is described below. Future treasurers may wish to change this, but should be prepared for 'heated debate'...</P>
-<H4 id="travelcosts">Expenditure on behalf of Expo</H4>
+<H4 id="expocosts">Expenditure on behalf of Expo</H4>
 <P>Reasonable Expo expenses recorded in the bier book will be refunded. The Expo treasurer determines what is reasonable, but generally Expo only pays for what it gets, and only buys what it needs.</P>
-<P>The area of most concern to the Expo Treasurer will almost certainly be the travel expenses, for journeys to and from Austria. Transport is notionally coordinated by the Expo Treasurer (see later) with the objective of getting all the people to Expo at minimum overall cost (consistent with reasonable comfort, safety, timeliness, etc. :-). Typically, some people are helpful and drive to Expo with cars <EM>full</EM> of passengers and/or Expo gear. The ferry, fuel and toll costs for these vehicles are normally refunded in full. Some vehicles travel to and/or from Expo with half or less of a full complement of passengers; in these cases the costs may or may not be refunded, or refunded in part, at the discretion of the treasurer. The decision is normally based on whether the car was under-utilised because the driver was too inflexible/uncommunicative to fit in better with the Expo transport plan, whether the inefficiency was unavoidable. Where a vehicle goes off elsewhere before or after Expo, Expo usually pays for the 'useful' part of the journey.</P>
 <P>Photographic costs have been discussed recently, with the outcome that Expo pays only for its own copy of slides/prints. It does not pay for film or development unless it gets to keep the negatives. We recommend that photographers keep their own originals as this makes it less likely that the originals will be lost and easier for the photographer to do whatever they like with their images (publish, competitions, copies for friends, etc.). Photographers retain copyright of their material, but should give Expo the 'right to reproduce' their photographs for CUCC journals, slideshows, etc if they wish Expo to pay for any of it. See David Gibson's thoughts on this in appendix F (MISSING!).</P>
-<P>Expo does not pay fines (speeding, parking or otherwise) but may pay road tolls.</P>
-<H4 id="traveller">Travel Arrangements: traveller types</H4>
-<P>Each Expo member may be regarded as anything from </P>
-<LI>A full traveller: went to and from Expo in Expo-funded vehicles, through </LI>
-<LI>A semi-independent traveller: went only one way in an Expo-funded vehicle, to</LI>
-<LI>An independent traveller: went to and from Expo at his or her own expense.</LI>
-<P>The first Expo fiddle-factor <EM>traveller</EM> is used to describe this state. <EM>Traveller</EM> normally ranges from 0.1 for an independent traveller to 1 for a full traveller. The semi-independent <EM>traveller</EM> value is about 0.55. All these are determined by the treasurer and can be adjusted to take account of exceptional circumstances.</P>
-<P>The reason that the independent and semi traveller values are not 0 and 0.5 respectively is that Expo equipment must still be transported both ways even if some people go elsewhere before or after Expo. Thus these people still pay something towards the Expo transport bill.</P>
-<P>In some complex cases, the process of assigning everybody's respective <EM>traveller</EM> value and deciding which vehicles Expo will fund is a little iterative. The treasurer aims for an overall fair settlement.</P>
-<P>Once all the <EM>traveller</EM> values have been assigned, the total cost of the Expo-funded vehicles is divided in proportion to each member's value. This is done automatically in the Expo spreadsheet.</P>
-<H4 id="carcosts">Allowance for car owners</H4>
-<P>A car allowance can made to owners of Expo funded vehicles to cover wear and tear. How much this is and whether it includes an element for extra motor insurance cover is determined by the treasurer; recently it has been &pound;80 including insurance and &pound;50 not including insurance (which was paid separately if requested). Partially funded vehicles were given a proportional allowance. However, as the car allowance was stated when we had problems getting enough cars. You could make it optional, or direct it towards skint/unwaged car owners, as you think appropriate: an 'options' page in the Bier Book could be used to let people sign up for a car allowance.</P>
 <H4>Time spent on Expo</H4>
@@ -149,7 +126,6 @@
 <P>The popular/cheap Austrian Bier <EM>G&ouml;sser</EM> is bought communally. Each member's bier consumption is recorded in the Bier Book and the appropriate amount charged to them. A similar scheme operates for lemonade.</P>
-<P>BCRA Insurance is charged at cost to anyone who obtains it through the club, as are Expo T-shirts and meals at the Expo Dinner. All these are charged using Swaps (see below) to the relevant account.</P>
@@ -190,7 +166,6 @@
 <LI>Organise, with the CUCC treasurer, discount group purchases at gear shops. </LI>
 <LI>Operate the Expo bank account. </LI>
 <LI>*Coordinate transport to &amp; from Expo. </LI>
-<LI>*Arrange expedition insurance through the BCRA. </LI>
 <LI>Create the Expo Bier Book </LI>
 <LI>Process the Expo Bier Book to produce Expo Bills. </LI>
 <LI>As far as possible, maintain or improve the financial health of Expo. </LI>
@@ -231,7 +206,8 @@
 <P>Even before you've got a full committee, start promoting Expo as the top experience it is. Start taking deposits. Ask for &pound;100 before Expo, as installments of &pound;40 and &pound;60. Of course, people can pay it all at once if they want!</P>
-<P>The deposits are to give Expo some cash to buy gear and (primarily) to pay for insurance. Try and get most people to pay up; people paying for a lot of gear in Cambridge (e.g. for top camp meals and the chief fettler) may request not to pay their deposit. Certainly get at least the first deposit of anyone potentially 'unreliable' (i.e. you haven't seen caving or hasn't been on Expo before) before you spend any money on him/her. This is to avoid spending money on insurance for someone who later pulls out and doesn't pay. Hassle everybody else too :-)</P>
+<P>The deposits are to give Expo some cash to buy gear. Try and get most people to pay up; people paying for a lot of gear in Cambridge (e.g. for top camp meals and the chief fettler) may request not to pay their deposit. Certainly get at least the first deposit of anyone potentially 'unreliable' (i.e. you haven't seen caving or hasn't been on Expo before) before you spend any money on him/her. 
+ Hassle everybody else too :-)</P>
 <P>A good way to get the deposits is with the Expo form. This is completed by each person wanting to go on the Expo. Have a look at past year's forms (stored on the PWF). The forms get you, as treasurer, (hopefully) all the information you'll need to start organising Expo. People are often pretty lousy at completing or even starting their forms, but you'll need an idea of when people want to go on Expo and a list of contact addresses etc. Distribute the forms at:</P>
@@ -269,7 +245,7 @@
 <P>This involves paying money in, writing cheques and looking after the statements. Statements are currently sent to the Expo Treasurer's address, which is changed for each treasurer. You could get them sent to Dr James Hickson, the CUCC Senior Treasurer at Pembroke. This would mean less changing of addresses, but add delay/uncertainty to your receiving the statements.</P>
-<P>As mentioned earlier, most Expo costs are paid at the time by Expo members; often the only costs paid direct from the bank account are BCRA insurance and equipment orders. The deposits cover most of the insurance costs. Equipment orders are normally paid for by Expo or CUCC main, with the other then repaying their share. The float money (about &pound;850 at the end of 1999) can be used as necessary, but should be replenished at the end of each year. The float was increased from &pound;100 at the end of 1997 when the GPF grant was recieved late. The extra money is very useful for smoothing the cash flow: in 1999 the CUCC Main and Meets accounts were emptied and the Expo Account float used, as over &pound;3000 was spent from the accounts before Expo on tackle, tents, tshirts and insurance. Do not let the account go overdrawn.</P>
+<P>The deposits cover most of the insurance costs. Equipment orders are normally paid for by Expo or CUCC main, with the other then repaying their share. The float money (about &pound;850 at the end of 1999) can be used as necessary, but should be replenished at the end of each year. The float was increased from &pound;100 at the end of 1997 when the GPF grant was recieved late. The extra money is very useful for smoothing the cash flow: in 1999 the CUCC Main and Meets accounts were emptied and the Expo Account float used, as over &pound;3000 was spent from the accounts before Expo on tackle, tents, tshirts and insurance. Do not let the account go overdrawn.</P>
 <P>The Expo account is with National Westminster, number 22997253, sort code 60-04-23 (King's Parade branch). Internet banking may be available for this account, but we haven't got it yet. Remember to give the bank the signature authority forms to authorise your successor before you leave Cambridge.</P>
@@ -285,30 +261,6 @@
-<H4>BCRA Expedition Insurance</H4>
-<P>The British Cave Research Association organises special travel insurance with provision for caving. Details are given on the BCRA website. The administrator is:</P>
-<P>John Cooper, <BR />
-31 Elm Close, <BR />
-Wells, <BR />
-Somerset, <BR />
-BA5 1LZ</P>
-<P>Telephone: 01749 670568 <BR />
-Email: jc@johnmcooper.freeserve.co.uk</P>
-<P>The insurance does not seem to cover canyoning holidays, but possibly would cover a day's canyoning during a primarily caving holiday. The cost of the insurance has increased recently; there may be a better deal elsewhere. Personal members of the BCRA get a reasonable discount; you will need to quote their BCRA membership number (ask for it on the Expo form). </P>
-<P>Insurance is generally recommended, though some people prefer not to pay for it. They risk the costs on the basis that cave rescue is free (usually) and the E111 form covers standard emergency treatment (maybe). Not all hospitals or all treatment are covered by an E111; they can be very expensive. Some members have used the SnowCard or ActiveCard company in the past.</P>
-<P>Sometimes you'll hear of people who've never been on a CUCC meet or Expo before but allegedly want to come now. They may be allegedly keen cavers; however, don't get any insurance for them until they have paid their deposit or been guaranteed by someone you trust. We've had people decide not to go on Expo three days before departure, after we'd spent money on their insurance. They may be difficult to track down and get the money out of afterwards.</P>
-<P>Peoples' plans often change in the months leading up to Expo. For this reason, try and leave arranging BCRA insurance as late as possible, but not so late that you incur the 'short notice' penalty charge (5%). Bear in mind the delays in the post when doing this.</P>
-<P>Make copies of the insurance certificates from the BCRA. Take the original on Expo in case you need to wave it at hospitals and keep a copy in the UK in case you loose the original and have to make a claim.</P>
 <H4>The Expo Bier Book</H4>
 <P>The Expo Bier Book is a record of every expedition expenditure and many administrative details of Expo. Refined over many years, the format now consists of the following sections:</P>
@@ -448,6 +400,36 @@ Email: jc@johnmcooper.freeserve.co.uk</P>
 <P><A HREF="#top">Top</A>.</P>
+<h3>Archaic - for historic purposes only</h3>
+<P>BCRA Insurance is charged at cost to anyone who obtains it through the club, as are Expo T-shirts and meals at the Expo Dinner. All these are charged using Swaps (see below) to the relevant account.</P>
+<H4>BCRA Expedition Insurance</H4>
+<P>The British Cave Research Association organises special travel insurance with provision for caving. Details are given on the BCRA website. The administrator is:</P>
+<P>John Cooper, <BR />
+31 Elm Close, <BR />
+Wells, <BR />
+Somerset, <BR />
+BA5 1LZ</P>
+<P>Telephone: 01749 670568 <BR />
+Email: jc@johnmcooper.freeserve.co.uk</P>
+<P>The insurance does not seem to cover canyoning holidays, but possibly would cover a day's canyoning during a primarily caving holiday. The cost of the insurance has increased recently; there may be a better deal elsewhere. Personal members of the BCRA get a reasonable discount; you will need to quote their BCRA membership number (ask for it on the Expo form). </P>
+<P>Insurance is generally recommended, though some people prefer not to pay for it. They risk the costs on the basis that cave rescue is free (usually) and the E111 form covers standard emergency treatment (maybe). Not all hospitals or all treatment are covered by an E111; they can be very expensive. Some members have used the SnowCard or ActiveCard company in the past.</P>
+<P>Sometimes you'll hear of people who've never been on a CUCC meet or Expo before but allegedly want to come now. They may be allegedly keen cavers; however, don't get any insurance for them until they have paid their deposit or been guaranteed by someone you trust. We've had people decide not to go on Expo three days before departure, after we'd spent money on their insurance. They may be difficult to track down and get the money out of afterwards.</P>
+<P>Peoples' plans often change in the months leading up to Expo. For this reason, try and leave arranging BCRA insurance as late as possible, but not so late that you incur the 'short notice' penalty charge (5%). Bear in mind the delays in the post when doing this.</P>
+<P>Make copies of the insurance certificates from the BCRA. Take the original on Expo in case you need to wave it at hospitals and keep a copy in the UK in case you loose the original and have to make a claim.</P>
 <SMALL>Started 1999-12-31 by Earl Merson, Treasurer 1998 &amp; 1999.<br>
@@ -456,22 +438,6 @@ This page was last modified 2000-01-07</SMALL></P>
 <ul id="links">
 <li><a href="index.htm">Expedition Handbook</a>
-	<li><a href="survey/index.htm">Surveying guide</a> &ndash; Overview</li>
-	<li><a href="look4.htm">Prospecting guide</a> &ndash; Overview</li>
-	<li><a href="rescue.htm">Rescue guide</a></li>
-	<li><a href="rigit.htm">Rigging guide</a></li>
-	<li><a href="photo.htm">Photography guide</a></li>
-<li><a href="../infodx.htm">Index to info/topics pages</a></li>
-<li><a href="../indxal.htm">Full Index to area 1623</a>
-	<li><a href="../areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a></li>
-<li><a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li>
-<li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a></li>
diff --git a/handbook/uploading.html b/handbook/uploading.html
index 6b9d1953b..4a11d4b64 100644
--- a/handbook/uploading.html
+++ b/handbook/uploading.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Please use lower-case for all filenames.
 <p>Beginners should always put all their files into the folder <b>/home/expo/expofiles/uploads/</b> and ask an admin to move them to the right place.
 <p>Now go to <a href="#init">using Filezilla initially</a>  - still using the Expo laptop.
-<h2>More complex instructions</h2>
+<h2 id="morecomplex">More complex instructions</h2>
 <p>Using your own laptop on expo, or after you return from expo:
 <li>Download and install <b>Filezilla</b>.
@@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ To make the admin's life easier, create your own folder in <pre>/home/expo/expof
 directory: /home/expo/expofiles/<b>photos</b>/2018/YourName/
+or, for GPS logs (GPX files):
+directory: /home/expo/expofiles/<b>gpslogs</b>/2018/YourName/
 <p>Obviously replace 'YourName' with your actual name (no spaces!). 
 It is important that you get this right as this specific way of writing 
 your name is standardised across the website 
diff --git a/years/2018/basecamplist.html b/years/2018/basecamplist.html
index e15b0f290..5b6476f44 100644
--- a/years/2018/basecamplist.html
+++ b/years/2018/basecamplist.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 <h1>Stuff left at base camp 2018</h1>
 <p>This inventory done Friday afternoon 17th August 2018 - to be updated. 
-<p>Some of this will be eaten over weekend as basecamp is packed up.
+<p>Some of this was eaten over weekend as basecamp was packed up.
 <li>3kg sack of THE WRONG CUSTARD</li>
@@ -23,15 +23,18 @@
 <li>6x cans red kidney beans (two sizes)</li>
 <li>3x cans white beans</li>
 <li>1x giant unopened packet cornflakes</li>
-<li>1x unopened 1kg packet of muesli 
-<li>Entire Bier Tent, tables, crates of pans, plates and cutlery, cooking utensils
+<li>1x unopened 1kg packet of muesli</li> 
+<li>Entire Bier Tent, tables, crates of pans, plates and cutlery, cooking utensils</li>
+<li>11kg empty gas bottle</li>
+<li>5kg empty gas bottle</li>
+<li>11kg half full gas bottle</li>
+<li>5kg half full gas bottle</li>
-<li>Tarpaulins (size measured when folded) at hut
+<h2>Tarpaulins (size measured when folded) at hut</H2>
 <li>new, unused, unopened white tarp 7x9m 110gsm - 63sq.m.
+<li>used in 2018 attached to potato hut - white tarp - presumably also 7x9m 110gsm - 63sq.m?
 <li>mid-green tarp (formerly end-of-hut cover?) ~44 sq.m.
 <li>mid-green tarp 3.2m x 5.8m = 18.5 sq.m, quite good condition
 <li>2x mid-green tarps,each ~9 sq.m. good condition
@@ -39,27 +42,32 @@
 <li>dark-green, many eyelets ~8 sq.m.good condition
 <li>blue, ~9 sq.m. very worn 
-Sleeping bags:
+<H2>Sleeping bags</H2>
 <li>3x <a href="http://snugpakusa.com/product.php?id=54">"Snugpak" Softie 4-season</a> dark green  (in compression bags)
 <li>1x NorthFace 3-season blue (in grey bag)
 <li>2x Bosch drills
 <li>3x Bosch drill batteries
 <li>1x Bosch drill mains charger and bits in small red plastic tub 
-<li>9x tacklebags
-<li>3x rope protectors
-<li>1x 208 litre brown plastic box (not yet assembled) like the 3 up at top camp.
-<li>2x small daysacks 
-<li> 1 grey (Camping Sabbiadoro) event bag
-<li> 1 dark-blue "Frontline" daysac (Cotswold Outdoor, &pound;25 with Cambridge receipt 15 Feb.2018) no gear tape - since claimed by Ruairidh.
+<li>5 makitas (no batteries)</li>
-<li>2-man grey tent (poles, pegs, everything) - geartape purple
-<li>2-man grey/green tent (poles, pegs, everything) - Radost's responsibility as it came to Austria in his kit.
-<li>3x blue foam karrimats - purple tape
-<li>3x thin emergency orange polythene bivvy bags  - no breathing holes - muddy & dusty - in a polybag with bits of karrimat, tarp. 
-<li>3x thick emergency orange polythene bivvy bags - no breathing holes - clean and unused - geartape purple
+<li>9x tacklebags</li>
+<li>3x rope protectors</li>
+<li>30ft + 20 ft electron ladders (nested)</li>
+<li>2x small daysacksxi</li>
+<li> 1 grey (Camping Sabbiadoro) event bag</li>
+<li>2-man grey tent (poles, pegs, everything) - geartape purple (ex-Sargent, now expo)</li>
+<li>2-man grey/green tent (poles, pegs, everything) - Radost's responsibility as it came to Austria in his kit.</li>
+<li>3x blue foam karrimats - purple tape, puple tape, red/white tape</li>
+<li>3x thin emergency orange polythene bivvy bags  - no breathing holes - muddy & dusty - in a polybag with bits of karrimat, tarp.</li> 
+<li>3x thick emergency orange polythene bivvy bags - no breathing holes - clean and unused - geartape purple</li>
 <h2>Networking and computing - expected to be left but not finalised</h2>
@@ -67,9 +75,9 @@ Sleeping bags:
 <li>LCD monitor</li>
 <li>3 ethernet network cables</li>
-<li>USB hub (& non-functioning round hotplate)
+<li>USB hub (& non-functioning round hotplate)</li>
 <li>USB cables for printer, scanner, WiFi antenna</li>
-<li>USB cable with <b>mini</b>USB - special for use with GPS devices
+<li>USB cable with <b>mini</b>USB - special for use with GPS devices</li>
 <li>3x UK 4-way with Euro plug</li>
 <li>2x UK 4 way with UK plug</li>
 <li>Expo Stereo (ghettoblaster)</li>
@@ -77,14 +85,33 @@ Sleeping bags:
 <li>Colour laser printer</li>
 <li>Spare black toner cartridge</li>
 <li>laminator + ~5 pouches</li>
-<li>USB charger: 3x microUSB, 3xUSB-C, purple geartape.
+<li>USB charger: 3x microUSB, 3xUSB-C, purple geartape.</li>
 <li>1 HTC phone (donated by Sam?)</li>
 <li>Assorted leads and chargers</li>
 <p>The router, WiFi antenna, AcerAspire blue netbook, Dell laptop (the expo laptop), 
 power-supplies for all of these, mouse  are all expected to be brought back to the UK for fettling/updating, re-testing etc. 
-They are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
+ey are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
+<li>Expo bike</li>
+<li>Olly and Jenny holdall</li>
+<li>Drum of tools</li>
+<li>Drum of blue polypropylene string, much cut-up and tangled
+<li>60m 4mm cord</li>
+<li>3 rolls of purple electrical insulation tape</li>
+<li>Tin of grease, for putting in syringes and greasing spits</li>
+<li>Small tub AAA batteries (need a battery tester for 2019)</li>
+<li>Wooden rope washer</li>
+<li>Hand rope washer</li>
+<li>Bread making stuff (scales, some flour, bread knife</li>
+<li>electric kettle</li>
+<li>crate of reading books</li>
+<li>crate of maps and old logbooks </li>
+<li>crate of survey notebooks, sticky-backed transparent plastic roll, rolled-up survey printouts</li>
+<li>White board</li>
 <h2>Standard Basecamp stuff - Bring this back to Cambridge !</h2>
 <li>The Logbook!
@@ -100,22 +127,15 @@ They are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
 <li>First Aid Kit (green aluminium case) labelled Katey 24/7/2016 "Gloves, eyes, heat/cold"</li>
 <li>Medical stuff (green Waitrose cotton bag) random dressings and splints</li>
 <li>Base camp main makita charger ?</li>
-<li>Bread making stuff (scales, some flour, bread knife</li>
-<li>electric kettle</li>
-<li>crate of reading books</li>
-<li>crate of maps and old logbooks </li>
-<li>crate of survey notebooks, sticky-backed transparent plastic roll, rolled-up survey printouts</li>
 <li>cardboard box of about 500x brown paper envelopes</li>
-<li>expo bike, lock and bike-pump (all gear-taped purple)</li>
 <li>6 tea-towels
 <li>2x tubes Austrian toothpaste
 <li>various suncream lotions, shampoos, hand cream, handwash soap
-<li>3x full washingup liquid bottles
+<li>3x full washing-up liquid bottles
 <h2>More stuff...</h2>
-<li>yellow Speleo Narnia bag containing toddlers' sand playing toys
 <li>2x bothy bags (1x Rab:4-6 people, 1x Highlander: 4-5 people)</li>
@@ -124,7 +144,6 @@ They are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
-  <li>gaz cylinders ??<li>
   <li>26 Ring hangers with bolts (7 without bolts)</li>
   <li>21 Raumer bend hangers (3 without bolts)</li>
   <li>13 Raumer small twist hangers (2 without bolts)</li>
@@ -137,8 +156,6 @@ They are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
   <li>4 Expe hangers</li>
   <li>229 mallions</li>
   <li>1 crab, 1 gear crab, 1 fat maillion, 1 short maillion, 15 bolts, 12 O-rings</li>
 Back to <a href="index.html">2018 year organisation</a>.<br>